2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Just reported Trump won every county and every single district in all 5 States. A total clean sweep. He destroyed the other two. Apparently the unbound PA delegates have all said they will all vote for who won their district in the first round of voting at the convention and that would put him over for sure.
I dont follow the elections in US that much.
Does this mean, he is almost there as the Republican nominee?
I dont follow the elections in US that much.
Does this mean, he is almost there as the Republican nominee?

CNN and FOX both did prediction charts tonight with his current delegate count and how many he is expected to win in the remaining primaries, and both said they think he will fall just short (between 15 and 75) OR just squeak over the line, but it will be close. If it then goes to the convention the delegates from PA will prove to be extremely important, and if they stick to their word of voting for the person who won their county/district then that will probably be enough to push Trump over the line. So yeah, in a nutshell it looks increasingly likely that he will be the Republican nominee.
Trump is probably licking his lips with the impending standoff with Hillary. He has so much dirt to work with - the possible FBI indictment, the Benghazi debacle, her links with Wall Street, the Iraq war vote. Bernie was possibly abit too respectful but I don't see Trump keeping the gloves on :lol:.
Trump is probably licking his lips with the impending standoff with Hillary. He has so much dirt to work with - the possible FBI indictment, the Benghazi debacle, her links with Wall Street, the Iraq war vote. Bernie was possibly abit too respectful but I don't see Trump keeping the gloves on :lol:.
The problem is that until now he has targeted the right wing lunatics who hate everyone who isn't a white Christian male.

Now he needs the vote of sane right wing population (to be fair, I am not sure that such a thing exists) and the independents. I really struggle to see how him acting like a prick will give him those votes.

The e-mail scandal is the biggest 'mucho ado about nothing' in God knows how long.
The problem is that until now he has targeted the right wing lunatics who hate everyone who isn't a white Christian male.

Now he needs the vote of sane right wing population (to be fair, I am not sure that such a thing exists) and the independents. I really struggle to see how him acting like a prick will give him those votes.

The e-mail scandal is the biggest 'mucho ado about nothing' in God knows how long.

I'd agree for the most part, but what will largely benefit him is the unpopularity of his opponent, even among progressives and liberals. While Hillary's lack of likability may not be enough to sway Dems and independents towards Trump, it may mean that she'll likely struggle to galvanise them to vote for her. The danger here is that Trump on the other hand won't struggle to mobilise his base, and even the registered republicans who dislike him would still opt for him over Hillary who I'd wager they despise more.

And you may consider the whole email scandal to be one overblown saga, but for a presidential candidate to face a possible FBI indictment is very damaging for their credibility IMO.
The idea of Drumpf coming off better than anyone when it comes to personal baggage is laughable.

It'll be a long 6 months and most if not all of us will panic about 'President Trump' at some points, but his path to 270 is even slimmer than the usual GOPer's, which was not great to begin with.
I'd agree for the most part, but what will largely benefit him is the unpopularity of his opponent, even among progressives and liberals. While Hillary's lack of likability may not be enough to sway Dems and independents towards Trump, it may mean that she'll likely struggle to galvanise them to vote for her. The danger here is that Trump on the other hand won't struggle to mobilise his base, and even the registered republicans who dislike him would still opt for him over Hillary who I'd wager they despise more.

And you may consider the whole email scandal to be one overblown saga, but for a presidential candidate to face a possible FBI indictment is very damaging for their credibility IMO.
Hillary will easily mobilize the Latino and Africo-American vote. I also think that she'll mobilize the left wing vote, despite that the Berni bros are unhappy that Bernie didn't win. We heard the same 8 years ago but in the end Hillary fans voted Obama. In the end independents will go to the more normal person. The Democrats would put in loop his racist speeches, while the lack of clear policies will make a problem for independents.

I really think that just there is no way of Trump winning this. Not even coming near.
It's rigged! Rigged! I'm tellin' ya.

Eagerly awaiting H.A. Goodman and Seth Abramson's weekly masterpiece :D
I've found another, Tony Brasunas - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/tony-...ie-sanders_b_9780128.html?utm_hp_ref=politics

He's dripping with madness. Amazing map here:
The problem is that until now he has targeted the right wing lunatics who hate everyone who isn't a white Christian male.

Now he needs the vote of sane right wing population (to be fair, I am not sure that such a thing exists) and the independents. I really struggle to see how him acting like a prick will give him those votes.

The e-mail scandal is the biggest 'mucho ado about nothing' in God knows how long.

Y'all need to read up on past presidential campaigns. Plenty candidates have pricked their way to the Oval Office. The notion that dirt won't stick is false.

Hillary will win the popular vote, easily. That doesn't translate to victory.
Clinton is the strong favourite yet at the same time the variance will be fairly high, so crazy outcomes (e.g. Trump wins) are still in the cards. There are tons of things, that could go wrong for the democrats.
Y'all need to read up on past presidential campaigns. Plenty candidates have pricked their way to the Oval Office. The notion that dirt won't stick is false.

Hillary will win the popular vote, easily. That doesn't translate to victory.

Which path to victory do you envision for Trump?
Y'all need to read up on past presidential campaigns. Plenty candidates have pricked their way to the Oval Office. The notion that dirt won't stick is false.

Hillary will win the popular vote, easily. That doesn't translate to victory.
What's "easily"? Pretty hard to win the popular vote by more than 1% and not take the electoral college (and even at 1% you have to stretch plausibility significantly).
Hillary will easily mobilize the Latino and Africo-American vote. I also think that she'll mobilize the left wing vote, despite that the Berni bros are unhappy that Bernie didn't win. We heard the same 8 years ago but in the end Hillary fans voted Obama. In the end independents will go to the more normal person. The Democrats would put in loop his racist speeches, while the lack of clear policies will make a problem for independents.

I really think that just there is no way of Trump winning this. Not even coming near.

I wouldn't bank on her mobilising the left wing vote that easily. Part the reason Sanders was hugely popular was because many US progressives took one look at Hillary and ran a mile. Her hawkish foreign policy and links to Wall Street are still a pretty sizeable black mark to her name as far as many progressives are concerned. Just like how Gore failed to galvanise the left in 2000 and consequently losts millions of votes to Nader, Hillary may struggle with the genuine left. Also the chasm between Hillary and Bernie is a lot more considerable than it was for her and Obama 8 years ago.

As for Trump, I'd expect him to carry himself in a more presidential fashion and put a bit of the crazy aside should he secure the nomination. He's already been trying to woo the "Bernie Bros" by claiming Bernie was treated unfairly.
The Hillary Bernie thing is going to grind on until she gives him some sort of concession. The best olive branch Hillary could extend to the Bernie mob would be to take on Liz Warren as VP, which would pretty much instantly energize the progressive vote into Hillary's favor and de facto unify the Democratic base for not just the Gen, but also for the Senate and House. If she plays her cards right, she could actually roll into the WH with the Senate and possibly the House as well, especially since GOP candidates are mostly running away from Trump.
The Hillary Bernie thing is going to grind on until she gives him some sort of concession. The best olive branch Hillary could extend to the Bernie mob would be to take on Liz Warren as VP, which would pretty much instantly energize the progressive vote into Hillary's favor and de facto unify the Democratic base for not just the Gen, but also for the Senate and House. If she plays her cards right, she could actually roll into the WH with the Senate and possibly the House as well, especially since GOP candidates are mostly running away from Trump.
Do you think America is ready for an all female run?

I'd be very surprised if she was willing to consider any woman as her vice presidential candidate.
Do you think America is ready for an all female run?

I'd be very surprised if she was willing to consider any woman as her vice presidential candidate.

Definitely if they are the right females of course. Hillary-Liz would work. Something like Palin-Bachmann would be the biggest train wreck since the Death Star exploded.
What's "easily"? Pretty hard to win the popular vote by more than 1% and not take the electoral college (and even at 1% you have to stretch plausibility significantly).

Did a bit of digging just now and apparently there have only been four instances in the whole US electoral history wherein winner of the popular votes didn't win the presidency, 1824, 1876, 1888, 2000.

So yeah, it happened, but rare would be even overplaying it.

Also did a map sometimes back in a sort of sky is falling scenario

What's "easily"? Pretty hard to win the popular vote by more than 1% and not take the electoral college (and even at 1% you have to stretch plausibility significantly).

Not margin wise but probability wise. I think it's virtually guaranteed that Hillary wins the popular vote. By how much? No clue.
Definitely if they are the right females of course. Hillary-Liz would work. Something like Palin-Bachmann would be the biggest train wreck since the Death Star exploded.
I would love to see a Palin - Bachmann run.
Do you think America is ready for an all female run?

I'd be very surprised if she was willing to consider any woman as her vice presidential candidate.

Why not? UK, Germany, India, Pakistan etc have all had women leaders before. It may be a statistical first, but there's nothing against that.
Definitely if they are the right females of course. Hillary-Liz would work. Something like Palin-Bachmann would be the biggest train wreck since the Death Star exploded.

I really struggle to find any relevance to the VPs post elections. I'd be really really happy if Liz becomes VP as it'd make Hillary all the more bearable.
I just think it makes it too easy to try and paint Hillary as some scary female supremacist.

As opposed to the previous 220 years of scary male supremacist Presidents? I think we're beyond the race and gender thing at this point, and Obama and Hillary's elections would codify that.
Cruz to make a major announcement at 4 today . Hopefully its a VP announcement, which Trump will swiftly mock.
Which path to victory do you envision for Trump?

A narrow path I think that he is too dimwitted and boisterous to navigate. That being said, it's not impossible. Unify the base and go HAM on Hillary's cracks.

The Hillary Bernie thing is going to grind on until she gives him some sort of concession. The best olive branch Hillary could extend to the Bernie mob would be to take on Liz Warren as VP, which would pretty much instantly energize the progressive vote into Hillary's favor and de facto unify the Democratic base for not just the Gen, but also for the Senate and House. If she plays her cards right, she could actually roll into the WH with the Senate and possibly the House as well, especially since GOP candidates are mostly running away from Trump.

I would hate Warren as a VP. At least Joe Biden had an illustrious Senate career, and he can ride off into the sunset after a VP tenure. Liz going up into the VP slot seems like such a waste. If she can't be president she is way more impactful in Congress.

That's not to mention the complete 180 that would be, after calling Hillary out on lobbyists. I'm not ready to see Liz be nobody's bitch
A narrow path I think that he is too dimwitted and boisterous to navigate. That being said, it's not impossible. Unify the base and go HAM on Hillary's cracks.

I would hate Warren as a VP. At least Joe Biden had an illustrious Senate career, and he can ride off into the sunset after a VP tenure. Liz going up into the VP slot seems like such a waste. If she can't be president she is way more impactful in Congress.

That's not to mention the complete 180 that would be, after calling Hillary out on lobbyists. I'm not ready to see Liz be nobody's bitch

I think Clinton and Warren could revolutionize the relevance of VP. Hillary could give her a massive portfolio of issues that Warren already champions in the Senate, which would assuage the lefty base
mmm, I actually thought of her as a consummate politician having just views that'll win her votes. Did she actually come across as a feminist before?
She does but not a very hardcore one.
As opposed to the previous 220 years of scary male supremacist Presidents? I think we're beyond the race and gender thing at this point, and Obama and Hillary's elections would codify that.
I just think there's a huge difference between electing the first female president and electing the first female president and vice president in one go.

I very much like the sound of Warren and I really don't mind Hillary as much as some of my fellow lefties seem to (she's no Bush/Reagan, at the end of the day) so I share your enthusiasm for the idea but it just sounds like feeding in to the narrative that brought about Donald Trump's rise - of white men becoming less relevant (which they are and they should but maybe not freak 'em out too much).
I really don't think it will matter if she picks Warren or some generic male like Bayh, Kaine etc. Its all about galvanizing the establishment and progressive sides of the house, which Warren would clearly help with.
This is why Tom Perez is getting a lot of chatter, would appeal to the progressive wing without it looking like a forced marriage, given his support is already behind Hillary. He's also fluent in Spanish, unlike Castro. No implications in the Senate either unlike the likes of Warren (taking her off the banking and economic committees where she's really darn good) or Sherrod Brown (Kasich would appoint his successor as Senator, i.e. the GOP would win the seat which in a close Senate is important).

The downside being that he's got no experience of elected office or campaigning, and unfortunately Hillary's age means the capability of her VP to become President if required is more keenly scrutinised.
I think Clinton and Warren could revolutionize the relevance of VP. Hillary could give her a massive portfolio of issues that Warren already champions in the Senate, which would assuage the lefty base

That's a really optimistic view, one I would welcome, but I'm not totally convinced would happen. I'm thinking more LBJ relegated from top 5 senator post Civil War to ineffectual lame duck prior to JFK getting sniped.
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