2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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'I alone can solve...'

FFS, his ego's bigger than his hair.
He's like a real life Mr. Burns, and his Twitter account is a thousand monkeys with keyboards typing randomly until they make a complete sentence.

"It was the best of times, it was the blurst of times..."
How is Obama seen in the US? I'm not sure of his policies and such but in general he comes across quite well whenever he talks.
Assuming it isn't a publicity stunt it wouldn't be the last reason. Far from the first or an important reason mind.

Its irrelevant to the extent that he if elected, he would be flying the most expensive flight in the world.
They make me sick. Thick, stupid, selfish idiots. Their laughable justification of people being put at risk because people aren't allowed guns there, it's hilarious really. .

Well you know the massive amount of security that will be at the convention, including local, state, FBI, Secret Service, ATF, and probably even some military, they will not be protecting anyone right?

What the people behind it really want, is to be armed so that if their candidate does not get the nomination they can open fire.
How is Obama seen in the US? I'm not sure of his policies and such but in general he comes across quite well whenever he talks.
That's kind of like asking if Man United are well liked in England...
That's kind of like asking if Man United are well liked in England...

Pretty good description, very well liked by many and hated by a fairly large portion. I fall somewhere in the middle personally. Much better than most of our presidential candidates so, relatively speaking, he was great. Unfortunately he was obstructed quite a bit and he was still somewhat shackled by special interests.
Pretty good description, very well liked by many and hated by a fairly large portion. I fall somewhere in the middle personally. Much better than most of our presidential candidates so, relatively speaking, he was great. Unfortunately he was obstructed quite a bit and he was still somewhat shackled by special interests.

he is generally liked because he always comes across as a decent good man. But he has been more effective in foreign policy and at least taking the first steps to universal health care.

must not forget his saving the motor industry. He had a shit economy that bush handed over to him. But in general he has done little for the poor and middle income families.
Bernie switched to private jet in December. Which is why I posted those links!
he is generally liked because he always comes across as a decent good man. But he has been more effective in foreign policy and at least taking the first steps to universal health care.

must not forget his saving the motor industry. He had a shit economy that bush handed over to him. But in general he has done little for the poor and middle income families.

The before last sentence I think is quite meaningful in relation to the last one. The poor and middle class would be a lot worse off if let's say GDP per capita were 5% below where it is, and unemployment 5% above.
Marvel are currently filming Guardians of the Galaxy 2 in Georgia and they said they would stop filming and move to somewhere else if the bill passed. It's great that this has happened, just really sad that it took the loss of business and money for it to be stopped.
Balls of steel for a GOP governor in a southern state to veto the bill.

He's always been pro-business if nothing else. The NC governer is the same too, which makes me wonder how he let a discriminatory bill pass legislation recently.
The before last sentence I think is quite meaningful in relation to the last one. The poor and middle class would be a lot worse off if let's say GDP per capita were 5% below where it is, and unemployment 5% above.

to say they will be worse off if..... is simply not enough. We should not have poverty at the levels we have in the richest country on earth. This is the key to a proper economic recovery.
The before last sentence I think is quite meaningful in relation to the last one. The poor and middle class would be a lot worse off if let's say GDP per capita were 5% below where it is, and unemployment 5% above.

That's a pretty bold claim (if I'm reading it right). What scenario do you see with a 5% drop in GDP and (consequent?) 5% rise in unemployment?
That's a pretty bold claim (if I'm reading it right). What scenario do you see with a 5% drop in GDP and (consequent?) 5% rise in unemployment?

Its just a hypothetical where the government somehow screws up the post-2008 recovery, GDP contracts more than 2.8% in 2009, doesn't recover 2.5% in 2010 and remain at said levels. A simple trajectory of -4%, +0.5% and 2s thereafter would get you there. If the recovery had gone like that unemployment would've been higher throughout, and they move kind of concurrently.

No great insight to be derived from these imaginings, my point was only that actions of the government since 2009 that helped the economy not contract more have large significance to the well-being of poor and lower middle-class population, since lower income and employment would hit them hardest (as it always happens when there are economic troubles).
He's always been pro-business if nothing else. The NC governer is the same too, which makes me wonder how he let a discriminatory bill pass legislation recently.

Republicans love of money overrides their love of religion. Which is somewhat funny when you consider that love of money makes you a bad christian.
Its just a hypothetical where the government somehow screws up the post-2008 recovery, GDP contracts more than 2.8% in 2009, doesn't recover 2.5% in 2010 and remain at said levels. A simple trajectory of -4%, +0.5% and 2s thereafter would get you there. If the recovery had gone like that unemployment would've been higher throughout, and they move kind of concurrently.

No great insight to be derived from these imaginings, my point was only that actions of the government since 2009 that helped the economy not contract more have large significance to the well-being of poor and lower middle-class population, since lower income and employment would hit them hardest (as it always happens when there are economic troubles).

I guess I agree. He spent most of his 2 terms firefighting Bush's mess, and what he could have done 'positively' with domestic policy was constrained by the GOP.
1. Get all the nutters under one roof.
2. Arm them to the teeth.
3. ???
4. Profit.
I imagine the life expectancy for anybody who looks vaguely muslim in the vicinity being measured in seconds

Let's see if they are really serious about this open carry business if it affects them personally
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