2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Larry Wilmore is killing too...but the folks in the room aren't laughing. Wolf Blitzer not happy at all.

Wilmore is going to get a lot of heat for this but it was fecking funny. He probably thought 'feck it, I'll never get to do this again'.
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Larry Wilmore is killing too...but the folks in the room aren't laughing. Wolf Blitzer not happy at all.

Wilmore is going to get a lot of heat for this but it was fecking funny. He probably thought 'feck it, I'll never get to do this again'.

Getting a lot of heat for it on Twitter, from the Press corps too :lol:

I thought it was funny, but he did nearly cross the line a couple of times. Fox would be outraged at the 'nigga' mention.
Saying jigaboo and nigga in the presence of the POTUS is pretty fecking brazen. I'm glad it made all the white people uncomfortable.
That press correspondence dinner thing..


"They say Donald lacks the foreign policy experience to be president. But in fairness he has spent years meeting with leaders from around the world: Miss Sweden, Miss Argentina, Miss Azerbaijan," the president said to howls of laughter, referring to contestants on the Miss Universe pageant that Mr Trump formerly co-owned.

Mr Obama made fun of the angst many in the Republican establishment have expressed at the prospect that Mr Trump or Tea Party candidate Ted Cruz could win the party's nomination to run in the 8 November presidential election.

"Guests were asked to check whether they wanted steak or fish, but instead a whole bunch of you wrote in Paul Ryan," Mr Obama said, referring to the top Republican in the House of Representatives, who many have hoped could be lured into running for president.

"That's not an option people," Mr Obama quipped. "You may not like steak or fish, but that's your choice."

I cant imagine the car crash this will be if Clinton or Cruz wins
Bernie probably wouldn't be much better
Trump on the other hand would be must watch tv

Bernie would get Larry David. Reason enough to vote :drool:
He will be sadly missed on this side of the Atlantic too. :(
If your talking about the UK I don't think Hilary will be too different(Overall she more hawkish on foreign policy). Also depends who's PM for the UK anyway and the result in the EU vote.

If it's somehow it's Trump, then the US and UK relations will be the least of our worries. Although on the bright side 10 females to each male.
His coolness will be remembered for a long time, especially with the shower of shite that are vying to replace him.
Just saw clips of his press corps skit. He was quite funny. Yep, he's infinitely more charming and charismatic than the would-be replacements.
Just saw clips of his press corps skit. He was quite funny. Yep, he's infinitely more charming and charismatic than the would-be replacements.

He's taken these press dinners to the next level in terms of comedy quality, delivery, and general fun. Before him, they were pretty dry and generic.
He's taken these press dinners to the next level in terms of comedy quality, delivery, and general fun. Before him, they were pretty dry and generic.
I could imagine Cameron beinok with a quip if we had the equivalent, but hell, can't imagine Gordon Brown's comic delivery being up to much.
I could imagine Cameron beinok with a quip if we had the equivalent, but hell, can't imagine Gordon Brown's comic delivery being up to much.

It's had me wishing Ed Miliband won the GE.
New Marist college poll from Indiana had Trump up by 15%. Kasich down from 21% to 13% but the majority of Kasich's support goes to Trump with Cruz only gaining 2%.

Some alliance. :lol:

If Trump wins by anywhere close to the 15% suggested then this shit is done. He's the nominee.
I just hope Trump wins, since Indiana is basically winner take all (or most). It will completely deflate Cruz's idiotic campaign and begin to seriously damage his political brand if he stays in.
It's going to be fun watching him implode in the coming months.
I do remember several months ago you saying he would implode and be out of the race by supertuesday... Then he would implode and couldn't challenge for the leadership when there was less candidates...
It may be wishful thinking that he is going to implode
I hope for the good of humanity he does not win but so far I have nothing to suggest he is going to implode... In fact rants, islamaphobia, talking about the size of his hands/ cock and insulting his opponent seems to be the cornerstones of his campaign so I am not even sure what a Trump implosion would look like?
I do remember several months ago you saying he would implode and be out of the race by supertuesday... Then he would implode and couldn't challenge for the leadership when there was less candidates...
It may be wishful thinking that he is going to implode
I hope for the good of humanity he does not win but so far I have nothing to suggest he is going to implode... In fact rants, islamaphobia, talking about the size of his hands/ cock and insulting his opponent seems to be the cornerstones of his campaign so I am not even sure what a Trump implosion would look like?

That was based on the GOP electorate. Now he's going into uncharted territory of having to appeal to the broader American public, vast swaths of which he's been insulting over the past 8 months to appeal to the crazies on the right during the primaries. Something has to give and the numbers right now don't look good for him. He's got about a 65-70% unfavorable among women, who make up over half the electorate. He has extremely low favorability among hispanics, who are increasingly critical to win the election, and lastly most Republicans voted against him in the primaries. That's a perfect storm for disaster in November unless he manages to turn his numbers around soon.
If he gets the nomination, the Donald won't 'implode'. It's win win for him then, either he beats Hillary, or loses because the 'RINOs' sabotage his campaign. His fans will lap it up like usual and he cashes in either by a new TV show or book.

Unless, of course, he does a Karl Rove on live TV, which is always a possibility.
If he gets the nomination, the Donald won't 'implode'. It's win win for him then, either he beats Hillary, or loses because the 'RINOs' sabotage his campaign. His fans will lap it up like usual and he cashes in either by a new TV show or book.

Unless, of course, he does a Karl Rove on live TV, which is always a possibility.

He will almost certainly benefit financially from losing, but will be broadly viewed as the one thing he wouldn't want to be thought of as - a loser.
I think he's broadly viewed as a loser now. The 57% 'very unfavourable' public rating certainly doesn't scream 'winner'.

Yeah possibly, but the point i was making earlier is he will lose on the biggest stage imaginable, and probably not go down without things getting particularly ugly. He will therefore be remembered as a loser who couldn't master the art of the ultimate deal.
Yeah possibly, but the point i was making earlier is he will lose on the biggest stage imaginable, and probably not go down without things getting particularly ugly. He will therefore be remembered as a loser who couldn't master the art of the ultimate deal.
And lose to a woman, no less.

A further point on the "we predicted he'd fail before" argument: That was presuming something would change in the race against polling evidence. For Trump to fail miserably in the GE, no such change is required, he just needs to carry on getting these historically low favourables. It's the people arguing Trump could do well that are now relying on a change in voter behaviour against present evidence. It'll uptick a bit when he secures the nomination and the GOP swallows its pride and tries to rally round him, but it needs to improve by a lot. I'm pretty sure there'll also be a period where it looks like he's catching up and there will be widespread panic. I'm also pretty confident it'll be shortlived.
One very important thing to note is that while the GOPers are still slugging it out, Clinton has already begun to campaign in battleground states. Even in a normal race, a 2 months head start is a huge advantage, let alone an extreme case like this.

Now if only Bernie Sanders would play nice..
One very important thing to note is that while the GOPers are still slugging it out, Clinton has already begun to campaign in battleground states. Even in a normal race, a 2 months head start is a huge advantage, let alone an extreme case like this.

Now if only Bernie Sanders would play nice..
Much talk of expanding the map as well, and whilst you always tend to hear presidential campaigns talk that way, this time I believe it.
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