2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I love how in the past superdelegates were the great evil, now they're gonna power Bernie to victory by hearing the will of the people.

Alongside his stance on guns*, this is the part of his campaign I'm most uncomfortable with.

One of his explanations made sense: it was undemocratic of the supers to declare their allegiance before the race even begun (let alone before the primaries happened). But I wouldn't extrapolate it like he did - that that makes it fair to flip them against the popular will. I think if he mentions the wrong-ness of pre-declaring and then says that all he wants is for superdelegates of "his" states to vote for him, that's a logical argument. And he can further complain that theur pre-declaration made it tougher for him throughout the country. Saying that because he is more electable they should reject Dem primary voters is wrong.

*I personally feel Pres. Sanders might get some stuff done on guns since his (real) position is centrist/GOP, but I also think the 2nd amendment should be read with emphasis on the well-regulated militia part, so...
I like Perez as well, but Castro has much more charisma and would do better in getting out the Latino vote, especially against Trump. Plus, Castro has an identical twin, so it´d be like two of them out there.
I think that's one reason he should be kept aside, he's got a good chance of being a future nominee and Veep doesn't lead easily into that, particularly given his lack of any experience of elected office.

But if Kaine's really ruled himself out and isn't just posturing, it does leave a lack of ideal remaining candidates. Sherrod Brown would be great but has also ruled himself out and Kasich would appoint his replacement anyway, far from ideal. They may feel they need a young and exciting face to counter Hillary's image so Castro would obviously be high on the list there. Got to be careful to balance it with readiness to take over, though.
I've seen a few Castro interviews recently and he comes across as very impressive. Despite the lack of experience and blatantly cynical attempt at pandering to the Latino vote, I actually think he would make a good VP choice.

And besides....how glorious would it be to see a guy named Castro a heartbeat away from the Presidency when Rubio and Cruz were rejected.
Alongside his stance on guns*, this is the part of his campaign I'm most uncomfortable with.

One of his explanations made sense: it was undemocratic of the supers to declare their allegiance before the race even begun (let alone before the primaries happened). But I wouldn't extrapolate it like he did - that that makes it fair to flip them against the popular will. I think if he mentions the wrong-ness of pre-declaring and then says that all he wants is for superdelegates of "his" states to vote for him, that's a logical argument. And he can further complain that theur pre-declaration made it tougher for him throughout the country. Saying that because he is more electable they should reject Dem primary voters is wrong.

*I personally feel Pres. Sanders might get some stuff done on guns since his (real) position is centrist/GOP, but I also think the 2nd amendment should be read with emphasis on the well-regulated militia part, so...
In fairness to Bernie, I think he knows full well that it won't happen and is just using it as a justification to continue the campaign, given it's not mathematically over yet. If he accepted that they were already locked in against him, it becomes clear that he's just continuing for coverage.
Cruz went to Harvard Law as well.

He's argued in the SC and circuit courts (and won some terrible victories too), so he's obviously smart in a way.
I just think he has never questioned the fundamentalist Christian beliefs he was raised with (after reading about his school days) and so is blinkered. But he got there on merit (and IIRC did well).
Cruz is basically a demagogic chess player who often overplays his hand and gets burned in the process. His government shut down attempts and private meetings with right wing insurgents in Congress about how to undermine the GOP leadership are good examples, as is his latest laughable attempt at relevance by selecting Fiorina despite being mathematically eliminated from winning.
In fairness to Bernie, I think he knows full well that it won't happen and is just using it as a justification to continue the campaign, given it's not mathematically over yet. If he accepted that they were already locked in against him, it becomes clear that he's just continuing for coverage.

He doesn't need to though. No anchor generally calls someone out on maths (I mean, look at Kasich). He could say something like I want "my" state supers to flip. Just talk about Vermont and his margin of victory and his 0 supers from there.
The "I will convince them" is a bad look.

After these 2 posts, I shall wash my mouth and read some Jacobin.
I think that's one reason he should be kept aside, he's got a good chance of being a future nominee and Veep doesn't lead easily into that, particularly given his lack of any experience of elected office.

But if Kaine's really ruled himself out and isn't just posturing, it does leave a lack of ideal remaining candidates. Sherrod Brown would be great but has also ruled himself out and Kasich would appoint his replacement anyway, far from ideal. They may feel they need a young and exciting face to counter Hillary's image so Castro would obviously be high on the list there. Got to be careful to balance it with readiness to take over, though.

I don´t know, quite a few have gone from Veeps to the Presidency - Nixon, LBJ, George Herbert . . . and I don´t think it hurt Gore. It would matter more being the Veep of a decent presidency. I could easily imagine the direction of the Democratic Party would love to groom a Latino (especially of Mexican ancestry, as opposed to Cuban ones) to follow in the footsteps of the first African American and female presidents. If Castro were Veep to a successful run of Hillary I would say he would be shoe in as the next president, especially considering the growing Latino political influence. And Veep would have to be great for the presidential experience for Castro.
I don´t know, quite a few have gone from Veeps to the Presidency - Nixon, LBJ, George Herbert . . . and I don´t think it hurt Gore. It would matter more being the Veep of a decent presidency. I could easily imagine the direction of the Democratic Party would love to groom a Latino (especially of Mexican ancestry, as opposed to Cuban ones) to follow in the footsteps of the first African American and female presidents. If Castro were Veep to a successful run of Hillary I would say he would be shoe in as the next president, especially considering the growing Latino political influence. And Veep would have to be great for the presidential experience for Castro.
Think it's quite well established though that it's a tough ask to go from sitting VP to President, of the three you mentioned HW was the only one to do so, and all had a lot more experience at the time than Castro. I think Castro would emerge as a better future candidate if he managed to become a Senator or Governor somewhere, Texas would obviously be pretty unlikely in that respect so he'd have to move elsewhere.
He has to come to Sacramento, or one of the others at least. My missus interviewed McCain when he was here back in 08.

Cruz is in Fresno tonight. feck going to Fresno though.
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He has to come to Sacramento, or one of the others at least. My missus interviewed McCain when he was here back in 08.

Cruz is in Fresno tonight. feck going to Fresno though.

Either of those two blowhard shitbags won't be welcome here. Maybe in Roseville, though.
Eh! Where you at?

El Dorado Hills is pretty repub as are the foothills.

I'm in Sacramento. The suburbs north and east of Sac are pretty right wing, west leaning left wing. For those around the world reading this, the closer one is to the actual coastline of California the more left-wing it is, with the exception of a small strip of south Orange County and North San Diego County. The further east you go from the coastline the more conservative it gets with the exception of pockets here and there like Sacramento, the state capital.

Hillary will crush Trump in California and win the November election by a comfortable margin, but it's going to be torture getting there for all of us.
These idiots aren't doing themselves or anyone else any favours, probably playing right in to Trumps hands. The morons feckin up the Police cars last night are just mindless yobs. Trumps moronic hate speech has riled up an awful lot of unhappy people. Have to be careful though, it could easily turn in to riots so it needs to be handled firmly but reasonably too.
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Did she enjoy it? Any advice etc. My daughter is thinking about going into the news field. She's graduating high school this year.

It's a tough business and entry-level folk make feck-all. It's all about social media these days and reporters being able to do everything. My missus did well and was in a top 20 market and made it to anchor but it was hard work.
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