2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Bachmann-Palin Overdrive

Ever wondered what a Bachmann v Bernie Sanders gen election would look like ? Here's a preview....

I watched the beginning of it some days ago. Couldn't watch it until the end despite the hilarious moments.

She might be even crazier than Palin.
More of this please!


Edit: Probably shouldn't open spoiler at work
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The Hillary Bernie thing is going to grind on until she gives him some sort of concession. The best olive branch Hillary could extend to the Bernie mob would be to take on Liz Warren as VP, which would pretty much instantly energize the progressive vote into Hillary's favor and de facto unify the Democratic base for not just the Gen, but also for the Senate and House. If she plays her cards right, she could actually roll into the WH with the Senate and possibly the House as well, especially since GOP candidates are mostly running away from Trump.
So for the IS Trump would be a better candidate than Hillary because he's more of a non-interventionist than Hillary, expecting terrorism attacks in the US before elections?
Jeez, Cruz and Trump are both on an ISIS, Iran, Syria and the rest of the Middle East crusade today (excuse the pun) and bashing the shit out of Obama for saying Climate Change is the biggest threat to the planet. I swear these two buffoons would be locked up for hate preaching if they spouted this hate fuelled bullshit in the UK. Absolute nonsense and scaremongering of the highest order. I really feel sorry for the poor paranoid muppets who believe all this propaganda and actually sit and hide behind their sofas holding their handguns and assault rifles in permanent fear that the Muslims are coming for them. :wenger:
But this is indeed a watershed moment for the GOP. Trump has opened up a new avenue for a leader with more moderate views on social issues. Sure, he hasn't come out and said I support abortion and gay marriage, but he praised Planned Parenthood, claimed Iraq war was a mistake, at least proposed that he may tax the rich people and generally takes a non-interventionist stance. Maybe this would lead to a more moderate GOP party which doesn't have to pander to the bible belt. Second amendment is still a massive issue.
But this is indeed a watershed moment for the GOP. Trump has opened up a new avenue for a leader with more moderate views on social issues. Sure, he hasn't come out and said I support abortion and gay marriage, but he praised Planned Parenthood, claimed Iraq war was a mistake, at least proposed that he may tax the rich people and generally takes a non-interventionist stance. Maybe this would lead to a more moderate GOP party which doesn't have to pander to the bible belt. Second amendment is still a massive issue.

IIRC he also spoke against the NC bathroom bill.

On the other hand, it's also a watershed moment in terms of what is politically acceptable in racial language. He doesn't do code as much as open race-baiting.
Its weird seeing Trump in this quasi-robotic state, as if an Alien took over his body and is using it to communicate. A bit like the contrast between Data and Lore on TNG.
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IIRC he also spoke against the NC bathroom bill.

On the other hand, it's also a watershed moment in terms of what is politically acceptable in racial language. He doesn't do code as much as open race-baiting.

Agreed. While he may not the right candidate, he should at least open up avenues for progressive leaders within GOP to see the young demographic voters who don't give a shit about traditional values.
We might have to wait a while, at the moment he's too busy slapping his own back and retweeting guff like this...


Has the twitter embed looked like that for a while without me noticing it, or is that new just now? Looks shiny.
She's a troll.....best to ignore her.

Oh yeah, I know, but that was just too sickening to ignore. He's retweeted a fair few like that bigging up his "foreign policy" speech. Did you listen to it/watch it? Or anyone know what it was like?

Has the twitter embed looked like that for a while without me noticing it, or is that new just now? Looks shiny.

Yeah, it's been a while. Can't remember how long though.
Oh yeah, I know, but that was just too sickening to ignore. He's retweeted a fair few like that bigging up his "foreign policy" speech. Did you listen to it/watch it? Or anyone know what it was like?

Yeah, it's been a while. Can't remember how long though.

Lot of tweeters calling it 'incoherent'.
it was a shit speech - and the substance he had was not only incoherent, but nonsensical. So, pretty much your standard Trump speech.

Cruz - I need a woman to make me more likable...so, he picks Fiorina :lol:
Cruz-Fiorina must be the most hated ticket ever. It's like he's working everyday to make himself more and more unlikable.
Cruz-Fiorina must be the most hated ticket ever. It's like he's working everyday to make himself more and more unlikable.

It must be a major flaw in a Republican politicians brain. They all think they are loved and adored and all seem to be completely oblivious to everything. Palin, Cruz, Fiorina, even Trump to a certain extent... They just don't get it. I understand you need to have broad shoulders and be able to brush off the negatives, but surely there is a difference between arrogance, blind determination, being self assured and being completely and utterly deluded?

It's like watching the idiots on the auditions for shows like X Factor. You know they are terrible, everyone knows they are terrible, but they think they are the next Whitney Houston and someone from their family is encouraging them along towards ridicule and an epic fail instead of pulling them aside and telling them the truth. Car crash TV political style!
Up until the early 1800's (1804 with the ratification of the 12th amendment) the Vice President was the person who received the 2nd most votes (electoral votes I believe). Can you imagine a Clinton-Trump team in the White House?
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