2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Hillary is getting panned big time for refusing to debate Bernie unless he "changes his tone" all the news channels and Twitter and FB are going mad over it. She is losing voters by the minute, and this could be a big mistake as Bernie is leading her in the polls, it's not TOO late for her to feck this up.

Source for this, if possible?
Source for this, if possible?


Only 1% but considering he was 50% behind when he first started, it's not bad. He is cutting down the gap on all the polls. His 3 wins over the weekend were all completely unexpected. He certainly wasn't expected to win by such huge margins, if at all, and they all go against the talk of him only doing well in white states because all three of Alaska, Washington and Hawaii are extremely diverse, and Hawaii is the most diverse in the whole country. That's not saying he will win, because I didn't say that, but Hillary needs to be careful because she can still feck this up, and Bernie beats all 3 Republicans by far higher margins than she does in the general election polls.
Cruz apparently said 'It's up to the secret service'. cnut.

Still hoping the petition gets enough traction. If Trump gets wind of it, he'll definitely try and make some mileage out of it.

What was it trump said - there will be "riots" if they try and block his nomination?

Armed riots and mass murder of political opposition would be my guess if they can get open carry.
No it's not. When the GOP only needs 50% + 1 of their total delegates count, Dems need about 59%. That's why you need superdelegates.

Well now, TIL. Thanks.


Only 1% but considering he was 50% behind when he first started, it's not bad. He is cutting down the gap on all the polls. His 3 wins over the weekend were all completely unexpected. He certainly wasn't expected to win by such huge margins, if at all, and they all go against the talk of him only doing well in white states because all three of Alaska, Washington and Hawaii are extremely diverse, and Hawaii is the most diverse in the whole country. That's not saying he will win, because I didn't say that, but Hillary needs to be careful because she can still feck this up, and Bernie beats all 3 Republicans by far higher margins than she does in the general election polls.

Yep, cheers as well - hadn't seen that poll.

That's literally mathematically impossible in a two-person race, isn't it?

Here are the current numbers: (2,382 needed to win)

Clinton: 1243
Sanders 975

There are 1747 remaining delegates available to be won in the remaining 22 states, which are mostly proportional. So it's entirely plausible that they both win 875 or so each and don't reach 2,382. Hillary has the edge on Super Delegates, but that could obviously change if Sanders gains momentum as he has in recent weeks, and convinces the Super Delegates to switch sides.
I just cannot understand how one can hear both Hillary and Bernie and want to vote for Hillary, but hey, Bush won (twice) so what do I know?
Exactly the same as they did 4 years ago when they left her in droves to go over to Obama.

Stop watching TYT, seriously.

They did it 8 years ago because 1) Obama went into the convention ahead on delegates and 2) He was every bit as establishment as she was/is.

Misinformation is the GOP's specialty. Let's keep it that way.
Obama had a lot more than 6 endorsements at this stage in 2008.

He was also, you know, winning.
I just cannot understand how one can hear both Hillary and Bernie and want to vote for Hillary, but hey, Bush won (twice) so what do I know?

One might believe that even if Sanders had Congress on his side, that his plans would not deliver the growth he expects increase the budget deficit and therefore debt, and one might not be a fan of governments racking up so much debt.

'One' also looks at all the countries in the world trying to spend themselves out of stagnation and thinks they're foolish, and also worries about what'll happen to government budgets in the future. 'One' also avoids listening to politicians on campaign, because that gets old quickly, and there's little insight to be derived.
One might believe that even if Sanders had Congress on his side, that his plans would not deliver the growth he expects increase the budget deficit and therefore debt, and one might not be a fan of governments racking up so much debt.

'One' also looks at all the countries in the world trying to spend themselves out of stagnation and thinks they're foolish, and also worries about what'll happen to government budgets in the future. 'One' also avoids listening to politicians on campaign, because that gets old quickly, and there's little insight to be derived.

One also knows that the United States is an exception. And Sanders will not grow the deficit or debt.
Ive been wondering about this. Have you seen an analysis of that? Timing of defection etc? I'd love to see it if you have.
If you scroll down to "The shape of past endorsement primaries" here - http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-endorsement-primary/ - you can see the Dem 08 race in nominations. They aren't the whole story of superdelegates as they relate only to members of Congress and Governors, not taking into account "distinguished party leaders" and the DNC, but gives you a good idea of Obama's trend. He had a decent number already by Iowa, at which point he shot up.

Also found this article mentioning him narrowing her lead by a lot in late Feb, before primaries in Ohio and Texas had taken place - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/feb/23/uselections2008.barackobama
Is that what you think of Obama in contrast to McCain or Romney ? Interesting.

not comparing him to anyone. I remember him saying it was a start..not the end. The ACA has to evolve..fast to single payer. A start would be to fight for the public option at least not maintain an industry that adds zero added value. Foreign policy. Hillary is far less trustworthy. She will get us into another war.
not comparing him to anyone. I remember him saying it was a start..not the end. The ACA has to evolve..fast to single payer. A start would be to fight for the public option at least not maintain an industry that adds zero added value. Foreign policy. Hillary is far less trustworthy. She will get us into another war.

That's obviously not going to happen when there are two political parties, one of which is staunchly opposed to any government intervention in healthcare. Obama has done very well in even getting the ACA passed in that no other President for the past 100 years was able to do it. Hillary has said she will continue to develop the ACA.
That's obviously not going to happen when there are two political parties, one of which is staunchly opposed to any government intervention in healthcare. Obama has done very well in even getting the ACA passed in that no other President for the past 100 years was able to do it. Hillary has said she will continue to develop the ACA.
There's a four part Obama documentary going on over here at the moment, last episode was about the passing of ACA - didn't realise it was actually Senate Dems that dropped the public option, in the period they briefly held 60 votes. So I'm not sure how it gets passed with Dems even magically up to 60 again.
Just dropped by reddit , both Clinton and Sanders subs. The latter are on full on conspiracy mode now, FBI, emails, Benghazi... The former is better, but there's also a fair few talk of 'feck 'em' and 'feel free to vote for Trump'.

Granted, this is reddit so vitriolic nonsense is expected, but politics sure brings out the worst in people.
What happens when you down the kool-aid:

Just dropped by reddit , both Clinton and Sanders subs. The latter are on full on conspiracy mode now, FBI, emails, Benghazi... The former is better, but there's also a fair few talk of 'feck 'em' and 'feel free to vote for Trump'.

Granted, this is reddit so vitriolic nonsense is expected, but politics sure brings out the worst in people.

you are right. just look at the front runners as evidence.
Even John Pilger thinks that Trumpy would be better than President Hillary.
“Really,” Sarandon said, adding that “some people feel that Donald Trump will bring the revolution immediately if he gets in, things will really explode.” Asked if she thinks that’s “dangerous,” she replied, “It’s dangerous to think that we can continue the way we are with the militarized police force, with privatized prisons, with the death penalty, with the low minimum wage, threats to women’s rights and think you can’t do something huge to turn that around.”

Jesus Christ, talking about threats to women's rights whilst advocating for Trump is almost impressively stupid.
If you scroll down to "The shape of past endorsement primaries" here - http://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/2016-endorsement-primary/ - you can see the Dem 08 race in nominations. They aren't the whole story of superdelegates as they relate only to members of Congress and Governors, not taking into account "distinguished party leaders" and the DNC, but gives you a good idea of Obama's trend. He had a decent number already by Iowa, at which point he shot up.

Also found this article mentioning him narrowing her lead by a lot in late Feb, before primaries in Ohio and Texas had taken place - http://www.theguardian.com/world/2008/feb/23/uselections2008.barackobama

Yeah, that Guardian article is the one I was going to post as well. Thanks.
Her aides are saying she will agree to a debate if Sanders changes his tone. I really hope she is well prepared vs Trump.

This from the woman who said she is staying in the race because Obama may get assassinated like Kennedy :lol:
Just dropped by reddit , both Clinton and Sanders subs. The latter are on full on conspiracy mode now, FBI, emails, Benghazi... The former is better, but there's also a fair few talk of 'feck 'em' and 'feel free to vote for Trump'.

Granted, this is reddit so vitriolic nonsense is expected, but politics sure brings out the worst in people.

25 front page posts, of which 2 are related to Arizona and the rest to NY debate/PA registration/phonebanking/Wisconson/national polls.
Of the 2, one is about activists getting arrested after a protest.
So it's literally 4% (1/25)

From the article

Friday was not the first time Mrs. Clinton referred to the assassination of Robert F. Kennedy in such a context. In March, she told Time magazine: “Primary contests used to last a lot longer. We all remember the great tragedy of Bobby Kennedy being assassinated in June in L.A. My husband didn’t wrap up the nomination in 1992 until June. Having a primary contest go through June is nothing particularly unusual.”

So it didn't generated any outrage in March, but did in May, hmmm...

I mean, Clinton is not whiter than white, but this is more like the time she talked about the Reagans and AIDS rather than anything genuinely malicious.
From the article

So it didn't generated any outrage in March, but did in May, hmmm...

I mean, Clinton is not whiter than white, but this is more like the time she talked about the Reagans and AIDS rather than anything genuinely malicious.

It's still a really really strange thing to bring up. Bernie rightfully got a lot of criticism when he started talking about turning superdelegates (though I'm still unclear if he means that only for states he has won, because that is the part he has been repeating).
Imagine if he said he's in the race because FBI. Then imagine he said because she might die. He'd be buried.
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