2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I'd rather vote for Kang and Kodos, at least they pretended to be human.
They look like the US equivalent of Fred and Rose West.
It must be a major flaw in a Republican politicians brain. They all think they are loved and adored and all seem to be completely oblivious to everything. Palin, Cruz, Fiorina, even Trump to a certain extent... They just don't get it. I understand you need to have broad shoulders and be able to brush off the negatives, but surely there is a difference between arrogance, blind determination, being self assured and being completely and utterly deluded?

It's like watching the idiots on the auditions for shows like X Factor. You know they are terrible, everyone knows they are terrible, but they think they are the next Whitney Houston and someone from their family is encouraging them along towards ridicule and an epic fail instead of pulling them aside and telling them the truth. Car crash TV political style!
They are oblivious. Bill Maher talks about the bubble republicans live in, full of hate and paranoia. Romney right up until the last hour thought he won the election due to the right wing media they were watching that day when everyone else reported him losing.
The Republicans in the last eight years have given up an old fart who wants to go to war with everyone and couldn't remember how many houses he owned when asked along with the dumbest redneck milf with the family values of a turtle they could find. Didn't even vet her and anyone who thinks she is capable should YouTube her trump endorsement, it's like she was on meth.
Then they vomited up the multimillionaire Mormon bishop who would rather see you and your family on the street than a business losing one dime and has an elevator for his cars in one of his properties. A guy who protested during the Vietnam war to jail draft dodgers while he was dodging himself bey going on a mission for his church in France. He brought along Paul Ryan, supposedly the brains of the party, and if allowed would pass a budget that would take the country back a century. Two more fecking rich idiots
And now they piss all over the place an egomaniac, compulsive, fascist, racist, fraudulent brand that will pick his son or daughter for VP and the most hated man in American politics who once tried to ban sex toys and by extension, masturbation in Texas, a state full of wankers I might add.
This political party would not exist in Europe, they are just crazy. I can't even talk to them over here they are that stupid. They love Jesus but if he was around today he would be the furthest person from this cancerous party you could find.
They are oblivious. Bill Maher talks about the bubble republicans live in, full of hate and paranoia. Romney right up until the last hour thought he won the election due to the right wing media they were watching that day when everyone else reported him losing.
The Republicans in the last eight years have given up an old fart who wants to go to war with everyone and couldn't remember how many houses he owned when asked along with the dumbest redneck milf with the family values of a turtle they could find. Didn't even vet her and anyone who thinks she is capable should YouTube her trump endorsement, it's like she was on meth.
Then they vomited up the multimillionaire Mormon bishop who would rather see you and your family on the street than a business losing one dime and has an elevator for his cars in one of his properties. A guy who protested during the Vietnam war to jail draft dodgers while he was dodging himself bey going on a mission for his church in France. He brought along Paul Ryan, supposedly the brains of the party, and if allowed would pass a budget that would take the country back a century. Two more fecking rich idiots
And now they piss all over the place an egomaniac, compulsive, fascist, racist, fraudulent brand that will pick his son or daughter for VP and the most hated man in American politics who once tried to ban sex toys and by extension, masturbation in Texas, a state full of wankers I might add.
This political party would not exist in Europe, they are just crazy. I can't even talk to them over here they are that stupid. They love Jesus but if he was around today he would be the furthest person from this cancerous party you could find.
I take it you're a Democrat voter.
I take it you're a Democrat voter.
Republican lite. i don't vote for stupid insane people and the world would be a better place if we all done that. That still doesn't solve the greed and power motive that most politicians posses in abundance.
I don't understand how somebody who can't mathematically win the nomination picks a VP already.

I don't understand how someone who speaks so slowly and looks so smug all the time, doesn't get smacked in the face with a large salmon each time he appears in public.
Not really a good idea to focus on her face so much, Ted. It's really not her best attribute.

This whole speech is fecking awful.
Apparently her pre-marriage name is Carleton Sneed. Sounds like a character from Dickens.
So the two most disliked Republicans have prematurely formed a dream team despite having no chance of securing the nominations via delegates. What could possibly go wrong?
He just waffled on speaking absolute bollocks for about 30 mins when he could have said it all in 5 without the annoying pauses and smug self righteous smirk on his face. She's just as bad too, she has the same pauses and smug smirks in between. A very detestable pair.

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