If he doesn't mind Donald Trump becoming President, then yeah, he can do what he wants.Why should he though ? He's had millions of people vote for him who want so sort of change or concession in the process. Hillary desperately needs Bernie to support her in the Gen, so she should show his supporters who she needs against Trump, that she is willing to accept a few of their policy preferences that Bernie supported. If she plays hardball, she may wind up estranging his supporters which could cost her the election.
See above.He's perfectly entitled to fight to the end, especially with the support he has. It's up to Clinton to continue winning over that support if she wants him to finally back out. Making some concessions may do that, and may convince any of his swaying voters to side with her.
If they want to vote for a race-baiter, I'm going to call them a cnut. They have their opinion, I have mine. No tolerance for that shite.Why? Because they don't like Clinton?
A bit strong. They are entitled to their opinion... and their vote.
^Not sure if that would work, as a Republican leaning candidate would just siphon off votes from Trump and allow Hillary to coast to victory. A Dem leading third party candidate would do the exact same for Trump.
If he doesn't mind Donald Trump becoming President, then yeah, he can do what he wants.
If he doesn't mind Donald Trump becoming President, then yeah, he can do what he wants.
Her pivoting is like United turning a corner..She has pivoted, simultaneously, if she waits a bit before pivoting she will lose![]()
This is getting scary now.
Well time to start looking for homes in Canada.
The onus isn't on him to support her in the traditional way Dem candidates get behind their nominee. He is an outsider to the party and disagrees with much of the party's platform, in fact his working class populism is probably somewhat closer to Trump's narrative (China, jobs going overseas, NAFTA etc). If she wants Bernie's support she is going to have to do something to get it rather than sit back in coronation mode and expect him to deliver his flock to her.
TBF the overlap in the messages of Bernie and Trump is overstated. I did the isidewith.com and got Bernie 96%, Jill Stein 95% and Hillary 90%. A few libertarians at 25-45 and the actual GOP at <10%. Trump at 5% and Cruz at 1% (I wonder what it was).
But outside their promised policies, the overlap between Bernie and Hillary isn't that high. Outsider, anti-trade, anti-war...and even though Trump is none of those things he can make those claims too. And that's where the (IMO idiotic) Bernie/Trump voters come in.
I don't think it would, I made my prediction months back and won't change any time soon, but if the argument is that Bernie's hand is strong enough through leveraging his support to win concessions, it's predicated on the idea that being deprived of his support is dangerous for Clinton. So from Bernie's perspective, he has to be fine with President Trump. Or be confident his bluff won't be called. I think, for instance, it would be extremely useful to have President Obama be able to take off his neutral hat and start campaigning. I think it would be useful to have an extra couple of months to get the party and all Dem-leaners fully united. I think it would be useful to have an extra couple of months fundraising explicitly for the GE. But your mileage may vary.So 2 months of a non-contest are going to destroy her chances against the weakest opponent she could possibly hope for?
As I said, he can do what he wants. As with all elections, as with Nader, there are consequences. And he chose to stand for the Democratic nomination, rather than as an outsider independent.The onus isn't on him to support her in the traditional way Dem candidates get behind their nominee. He is an outsider to the party and disagrees with much of the party's platform, in fact his working class populism is probably somewhat closer to Trump's narrative (China, jobs going overseas, NAFTA etc). If she wants Bernie's support she is going to have to do something to get it rather than sit back in coronation mode and expect him to deliver his flock to her.
I don't think it would, I made my prediction months back and won't change any time soon, but if the argument is that Bernie's hand is strong enough through leveraging his support to win concessions, it's predicated on the idea that being deprived of his support is dangerous for Clinton. So from Bernie's perspective, he has to be fine with President Trump. Or be confident his bluff won't be called. I think, for instance, it would be extremely useful to have President Obama be able to take off his neutral hat and start campaigning. I think it would be useful to have an extra couple of months to get the party and all Dem-leaners fully united. I think it would be useful to have an extra couple of months fundraising explicitly for the GE. But your mileage may vary.
As I said, he can do what he wants. As with all elections, as with Nader, there are consequences. And he chose to stand for the Democratic nomination, rather than as an outsider independent.
Dem convention is 25th July, so if Sanders really is planning on making it "contested", there's nearer three months to go.Plenty of time for it no? We are looking at possibly another month of contests left.
I don't think it would, I made my prediction months back and won't change any time soon, but if the argument is that Bernie's hand is strong enough through leveraging his support to win concessions, it's predicated on the idea that being deprived of his support is dangerous for Clinton. So from Bernie's perspective, he has to be fine with President Trump. Or be confident his bluff won't be called. I think, for instance, it would be extremely useful to have President Obama be able to take off his neutral hat and start campaigning. I think it would be useful to have an extra couple of months to get the party and all Dem-leaners fully united. I think it would be useful to have an extra couple of months fundraising explicitly for the GE. But your mileage may vary.
As I said, he can do what he wants. As with all elections, as with Nader, there are consequences. And he chose to stand for the Democratic nomination, rather than as an outsider independent.
Vast majority would fall in line behind him quick as anything.Since we're splitting hairs at this point:
Bernie himself has said (and I personally believe it's partly true) that an endorsement from him at the nomination will not be enough for many of his voters. Getting some movement from her will be symbolically important to wavering supporters and will add credibility to his endorsement.
I expect Trump to move back to the political center in a big way in the coming weeks.
Alternatively, I just want every base covered against a thundercnut like Trump. Who knows.So then it's not a worry, let him fight his irrelevant fight. You can't have it both ways.
Those people are what's commonly known as "cnuts".
You do realise the people you quoted from reddit were saying they were going to vote Trump, right?Why? Just because they don't like Clinton? Because they know she wants to become President just to serve her own interests, that she'll do whatever it takes to get into office?
It is more important to Hillary to get elected than it is to do the right thing. It is more important to Bernie to do the right thing than it is to get elected.
Bernie's views have been consistent for decades. He has held views and stuck by them even when they were unpopular. In 2002-03, when even the democrats were climbing over one another to vote for the war in Iraq, he voted against invading Iraq. He has been against fracking, trade agreements that take away jobs, PACs, special interests and lobbyists. He's been for equality for same sex people since the 80s as well.
Compare that to Billary. She flip-flops at every given opportunity and changes her views in accordance to which way the tide is flowing and the direction popular support is moving in.
She voted for the Iraq war, which was the most important US foreign policy decision in the past 30 years. She got it terribly wrong. $1.7 trillion of taxpayers money was spent on the war, money that could have been spent domestically. Even the UK ended up spending so much and they have nothing to show for it. She now says it was a 'mistake'. Well, as President you can't afford to make such horrific mistakes.
She was in favour of trade agreements like NAFTA etc, which resulted in jobs been lost to other countries. These agreements have been widely criticised over the years. So now she says she's against them. How very convenient.
Even on social issues, she flip flops. She was against same sex marriage till 2013 when she announced she's in favour of it.
She's a stooge for people and corporate interests that back her. She lacks political judgement which is the most vital quality that being President requires.
You do realise the people you quoted from reddit were saying they were going to vote Trump, right?
Actually, if you read the whole thread, they were talking about voting for Bernie to be the Democratic nominee so as to stop Trump as Bernie is defeating him head to head. If Hillary were to be the Democratic nominee, the overwhelming opinion was that it would be better to not vote at all (if Bernie doesn't run as as independent)
I have zero confidence that Hillary can actually beat Trump. I have a friend who is a staunch Republican supporter. He says he will vote for anyone who wins the Republican nomination and yes even if that is Trump. As long as people like this exist, I will have zero confidence.
If he doesn't mind Donald Trump becoming President, then yeah, he can do what he wants.
See above.
I have zero confidence that Hillary can actually beat Trump. I have a friend who is a staunch Republican supporter. He says he will vote for anyone who wins the Republican nomination and yes even if that is Trump. As long as people like this exist, I will have zero confidence.
What's astonishing is the Trump Muslim ban being almost like a side-note in this whole rhetoric. Whatever the issues people have with Hillary, the guy opposite is a literal fascist who wants to ban 25% of the world from entering the country, collectivising blame and deeming them all as potential criminals. That's not just a mere "policy decision". Its one thing advocating for morally dubious realpolitik, completely another to out and out advocate for warcrimes. Which is what Trump is doing. Anybody who considers voting for him, or says they understand those who vote for him are not just moronic, but cnuts of the highest order.
Very true. The policy is impossible to enforce though, so I suspect Trump is partly doing it to get votes. Or, maybe he really does believe he'd be able to implement it. It'd be utterly unenforceable though, and the checks and balances of the US system would surely hold him back.
that is just nonsense. If Trump gets elected, he´ll face serious opposition from both parties in the congress, the media and probably big parts of the executive. He´ll always be in danger of running against a brick-wall; sitting in the oval office without any allies doesn´t work particularly well.If Trump gets elected, there probably won't be any checks and balances left.
that is just nonsense. If Trump gets elected, he´ll face serious opposition from both parties in the congress, the media and probably big parts of the executive. He´ll always be in danger of running against a brick-wall; sitting in the oval office without any allies doesn´t work particularly well.
According to the Guardian, he'll outlaw other parties and burn the Reichstag.