2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I hate the whole conspiracy schtick, but jesus, you´re going to tell me there was a 100,000 (8%) voter purge in, by coincidence, Bernie Sanders´s home burrough of Brooklyn. It just sounds so much like douchey Republican tactics. People wonder why some of us kind of loathe Hillary Clinton. She just comes off as too Republican so often. Her hawking and votes for war in Iraq, her whole connection with the Clinton deregulation of the financial industry that only took 10 years to blow out the economy, the Clinton role in the prison industrial complex . . .


Ny Official Ousted for Purging 100,000 Brooklyn Voters

The New York City Board of Elections is preparing to fire Diane Haslett-Rudiano, the chief clerk of elections in Brooklyn, after suspending her without pay following the New York primary’s chaotic voting process and massive voter purge.

Haslett-Rudiano was ousted by the City Board of Elections on Thursday night, “without pay, effective immediately, pending an internal investigation into the administration of the voter rolls in the Borough of Brooklyn,” according to a statement from the Board of Elections.

Sources with the New York Daily News also said that she was being “forced out.” Though an official termination has not been announced yet, one is expected this coming Tuesday. (cont)
It's a private univ but the research funding is through NIH/NSF grants. I can pay for myself by TA-ing but the univ has a cap on the number of people in 1 lab that are TAs. And the lab also needs money for equipment, sequencing, etc. The univ only pays the professors' salary (and mine if I TA)
The reason I chose US over Europe was because my funding was guaranteed for 2 years here while I would need a scholarship for Europe. UK was the worst - expensive, no real funding options from the university, and some places charge tuition during a PhD!!! Some of the Scandinavian univs did have stipends, as did the Max Plancks but by the time I found out I had made huge lists (30 univs, ~200 profs) for the US and didn't have the energy to re-do it for Europe.

My friend in ETH told me their stipends go from 50-70k francs/year. :eek::eek::eek:

I'm a PhD student; those extortionate fees will one day pay my stipend :)
But yes, my classmates who are from the US have student debt and the amounts are insane. It's not a surprise that someone promising free tuition in public univs got support from college kids.
I'm still paying for my school loans as well and that's the part I don't like here, they can spend a gazillion dollars with the militar but not for the schools.
Pretty funny

I'm still paying for my school loans as well and that's the part I don't like here, they can spend a gazillion dollars with the militar but not for the schools.

B-b-but, investment in education is giving away free stuff . . . the military industrial complex and corporate welfare is ahhh . . . ahhh . . .
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He hasn't thought any of that through. He claims he would raise taxes on the wealthy but hasn't really said how.
He's published a tax-plan that would give the richest massive tax breaks and explode the deficit. Maybe he'll do another one and say he was just lying about it to win the nomination.
I hate the whole conspiracy schtick, but jesus, you´re going to tell me there was a 100,000 (8%) voter purge in, by coincidence, Bernie Sanders´s home burrough of Brooklyn. It just sounds so much like douchey Republican tactics. People wonder why some of us kind of loathe Hillary Clinton. She just comes off as too Republican so often. Her hawking and votes for war in Iraq, her whole connection with the Clinton deregulation of the financial industry that only took 10 years to blow out the economy, the Clinton role in the prison industrial complex . . .


Ny Official Ousted for Purging 100,000 Brooklyn Voters

The New York City Board of Elections is preparing to fire Diane Haslett-Rudiano, the chief clerk of elections in Brooklyn, after suspending her without pay following the New York primary’s chaotic voting process and massive voter purge.

Haslett-Rudiano was ousted by the City Board of Elections on Thursday night, “without pay, effective immediately, pending an internal investigation into the administration of the voter rolls in the Borough of Brooklyn,” according to a statement from the Board of Elections.

Sources with the New York Daily News also said that she was being “forced out.” Though an official termination has not been announced yet, one is expected this coming Tuesday. (cont)
So she's able to target her purge so effectively that it only disenfranchises Bernie voters, to the extent she runs away with the Brooklyn vote by about 20%, largely fitting in with the pattern of surrounding counties? Not forgetting the fact that many voters who were affected were old and black? It's a board of elections problem, and the person suspended was a Republican appointee.
I actually don't know what kind of President he would be since he is basically putting on a theatrical character act during this campaign. Most of his interviews before he was running for Pres were actually quite normal, which is how I think he would be if elected.
He won't be anything like this as president.

I struggle to see otherwise. What we see now is the person people are voting for. I doubt he'd make a turn around.

He's made a lot of faux pas during his campaign. Calling Merkel a 'catastrophic leader' and being in turn being called by Cameron as 'divisive, stupid and wrong' are pretty hard to brush under the carpet. I think he'll set US Foreign Policy back half a century just by becoming President. Add in his comments on Mexico & China, he's pretty much alienated every foreign nation who has major relations to US, forget the Putin love.
I struggle to see otherwise. What we see now is the person people are voting for. I doubt he'd make a turn around.

He's made a lot of faux pas during his campaign. Calling Merkel a 'catastrophic leader' and being in turn being called by Cameron as 'divisive, stupid and wrong' are pretty hard to brush under the carpet. I think he'll set US Foreign Policy back half a century just by becoming President. Add in his comments on Mexico & China, he's pretty much alienated every foreign nation who has major relations to US, forget the Putin love.

You're buying into his campaign facade that he's using to dupe right wing voters into gifting him the nomination. Once he has it, he will pivot back to his NY Republican positions - socially liberal, fiscally moderate, with a bit Trump lunacy thrown in for good measure.
You're buying into his campaign facade that he's using to dupe right wing voters into gifting him the nomination. Once he has it, he will pivot back to his NY Republican positions - socially liberal, fiscally moderate, with a bit Trump lunacy thrown in for good measure.

he actually does not fit into the NE republican persona. I mean the guy is loud and offensive. Actually he does not fit into any of the GOP persona. Reason probably why he is resonating with 'ordinary' folk?

Though I agree that his politics are more center right? perhaps being center right as in say 20 years ago.
he actually does not fit into the NE republican persona. I mean the guy is loud and offensive. Actually he does not fit into any of the GOP persona. Reason probably why he is resonating with 'ordinary' folk?

Though I agree that his politics are more center right? perhaps being center right as in say 20 years ago.

Politically he does - he's in the same ballpark as Pataki, Giuliani, Peter King, O'Reilly et al. He's just an extra bit of brash and obnoxious on top of it because of his business and reality show persona.
Politically he does - he's in the same ballpark as Pataki, Giuliani, Peter King, O'Reilly et al. He's just an extra bit of brash and obnoxious on top of it because of his business and reality show persona.

I don't think he ever had a political persona before the elections. I remember reading him jumping parties every couple of years. Pro-life, anti-gun control, anti-obamacare is most I can get from him.

What's surprising is that he manages to force the 'anti-establishment' as a theme over his ignorance of the whole establishment in public thoughts.
I hate the whole conspiracy schtick, but jesus, you´re going to tell me there was a 100,000 (8%) voter purge in, by coincidence, Bernie Sanders´s home burrough of Brooklyn. It just sounds so much like douchey Republican tactics. People wonder why some of us kind of loathe Hillary Clinton. She just comes off as too Republican so often. Her hawking and votes for war in Iraq, her whole connection with the Clinton deregulation of the financial industry that only took 10 years to blow out the economy, the Clinton role in the prison industrial complex . . .


Ny Official Ousted for Purging 100,000 Brooklyn Voters

The New York City Board of Elections is preparing to fire Diane Haslett-Rudiano, the chief clerk of elections in Brooklyn, after suspending her without pay following the New York primary’s chaotic voting process and massive voter purge.

Haslett-Rudiano was ousted by the City Board of Elections on Thursday night, “without pay, effective immediately, pending an internal investigation into the administration of the voter rolls in the Borough of Brooklyn,” according to a statement from the Board of Elections.

Sources with the New York Daily News also said that she was being “forced out.” Though an official termination has not been announced yet, one is expected this coming Tuesday. (cont)

Demographically, Brooklyn fits perfectly with similar regions that went Clinton in previous contest.

I'd suggest you get off usuncut, huffpo, salon etc when it comes to anything Sanders. They are selling the exit polls discrepancy now as proof that Clinton and the DNC rigged the count, except

It's bullshit that doesn't deserve the time of day. You can bet everything that the Sanders's camp would raise a big stink if they have even the slightest dirt.
Nice try Donald ......

Considering that GOP treated him even worse, he should probably lead by example and go for independent himself.

A four horse race. Somewhere in Washington, Paul Ryan is laughing, being unable to belief his luck.
Hard to see why the Clinton camp would jeopardize an overwhelming position by engaging in unnecessary skulduggery.

If it's the last minutes of the semi-final and you're winning comfortably, you don't commit a red card offence and risk missing the final. (Unless you're Darren Fletcher)
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