2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It's Trump Vs Clinton surely now. Though he was expected to win, Trump's early returns are impressive.
Looks like a big Clinton win in Delaware. CT tight. Needs more people!
CT and PA will be a squeaker on the Dem side, but it doesn't matter. Sanders' delegate path is tenuous and he isn't eating into the popular vote enough to shift the super delegates.
For a brief moment, Sanders leapt up to 80% in Sussex County, Delaware. Now back to how it was before, so I can only assume the DNC have an efficient means of burning already counted votes.
Can Kasich overtake Rubio before the primary season is over. Surely that has to be his new target. :lol:

Returns in PA now looking more like a decent Clinton win. CT really hard to call, Sanders clearing up in rural areas but a lot of votes left in population centres too.
This thing on the GOP side is pretty much done. Cruz and Kasich are toast and Trump is touring Indiana with Bob Knight. Once he takes all delegates there, he may even challenge Cruz in places like Montana and Nebraska.
Trump has picked up 111 delegates, Cruz has picked up 2 delegates and Kasich has picked up 5 delegates. This doesn't include the 57 Pennsylvania delegates who are unbound. It's very tough for them to not vote Trump when he's wining the state by 57% of the popular vote.
Probably Windsor. The cnuts
Windsor was only 1100, Bloomfield was 1900 :drool: Rich bastards by any chance?

Looks like it'll be pretty close to the exit polls initial 3% in the end.
Trump sounds like a different person during these victory speeches. Very likeable.

Sounds exactly the same to me, far more arrogant maybe (If that was even possible) but the same and certainly not likeable.

His speech is full of hatred and scaremongering and it worries me how many people will believe it.
This thing on the GOP side is pretty much done. Cruz and Kasich are toast and Trump is touring Indiana with Bob Knight. Once he takes all delegates there, he may even challenge Cruz in places like Montana and Nebraska.

Holy shit, I might sell my first born if Bob Knight asked me for it. Cruz better hope Larry Bird likes the tea party.
Just reported Trump won every county and every single district in all 5 States. A total clean sweep. He destroyed the other two. Apparently the unbound PA delegates have all said they will all vote for who won their district in the first round of voting at the convention and that would put him over for sure.
Sanders won Clinton County, PA by 43 votes :lol: I've lost count of how many that is now, but he's won them all.
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