2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Trump's definitely going to win in Indiana by a lot judging by early returns, think the nomination is assured now.
I'm really hoping it's Mike Crapo, setting himself up for a Crapo 2020 run.
Think what we are seeing is GOP and Dem voters accepting that Drumpf and Clinton will be the nominees and rallying behind them.

President Clinton?
Think what we are seeing is GOP and Dem voters accepting that Drumpf and Clinton will be the nominees and rallying behind them.

President Clinton?

Drumpf has finally lead in a poll against Hillary as of today, albeit its the GOP leaning Rasmussen poll.
Drumpf has finally lead in a poll against Hillary as of today, albeit its the GOP leaning Rasmussen poll.

I'd normally discard Rasmussen but I suspect this won't be the slam dunk the Dems would expect. Cruz would be the easier opponent.
What's incredible is that religious nutters went for Trump over Cruz when Trump only pretending to be religious. :lol:
Sanders has won Clinton county in Michigan and another in Iowa :lol:

There's another Clinton county in NY state, what's the betting she loses that one too?

Sanders won Clinton County, PA by 43 votes :lol: I've lost count of how many that is now, but he's won them all.

He did win in NY, and today looks like another one. It's the only thing I was looking for in the result :lol:
He did win in NY, and today looks like another one. It's the only thing I was looking for in the result :lol:
Bizarre, way too many to be coincidence now! There's a Sanders county in Montana I think, I predict that Clinton will not win it.
Oh I know that.. Just funny how Kasich is still hanging around long after Rubio and Jeb withdrew and now even Cruz is getting out before him..
He still has fewer delegates than Rubio.
Cruz and Rubio will definitely run in 4 years whether Trump or Hillary are President.

I don't think Cruz will stand a chance. His chance was this year when the anti-establishment sentiment was at its highest, if Trump gets elected and succeeds in his first term, that makes him a better maverick than Teddy, if it goes poorly the audience would defect to the establishment. I also think a stronger nominee like Paul Ryan will come into play by then. Basically Cruz got out crazied by The Don.
I can't wait to see how Trump plans to attack Hillary..
It wont be pretty... but it'll probably be a lot of fun.
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