2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Carly Fiorina gave an interview to Mark Levin. She accused Drumpf and Clinton of lying but wonder what she'll say if someone asks about her comments on Planned Parenthood, soon after which some crazed nutter attacked Planned Parenthood.
What were the factors then in Vietnam? Infidels or idiots? Comparing Iraq to a post world war 2 Germany/France is ridiculous.

Ideologues, possibly. Communists and capitalists don't mix. Also, the US lost the Vietnam war so the comparison is probably moot.
Neither the pro nor anti factions really anticipated how things would shake down in Iraq, so the failure of a billionaire, political dilettante to predict the outcome is hardly surprising. Trump is giving himself more credit for prescience than he deserves, but he clearly had reservations before the start of the war, which turned to outright condemnation once the dust of the occupation began to settle.

In any case, the question of how, and to what degree, the invasion 'destabilized' the Middle East is debatable. The proximate cause of the present dire situation was the Arab Spring, which the political left in Europe and America welcomed wholeheartedly. What role did the Iraq Invasion play in the genesis of the Arab Spring, or was it an inevitable eruption of popular discontent which would have taken place if no American soldier had ever set foot in Iraq? The situation, at least in Syria and Iraq, would have been wholly different if the Obama administration hadn't been so anxious to cut and run, and hadn't meekly acquiesced in the ejection of all American troops from the country.

Brilliant analysis without even taking into account there has been a massive drought in Syria that caused 2 million emigrate to the cities.

After nearly ten years of occupation, a trillion dollars, hundreds of thousands of dead Iraqis . . . and it´s still "meekly acquiescing? . . . Jesus!
Ideologues, possibly. Communists and capitalists don't mix. Also, the US lost the Vietnam war so the comparison is probably moot.

No, it was a matter of nationalism, that no matter what, the Vietnamese were finally going to get rid of the French/Japanese/French again/Americans . . . this whole capitalist/communist schtick, as well as the domino effect farce, is pure propaganda of misunderstanding and trying to cover one´s ass for amazing stupidity.
Worked in Germany and Japan but the religion is a huge factor here, we are infidels.

World War II and War on Iraq are not comparable in my opinion. Even otherwise, I don't think the problem is just religion, there are plenty other factors and the chief of which being it's not easy to govern a foreign country due to the nationalistic pride, difference in culture, expectations etc.
World War II and War on Iraq are not comparable in my opinion. Even otherwise, I don't think the problem is just religion, there are plenty other factors and the chief of which being it's not easy to govern a foreign country due to the nationalistic pride, difference in culture, expectations etc.
Maybe the difference between WW2 and Iraq had to do with human rights if the mentality was the same when US invaded Iraq then they would go door to door and kill anybody they "though" was the enemy, anybody complaining would be killed and all the enemy soldiers would be arrested, WW2 was brutal and bombing cities was normal from both sides.
Maybe the difference between WW2 and Iraq had to do with human rights if the mentality was the same when US invaded Iraq then they would go door to door and kill anybody they "though" was the enemy, anybody complaining would be killed and all the enemy soldiers would be arrested, WW2 was brutal and bombing cities was normal from both sides.

Essentially, to govern a foreign country, you have to do it by force and not by being a benevolent dictator.
No, it was a matter of nationalism, that no matter what, the Vietnamese were finally going to get rid of the French/Japanese/French again/Americans . . . this whole capitalist/communist schtick, as well as the domino effect farce, is pure propaganda of misunderstanding and trying to cover one´s ass for amazing stupidity.

That's what I said possibly, only a supposition. It's a moot comparison because occupied Germany and Japan were defeated nations largely incapable of fighting back. US presence in south Vietnam was of a completely different nature.
The more I hear about Bernie or Bust movement, the more it sounds like the Arab Spring movement. There was a lot of euphoria on how revolution liberates people and how it's not ok to settle for moderate wins and consolidate for the future. The utter failure of the Arab Springs movement highlighted one big drawback. Revolution without a plausible plan for the future leads to chaos and sets you back a hundred years. Unless there is a plausible follow up plan for Bernie or bust, It's beyond stupid IMO. Hopefully, it's just a pressure tactic to get Sanders nominated and will change for the better when HRC is nominated.

If they don't vote for the Dem nominee, they would be effectively voting in a Republican nominee, probably losing the supreme court and the senate. Hopefully, it is only 4 years with Trump but the cost of not voting for Hillary Clinton is a possible 8 year Republican rule. Which should move any 'oh shit no way' candidate to run back to HRC.

I'm not sure I'm part of Bernie or Bust.
But firstly:
Hillary has no risk if all of the hardcore leftists drop her in most states because most states are irrelevant in the electoral college. The question only arises in swig states.
Secondly given his relative performance in open vs closed primaries, it is fair to say Sanders' support among Democrats is outstripped by his support among leftist independents. Obama lost independents to Romney and still won, so Hillary has no need to actually support leftists to win the general if everything else remains the same. And I'd assume it's the independent supporters not the traditional Dems that are firmly anti-Clinton.

Anyway I think you missed the substance of the argument made in that video and what I've been thinking more and more. It's not that Hillary is a moderate pretending to be a progressive that bothers me. It's her history of terrible calls, all in the interest of corporate power/military
the free trade deals she publicly opposed but privately lobbied for
the support for the Iraq was which wasn't just opportunistic but passionate
the same with her opposition to gay marriage--she repeatedly cited how her god had taught her about one man one woman, instead of saying "American people believe in traditional marriage"
her opposition to a minimum wage of $0.60/hr in the poorest country in the western hemisphere
her lobbying on behalf of UBS when faced with a justice dept prosecution
the day she joined the race officially, the Dems changed ruled put in place by Obama about restrictions on lobbyists
Those aren't moderate positions. Those are positions that please right-wing forces alone. Every time I find out more about her, I like her less.

If it wasn't the Trump/Cruz horror show, I see Hillary with a GOP Congress as equivalent to a Republican with a split congress. The SC nomination is the only solid reason to vote for her, but it comes at a pretty high cost in terms of interventionism.
AN article I found both funny and a bit...disgusting. Something to lower the tone.


Female Ted Cruz Lookalike Agrees To Do Porn For $10,000
Her boyfriend — and future costar — is proud: “She’s more famous than Madonna!”


Searcy Hayes, 21, has become a viral sensation ever since she appeared on the Maury Povich show on April 19. She is now capitalizing on her fame by making a 6-minute porn for $10,000.

Last Sunday, Searcy Hayes was an unknown 21-year-old from Natchez, Mississippi.

By Monday night, she was a viral sensation after viewers of the Maury Povich show decided she was the female doppelganger of Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz.

Hayes went on the show after her fiance, 25-year-old Freddie Green, accused her of cheating on him. All was resolved in typical Maury fashion when she passed a lie detector test and DNA results showed her 3-month-old son was Green’s.

Since the appearance, numerous websites have printed side-by-side photos showing Hayes next to Cruz.

Amazingly, Hayes had never heard of Cruz before the resemblance was pointed out to her and she still knows little about him.

“I don’t know his positions and I’ve never seen him, so I don’t know if he’s done a good enough job to be reelected,” she told The Huffington Post.

When we pointed out that Cruz isn’t actually president, just a candidate, she said, “Well, yeah, I don’t know anything about him.”

Hayes has had such a big impact that Povich did a special Facebook interview with her.

Being an internet meme doesn’t pay the bills, though, so the “female Ted Cruz” is hoping to capitalize on her newfound internet stardom by filming a porn scene.

XHamster.com, a popular porn website, has offered to pay Hayes and her fiance $10,000 for a 6-minute sex tape.

For those keeping score, that’s about $1,666.66 per each minute of carnal screen time.

“We wanted Searcy because overnight she became a viral meme,” XHamster spokesman Mike Kulich told The Huffington Post. “I think a lot of XHamster viewers really wanted to see her in action.”

Kulich figures that since it’s doubtful Cruz is going to film a sex tape — at least while he’s still a candidate for president — this is the next best thing.

Hayes and Green have agreed to make the film.

She has made sex tapes privately, but this will be the first time that millions of people potentially will be watching.

“I’m fine with it because everything is going to support my family,” she said. “I want to get my son whatever he wants.”

Hayes earns money cleaning houses while Green collects SSI because of a disability. He said accepting the porn offer was a no-brainer when they saw the amount they would get.

“We want to buy a truck, pay off our house and we might get married,” he says. “I never had anyone say, ‘Here’s $10,000! Go make a sex tape.’”

Green admits he’s excited by Hayes’ newfound fame.

“It’s kind of exciting and shocking to know she’s famous — she’s more famous than Madonna!” he said. “I’m with a star.”

Before the couple can collect the money, they first have to make the sex tape. Currently, Green is doing his part by Googling terms like “How to make a sex tape on an iPhone.”
Amazingly, Hayes had never heard of Cruz before the resemblance was pointed out to her and she still knows little about him.

“I don’t know his positions and I’ve never seen him, so I don’t know if he’s done a good enough job to be reelected,” she told The Huffington Post.

When we pointed out that Cruz isn’t actually president, just a candidate, she said, “Well, yeah, I don’t know anything about him.”

No words.
What were the factors then in Vietnam? Infidels or idiots? Comparing Iraq to a post world war 2 Germany/France is ridiculous.

The factors in Vietnam were this.

1) The US commanders were absolutely clueless, and instead of turning to a COIN (Counter Insurgency) operation immediately, tried to treat it as a conventional war, with battalions and regiments tromping around in the jungle and rice paddies looking for an equally sized VC or NVA force to throw down with. It took them far too long to adapt to COIN operations and by the time they did, they had lost much of the support the average Vietnamese citizen might have had for them. Simply put, by the time the US tried to implement COIN tactics and strategy it had brutalized the population so much that they had already lost the cooperation of th local population which is INTEGRAL to COIN operations.

2) The geo-political constraints that the US fought the conflict in. Played almost perfectly into the Norths hands and it was straight out of Mao's playbook on guerrilla warfare. Phase 1, establish a remote base of operations to gain civilian support. Phase 2, carry out attacks against government and military installations, sapping morale and military effectiveness while avoiding full blown engagements. Phase 3, full on attack of military forces defeating them in battle. The fourth "phase" is this, if any phase fails, return to Phase 1, the safe, remote haven from which to gather political, logistical, and popular support. Due to the fact the US couldn't actually go into the North, the insurgency always had a safe area to rest and rebuild.

There are really two ways to defeat an insurgency. To be so absolutely brutal resistance crumbles (that shit doesn't fly anymore in the Western world), it was the basis for many successful COIN operations in past centuries, the Second Anglo-Boer war is an example of complete brutalization to bring the insurgency to heel. The other is hearts and minds, where you protect, and isolate the "good" civilians, from the "bad" ones. By winning the hearts and minds of the local population, you sap the most important resource that an insurgency needs, logistical support and reinforcements from the civilian population. Restricting access to civilian areas restricts weapons and supplies being smuggled in or out. Basically, you need to protect the local population from reprisals, and hope that they prefer your way, to the insurgencies ways. You then destroy the insurgency through strangulation and eventual marginalization. An example where this strategy worked is the Malayan Crisis where the British Commonwealth successfully defeated a communist insurgency in Malaya immediately following WW2. It took awhile to get right, but in the end they successfully won via "hearts and minds" by isolating the insurgent forces from the villages they depended on for logistical support.

You can now clearly see why Vietnam was a giant cluster feck destined to failure almost immediately.
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There was nothing the US could do. In fact, their ground intervention did save the South Vietnam government, for a time, or the 1960 insurrection would have been enough to overthrow them and unite the country.

The biggest fault rests on Truman and his foreign policy advisers. Ho Chi Minh sent letters to the Allied leaders repeatedly prior to the Vietnamese Independent day, and the Declaration of Independence itself was a sop to them (life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, xerox'd wholesale). But the Truman administration in their wisdom chose to appease the French and prop them back up. The country were not going to let foreigners rule them again and any military intervention were bound to fail.
Manafort looks like one of those old farts you occasionally see around, who is in denial about ageing and is convinced he can reverse it with endless hair transplants and fake tans.
No, it was a matter of nationalism, that no matter what, the Vietnamese were finally going to get rid of the French/Japanese/French again/Americans . . . this whole capitalist/communist schtick, as well as the domino effect farce, is pure propaganda of misunderstanding and trying to cover one´s ass for amazing stupidity.

the indigenous peoples in the region lost the war. the countries around vietnam got a dose of viet imperialism.
the indigenous peoples in the region lost the war. the countries around vietnam got a dose of viet imperialism.

I guess you could go back and look at it that way. My point was, was that the "Vietnamese" defense of their country against first, the post second world war 2 French, and then the American invasion and insane genocidal bombing campaign has to be one of the most amazing, heroic feats in recent history. Their bravery was insane.

I'm gonna have to bookmark these posts for future schadenfreude :lol: I love how in the past superdelegates were the great evil, now they're gonna power Bernie to victory by hearing the will of the people.

Kaine ruled himself out of the veepstakes.


Castro it is then. Tom Perez is from New York, so it could make things complicated with the Electoral College.

Aw man, he was my guy. I still think I prefer Perez to Castro, not sure there's much effect from VPs in terms of winning states.
I guess you could go back and look at it that way. My point was, was that the "Vietnamese" defense of their country against first, the post second world war 2 French, and then the American invasion and insane genocidal bombing campaign has to be one of the most amazing, heroic feats in recent history. Their bravery was insane.

except for the genocidal way they fecked up the region. reading into it more they (for centuries) felt that they should be the leaders of SE asia. i had a friend in the green beret who pulled no punches in describing what he saw from both sides. he knew within months "in country" it was never going to work out for the natives in the region. those heroic feats had roots in agreeing to do one thing and then doing the other. the US removed 666 (i know a crazy number) troops and at the same time the NVA not the cong the NVA moved in 2000 new troops into Cambodia. Both nations agreed to remove all troops from there. The US also ran the war not to win. but we've taken the thread in a weird direction.

feck trump
I'm gonna have to bookmark these posts for future schadenfreude :lol: I love how in the past superdelegates were the great evil, now they're gonna power Bernie to victory by hearing the will of the people.

Aw man, he was my guy. I still think I prefer Perez to Castro, not sure there's much effect from VPs in terms of winning states.

I like Perez as well, but Castro has much more charisma and would do better in getting out the Latino vote, especially against Trump. Plus, Castro has an identical twin, so it´d be like two of them out there.
I can't really tell with Trump. He's more or less had the same haircut for decades.

Indeed he has. It's the only thing that hasn't changed. I've never been able to figure it out, it's so bad and yet he is so proud of it. The same as his ridiculous ties. He's so proud of them, yet he can't wear them properly, and wears them almost down to his knees, It looks ridiculous. It's hilarious how poorly his suits fit as well. For a billionaire and someone who prides himself on his appearance, he looks a feckin shambles. Both he and Boris Johnson really are two peas in a pod. A paid of dishevelled, bumbling buffoons. The only difference is,beneath it all Boris is extremely well educated.
except for the genocidal way they fecked up the region. reading into it more they (for centuries) felt that they should be the leaders of SE asia. i had a friend in the green beret who pulled no punches in describing what he saw from both sides. he knew within months "in country" it was never going to work out for the natives in the region. those heroic feats had roots in agreeing to do one thing and then doing the other. the US removed 666 (i know a crazy number) troops and at the same time the NVA not the cong the NVA moved in 2000 new troops into Cambodia. Both nations agreed to remove all troops from there. The US also ran the war not to win. but we've taken the thread in a weird direction.

feck trump

Yeah, obviously many eggs were broken in that insane omelette, but a third world peasant country defeating a 500,000 strong modern military with such massive and willing airborne hellfire will probably never be seen again.

But yes, back to the thread . . . feck Trump!
Indeed he has. It's the only thing that hasn't changed. I've never been able to figure it out, it's so bad and yet he is so proud of it. The same as his ridiculous ties. He's so proud of them, yet he can't wear them properly, and wears them almost down to his knees, It looks ridiculous. It's hilarious how poorly his suits fit as well. For a billionaire and someone who prides himself on his appearance, he looks a feckin shambles. Both he and Boris Johnson really are two peas in a pod. A paid of dishevelled, bumbling buffoons. The only difference is,beneath it all Boris is extremely well educated.
Trump went to Wharton - a very good University in itself.
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