2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The bubble the GOP live in is so fecking thick it's frightening. Even against Hillary Clinton, do they really think Carly 'horsey' Fiorina can draw even one woman's vote from her? Did they learn nothing at all from the Palin debacle?

From the party that like to accuse women of voting with their vaginas, this is just :wenger:
Bernie Sanders is apparently laying off hundreds of campaign workers......
He's all but conceded judging by what he's said today, just wants to get to California. I suppose it's like a marathon - even after you've been overtaken by the guy wearing a novelty rhino suit at 24 miles, you still want to get to the end.
He's all but conceded judging by what he's said today, just wants to get to California. I suppose it's like a marathon - even after you've been overtaken by the guy wearing a novelty rhino suit at 24 miles, you still want to get to the end.

Yeah at this point its all about leveraging what he's built into getting some convention concessions from Hillary, whether that comes by way of policy concessions or a VP pick.
Who else would Cruz pick as VP, though? No establishment candidate will want to link themselves with him. Any promising politician will have their eyes on 2020 and 2024 and being a loser will only hurt their bid. And nobody actually likes Cruz.

Fiorina is probably the best option Cruz has.
Think he just wants to copy Reagan as much as possible at this point.
Lyin' Ted and Carly the cnut
"No one can run HP like me folks, if I ran Hp it would be the best HP ever. I would make that sauce so tasty it would be the tastiest you ever tasted folks, I'm telling you."
I know what he's talking about, but Obama hasn't abandoned us, he's merely pointed out the plain truth.

Even Fox made a big deal out of 'disrespecting' UK. Never underestimate their stupidity.

Yeah at this point its all about leveraging what he's built into getting some convention concessions from Hillary, whether that comes by way of policy concessions or a VP pick.

Wonder how he'll make it stop gracefully.
Its pure desperation. She's not even well liked in GOP circles.
And he's not liked on this sphere we call Earth. So predictable, female VP to counteract Hillary. McCain picked a woman to try and beat a blackman with a foreign name. They are so small minded it's scary.
He just waffled on speaking absolute bollocks for about 30 mins when he could have said it all in 5 without the annoying pauses and smug self righteous smirk on his face. She's just as bad too, she has the same pauses and smug smirks in between. A very detestable pair.

Republicans pride themselves on not using a Teleprompter like Obama. That's why one sentence takes a couple of minutes even though they say the same thing every bloody time.
The Cruz - Fiorina speeches were just surreal. At one point she started signing a song about Cruz's daughters. Really scary shit.
At one point she started signing a song about Cruz's daughters. Really scary shit.

That's why I wrote *facepalm* on my last post before I went offline. That just about did it for me. It was like something from a horror movie. Trump just did a town-hall on Greta's show. Well it wasn't it was his usual love-in bullshite, all cosy, she was stroking his thigh while asking softball questions and the audience were too star struck and stupid to call him on his non answers. I really can't wait for him to get a proper grilling about policy.

Even Shep Smith said this afternoon that his foreign policy speech was "meh" when it came to policy and content :lol:
Cruz & Fiorina look like minor crew members of the USS Enterprise at a fans' convention.
Just heard parts of Trump's foreign policy speech. He actually spoke sensibly. One surprising bit was when he said "Democrats and Republicans working together on issues of foreign policy is in the country's best interests". Is he going be more presidential and try to appeal across the political spectrum now? What a crazy clusterfeck of an election this has been.
This was established a long time ago, wasn't it? Anderson Cooper even asked Trump about it. As usual, wormed his way out of it somehow. Nothing sticks on Trump

He's the personification of the right, just double down on his bullshit when called out on it and yet got off scot free because the supposedly liberal media never grow a pair to put him in his place.
Boehner on Cruz


I wonder how the previous, record serving, Republican Speaker of the House would chime in on Ted Cruz and Donald Trump. I guess we´ll never know cause he´s been outed as a serial child molester.

One has to wonder, does about half the United States support this political party? Really? They drummed us off to endless wars, they presided over a crashing of the economy, they´re subverting democracy with their shameless voter suppression and gerrymandering, they performed an absolute clown show of a primary . . . and now they will foist reality star Donald Trump on us as their man.

And he has a decent chance of winning!!!
This is the calmest balanced takedown of Hillary by a Bernie-or-bust person. I'm not sure if the Hillary supporter was exceptionally thick, but I don't think there is much to counter the points with.
Another thing that struck me (and others on the reddit thread for the video) was the line about "if you get to know Hillary beyond the RW attacks, you will like her." Like everyone else I was expecting Hillary 2016 as a logical followup to Obama 2012. I was a little sad that it was basically Obama v2.0 with added hawkishness.
In fact it was getting to know more about her past, her contradictions, which moved me from "ok" to "meh" to "oh shit no way".

This is the calmest balanced takedown of Hillary by a Bernie-or-bust person. I'm not sure if the Hillary supporter was exceptionally thick, but I don't think there is much to counter the points with.
Another thing that struck me (and others on the reddit thread for the video) was the line about "if you get to know Hillary beyond the RW attacks, you will like her." Like everyone else I was expecting Hillary 2016 as a logical followup to Obama 2012. I was a little sad that it was basically Obama v2.0 with added hawkishness.
In fact it was getting to know more about her past, her contradictions, which moved me from "ok" to "meh" to "oh shit no way".

The more I hear about Bernie or Bust movement, the more it sounds like the Arab Spring movement. There was a lot of euphoria on how revolution liberates people and how it's not ok to settle for moderate wins and consolidate for the future. The utter failure of the Arab Springs movement highlighted one big drawback. Revolution without a plausible plan for the future leads to chaos and sets you back a hundred years. Unless there is a plausible follow up plan for Bernie or bust, It's beyond stupid IMO. Hopefully, it's just a pressure tactic to get Sanders nominated and will change for the better when HRC is nominated.

If they don't vote for the Dem nominee, they would be effectively voting in a Republican nominee, probably losing the supreme court and the senate. Hopefully, it is only 4 years with Trump but the cost of not voting for Hillary Clinton is a possible 8 year Republican rule. Which should move any 'oh shit no way' candidate to run back to HRC.
The more I hear about Bernie or Bust movement, the more it sounds like the Arab Spring movement. There was a lot of euphoria on how revolution liberates people and how it's not ok to settle for moderate wins and consolidate for the future. The utter failure of the Arab Springs movement highlighted one big drawback. Revolution without a plausible plan for the future leads to chaos and sets you back a hundred years. Unless there is a plausible follow up plan for Bernie or bust, It's beyond stupid IMO. Hopefully, it's just a pressure tactic to get Sanders nominated and will change for the better when HRC is nominated.

If they don't vote for the Dem nominee, they would be effectively voting in a Republican nominee, probably losing the supreme court and the senate. Hopefully, it is only 4 years with Trump but the cost of not voting for Hillary Clinton is a possible 8 year Republican rule. Which should move any 'oh shit no way' candidate to run back to HRC.

I think you've hit the nail on the head. Sanders is a good guy but the people who get behind him are getting into this weird self-reinforcing herd behavior where they repeat his talking points on social media without actually looking at the mechanics of how or whether his policies would ever be realistically implemented.

Neither the pro nor anti factions really anticipated how things would shake down in Iraq, so the failure of a billionaire, political dilettante to predict the outcome is hardly surprising. Trump is giving himself more credit for prescience than he deserves, but he clearly had reservations before the start of the war, which turned to outright condemnation once the dust of the occupation began to settle.

In any case, the question of how, and to what degree, the invasion 'destabilized' the Middle East is debatable. The proximate cause of the present dire situation was the Arab Spring, which the political left in Europe and America welcomed wholeheartedly. What role did the Iraq Invasion play in the genesis of the Arab Spring, or was it an inevitable eruption of popular discontent which would have taken place if no American soldier had ever set foot in Iraq? The situation, at least in Syria and Iraq, would have been wholly different if the Obama administration hadn't been so anxious to cut and run, and hadn't meekly acquiesced in the ejection of all American troops from the country.
Can Bernie get enough delegates for it to enable him to get some convention concessions/promises from Hillary?

The way I understood it is, if Hillary wins the convention, she doesn't have to dole out concessions or promises to Sanders no matter what his delegate count is, but these are done unofficially to win over voters from Sanders camp. With the popular support for Sanders, maybe he's already there?
Neither the pro nor anti factions really anticipated how things would shake down in Iraq, so the failure of a billionaire, political dilettante to predict the outcome is hardly surprising. Trump is giving himself more credit for prescience than he deserves, but he clearly had reservations before the start of the war, which turned to outright condemnation once the dust of the occupation began to settle.

In any case, the question of how, and to what degree, the invasion 'destabilized' the Middle East is debatable. The proximate cause of the present dire situation was the Arab Spring, which the political left in Europe and America welcomed wholeheartedly. What role did the Iraq Invasion play in the genesis of the Arab Spring, or was it an inevitable eruption of popular discontent which would have taken place if no American soldier had ever set foot in Iraq? The situation, at least in Syria and Iraq, would have been wholly different if the Obama administration hadn't been so anxious to cut and run, and hadn't meekly acquiesced in the ejection of all American troops from the country.

This notion of invading a country and keeping troops on the ground to provide stability is beyond laughable. It wasn't possible in Vietnam, it won't be possible in Iraq and it won't be possible in Mexico. It's just how humanity works. Troops won't be praised as liberators but colonial oppressors. A few thousand soldiers being an effective replacement for a dictator who has ruled the land for many years? It's beyond belief that many people buy into this theory. You can't form a plan to govern a muslim country in the gulf sitting on a potato farm in Idaho. Seriously...

Deposing Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum in Iraq, which enabled factions like ISIS to ravage the country. It is not 'debatable', it's a cold hard fact.
Neither the pro nor anti factions really anticipated how things would shake down in Iraq, so the failure of a billionaire, political dilettante to predict the outcome is hardly surprising. Trump is giving himself more credit for prescience than he deserves, but he clearly had reservations before the start of the war, which turned to outright condemnation once the dust of the occupation began to settle.

In any case, the question of how, and to what degree, the invasion 'destabilized' the Middle East is debatable. The proximate cause of the present dire situation was the Arab Spring, which the political left in Europe and America welcomed wholeheartedly. What role did the Iraq Invasion play in the genesis of the Arab Spring, or was it an inevitable eruption of popular discontent which would have taken place if no American soldier had ever set foot in Iraq? The situation, at least in Syria and Iraq, would have been wholly different if the Obama administration hadn't been so anxious to cut and run, and hadn't meekly acquiesced in the ejection of all American troops from the country.

My god, people like you actually do exist. Where on earth do you get this drivel from?
Getting a tad ugly between Kasich and Cruz.

Cruz emphatically denied any alliance whatsover between Kasich and Cruz. Kasich's strategist just sent out a cryptic 'I can't stand Liars' tweet without tagging Cruz.
This notion of invading a country and keeping troops on the ground to provide stability is beyond laughable. It wasn't possible in Vietnam, it won't be possible in Iraq and it won't be possible in Mexico. It's just how humanity works. Troops won't be praised as liberators but colonial oppressors. A few thousand soldiers being an effective replacement for a dictator who has ruled the land for many years? It's beyond belief that many people buy into this theory. You can't form a plan to govern a muslim country in the gulf sitting on a potato farm in Idaho. Seriously...

Deposing Saddam Hussein created a power vacuum in Iraq, which enabled factions like ISIS to ravage the country. It is not 'debatable', it's a cold hard fact.
Worked in Germany and Japan but the religion is a huge factor here, we are infidels.
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