2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I had two libertarians, berny, jill stein and hillary all over 80.....So I really wouldn´t read to much into it.

Mine was a libertarian fest :nervous:, top 4 were. But then the lower analysis deemed I was a centrist. Also Cruz came in around 70% and Hillary in the 50s, probably because I indicated higher priority for economic questions than social ones. I guess I misreported my own priorities.
This was one of their published responses to equal marriage legalisation :lol:

On reddit I saw a libertarian-leaning independent (from Indiana) who thought Bernie's main weakness was guns. Because the assault rifle ban and background checks would take away his god-given right to defend himself against a tyrannical state.

Edit: he hated Trump and Hillary enough to be a Bernie voter in the primary.
Mine was a libertarian fest :nervous:, top 4 were. But then the lower analysis deemed I was a centrist. Also Cruz came in around 70% and Hillary in the 50s, probably because I indicated higher priority for economic questions than social ones. I guess I misreported my own priorities.

There is hope for you :drool:

I had Cruz at 66% as well :nervous: Maybe we are both lost.
Trump has a solid chance of becoming the President of the Free World. I still can't comprehend how we got here. I mean this fecking lunatic is going to have the keys to the nuclear codes. Let that sink in. He has no clue how to do anything. He has no clear idea about any policy. All he said till now about his foreign policy is that he is going to hire the best people out there and that he is going to bomb the hell out of ISIS. That aint no foreign policy. He has no idea how this world works. I just shudder at the idea of him being sworn in next January.
Simply put he lacked a decent opponent. And there is a big wave within the GOP against the way it currently functions. Trump benefited from both.

CNN analysts alluded to the GOP field being diverse and talented for the first time in many years. We had John Mcain and Sarah Palin last year. It's just not as simple as a decent opponent EAP.
Wish at least Romney had run this time than 4 years ago. He would have had a solid chance of beating Trump first and then Hillary.
I don't think he's a fascist at all - he simply says things to certain groups as a tactical ploy to gain votes, then quickly pivots elsewhere. For the Republican primaries, Trump knew he couldn't win by simply pushing his normal policies since they were too liberal for Republicans, so he invented a character that assuaged their biggest angers - this idea that jobs are being sent overseas by establishment politicians and that illegal aliens and middle eastern militants are a threat to society. Now that he has all the necessary votes, I wouldn't be surprised to see him revise his character to be distinctly more centrist to regain the votes he needs. So basically, he isn't a fascist, but he did create a fascistic character to win the GOP primaries, which will now be reinvented as a centrist so he can win the election.

I sure hope so, then of course the fear isn't what he's willing to say to get elect. I'm aware that he'll be/say whatever he needs to to get elected, and centrist policies in the general elections means he'll do better but it's difficult to say. With the drones, and the executive orders, and the reach of the military I honestly can't rule out him doing some of the worst things he's said.

What he's advocated with regards to Muslims, hinted at a registry, outright ban from entering the country. Even if there's a centrist ground to his policies regarding Muslims its still pretty effin terrible. Some of the things also regarding relaxing laws to bring back torture is pretty scary too. He also wants to change libel laws to sue. I wasn't actually familiar with him pre-election, never saw the Apprentice so maybe those who have seen him more and know him more can say for sure that its a character he's created.
I had two libertarians, berny, jill stein and hillary all over 80.....So I really wouldn´t read to much into it.

I like to keep at least half a foot in all camps.

86% Trump
80% Cruz and a bunch of libertarians
75% Kasich
66% Hillary
63% Bernie
58% Stein A green! Get ye behind me Satan!!
I like to keep at least half a foot in all camps.

86% Trump
80% Cruz and a bunch of libertarians
75% Kasich
66% Hillary
63% Bernie
58% Stein A green! Get ye behind me Satan!!
Did you read the bits saying which issues you agreed with them on? Be interested to know which areas you were agreeing with Stein and Sanders.

Apparently I agree with Trump on science...
Did you read the bits saying which issues you agreed with them on? Be interested to know which areas you were agreeing with Stein and Sanders.

Apparently I agree with Trump on science...
That means you want to end NASA, you monster.
Hillary 96%
Bernie 95%
Stein 92%
McAfee 77%

Although i didn't adjust that bar thingy, as i completely missed it until the last question.
Did you read the bits saying which issues you agreed with them on? Be interested to know which areas you were agreeing with Stein and Sanders.

Apparently I agree with Trump on science...

Unfortunately not. It was late, I was tired, and by the time I'd completed the questionnaire, I was dropping off. Some stupid reflex made me close the window when I should have left it open until the morning.

It was good stuff. Although I had no idea what the significance of congressional oversight of the Federal Reserve Banks might be!

This guy has no fecking clue. They all just live in a political bubble, and don't realize how pissed off people are at the establishment.

He says "before New York on April 19, he’d yet to win a majority in any state, lending credence to the idea that he might have a “ceiling”" -

This is bizarre for a statistician to say - surely he knows Trump was competing against as many as 13 candidates... Before NY he was competing against Cruz, Rubio and Kasich, so it's at a minimum a 4 horse race. Hillary has been competing in a two-horse race.

Hillary is a fundamentally weak candidate, and she has never had to run against a guy like Trump. He's going to come out and hit her from so many angles. It will be a vicious campaign.

Anyway, I think trump has a 50-50 chance in the general. States like NY, MI, FL and PA will be in play. Grab some popcorn.
Match made in heaven, but who else could he realistically go for?

Imagine Newt Gingrich being vetted by the Donald and Dr Ben Carson

You guys are missing the point. We've got six months to kill before the general. He's going to round up 10 potential candidates and spend nine weeks eliminating them one by one on NBC, until he's got the VP.

This guy has no fecking clue. They all just live in a political bubble, and don't realize how pissed off people are at the establishment.

He says "before New York on April 19, he’d yet to win a majority in any state, lending credence to the idea that he might have a “ceiling”" -

This is bizarre for a statistician to say - surely he knows Trump was competing against as many as 13 candidates... Before NY he was competing against Cruz, Rubio and Kasich, so it's at a minimum a 4 horse race. Hillary has been competing in a two-horse race.

Hillary is a fundamentally weak candidate, and she has never had to run against a guy like Trump. He's going to come out and hit her from so many angles. It will be a vicious campaign.

Anyway, I think trump has a 50-50 chance in the general. States like NY, MI, FL and PA will be in play. Grab some popcorn.

No, Trump was clearly tanking at 37 to 39% for a while and what's said in the article is pretty spot on.
This guy has no fecking clue. They all just live in a political bubble, and don't realize how pissed off people are at the establishment.

He says "before New York on April 19, he’d yet to win a majority in any state, lending credence to the idea that he might have a “ceiling”" -

This is bizarre for a statistician to say - surely he knows Trump was competing against as many as 13 candidates... Before NY he was competing against Cruz, Rubio and Kasich, so it's at a minimum a 4 horse race. Hillary has been competing in a two-horse race.

Hillary is a fundamentally weak candidate, and she has never had to run against a guy like Trump. He's going to come out and hit her from so many angles. It will be a vicious campaign.

Anyway, I think trump has a 50-50 chance in the general. States like NY, MI, FL and PA will be in play. Grab some popcorn.
Actually, his 40-45% level was in evidence right from the start and stayed that way even after multiple candidates dropped out. He hardly ever picked up any support from candidates that left.

As for New York being in play :lol:
We will see about NY, stranger things have happened.

I think Trump will get a lot of Bernie supporters - she's fundamentally unlikeable.
Actually, his 40-45% level was in evidence right from the start and stayed that way even after multiple candidates dropped out. He hardly ever picked up any support from candidates that left.

As for New York being in play :lol:

That article pretty much plots a graph which shows the sudden increase after Wisconsin, but somehow people keep parroting the 'He competed against 15 different candidates you know' nonsense.

FL and PA could be toss up right now, but NY is definitely not in play and I could possibly argue MI is not in play as well.
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