2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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this was my line of thinking, but the Secret Service has already stated, they won't allow anyone to be armed :(

Cruz apparently said 'It's up to the secret service'. cnut.

Still hoping the petition gets enough traction. If Trump gets wind of it, he'll definitely try and make some mileage out of it.
There's a petition on Change.org to allow open carry during the republican convention. Get on it and sign it :D

I am guessing it would take the FBI, Secret Service and local law enforcement to agree. I can't really see the Federal guys agreeing to this.

Honestly if you really do not feel safe there, you probably should stay home.
her interview of Hillary and Mathews interview of Hillary too btw were both cringeworthy.

why not just endorse her.

This whole strain of thought that MSNBC support Hillary over Bernie is bizarre. If anything, the likes of Maddow and the rest of them, are fare more liberal than Hillary is and are probably politically in sync with Sanders.
Or maybe politicians are not well-balanced individuals in general.

They're generally not, but are still a reflection of a public who support their rhetoric. Trump is apparently a normal guy behind closed doors and is using his public persona to leverage the post Tea Party white male angst to his advantage.
This whole strain of thought that MSNBC support Hillary over Bernie is bizarre. If anything, the likes of Maddow and the rest of them, are fare more liberal than Hillary is and are probably politically in sync with Sanders.

I have seen their interview Raoul. They were ridiculously softball.

Matthews was pretty tough with Sanders. Fair enough. He should have been the same with Hillary.

I did not see Maddows interview of Bernie tbf.

But MSNBC is definitely in the tank for Hillary imo.
The party supported candidates are not representative of ordinary people. That is why there is the anti-establishment sentiment.
Understood, seems such a shame, so many good, smart, thoughtful people in the US and all they seem to get is this mob to pick from.
I dont know about that, I get to the US pretty frequently with my work and Americans are good people, no different to anyone else in the world I have been.

We're talking about a subsection of Republicans here not a random sampling of Americans.
I have seen their interview Raoul. They were ridiculously softball.

Matthews was pretty tough with Sanders. Fair enough. He should have been the same with Hillary.

I did not see Maddows interview of Bernie tbf.

But MSNBC is definitely in the tank for Hillary imo.

Matthews wasn't particularly tough on Bernie - he only asked him for specifics about how he would pay for his programs and Bernie didn't have an answer. Specifically, what would he do if he had to break a 60 vote GOP filibuster to get free public University education for all passed. Even liberal journalists need to ask these hard questions and Sanders should have an answer. The fact that he didn't basically exposes his strategy as a massive wishful thinking punt.

They're generally not, but are still a reflection of a public who support their rhetoric. Trump is apparently a normal guy behind closed doors and is using his public persona to leverage the post Tea Party white male angst to his advantage.
That Vanity Fair article painted a very different picture.
Understood, seems such a shame, so many good, smart, thoughtful people in the US and all they seem to get is this mob to pick from.

Hillary and the establishment Republican candidates do not represent ordinary Americans. Bernie does represent a huge cross section..and unfortunately in terms of their fears so does Trump. But importantly what Bernie and Trump offer in terms of 'benefits to ordinary Americans' does resonate with many Americans.
using that same logic, will Hillary need 60 votes to break a GOP filibuster to get her agenda through? or perhaps there is nothing she wants to get through that she needs to worry about that.

She wouldn't face nearly as tall a hurdle in breaking a filibuster because her policy positions aren't as radical. No GOP Senator would support any policies adding trillions to the debt, especially after Obama and the ACH. They would basically be signing their own death warrants at the midterms if they weren't remotely perceived as supporting a Sanders position.
She wouldn't face nearly as tall a hurdle in breaking a filibuster because her policy positions aren't as radical. No GOP Senator would support any policies adding trillions to the debt, especially after Obama and the ACH. They would basically be signing their own death warrants at the midterms if they weren't remotely perceived as supporting a Sanders position.

I can understand that logic in terms of just the numbers. But Bernie does explain how he will pay them. So he does not add trillions to the debt. But yes. the GOP will not support doing away with the Health Insurance companies that give them kick backs. same with the Dems too unfortunately. Nice country we live in eh?

As for Hillary is offering...it makes you think does it not? Just what is she offering ordinary Americans?

Well I suppose we have debated this before. and why I will not be voting for her...unless she adopts Bernie's Single Payer proposal, which Bernie has said is a condition for him endorsing her should he not be the nominee. He also is requiring a $15.00 minimum pay rate.
I can understand that logic in terms of just the numbers. But Bernie does explain how he will pay them. So he does not add trillions to the debt. But yes. the GOP will not support doing away with the Health Insurance companies that give them kick backs. same with the Dems too unfortunately. Nice country we live in eh?

As for Hillary is offering...it makes you think does it not? Just what is she offering ordinary Americans?

Well I suppose we have debated this before. and why I will not be voting for her...unless she adopts Bernie's Single Payer proposal, which Bernie has said is a condition for him endorsing her should he not be the nominee. He also is requiring a $15.00 minimum pay rate.

She is offering the same thing Obama offered and delivered when he ran - a continuation of the Affordable Care Act, a continuation of his foreign policy etc, to the extent that the opposition has allowed in recent years.
Every single documentary I have seen or article I have read about him paint a completely different picture too. He's a tremendous cnut and a mentally damaged one at that.
Yep, nobody has yet been able to explain the logic behind this notion that he doesn't really believe the shit he's spouting etc.
We're talking about a subsection of Republicans here not a random sampling of Americans.
Sure, but originally I was responding to your comment about the candidates being a reflection of american voters and I mistook it as a general comment
This whole strain of thought that MSNBC support Hillary over Bernie is bizarre. If anything, the likes of Maddow and the rest of them, are fare more liberal than Hillary is and are probably politically in sync with Sanders.
Maddow certainly loves him. Mathews loves Clinton and looks like he hates Bern (I don't think he does, it's his natural facial expressions) I sense Mika (spelling?) detests Clinton. I've not really seen others show a favorite.
Sanders will concede the nomination once the New York primary is over. Don't see him avoiding a crushing defeat here.

Clinton to her credit has been really gracious about Bernie staying this long in the race.
Sanders will concede the nomination once the New York primary is over. Don't see him avoiding a crushing defeat here.

Clinton to her credit has been really gracious about Bernie staying this long in the race.

I'm not so sure about that. His campaign manager seemed to hint that Bernie is willing to take things to the convention. He made some sort of veiled reference that neither Hillary nor Bernie have enough pledged delegates to reach the necessary number.
True that. Then again, with the "Anyone but Trump" train steaming along, I don't think Clinton needs much help.

forecasting what is going to happen in November in the current political climate can get you so wrong.

I know of friends who will vote for Trump just so the entire system collapses. You see this election is not about Bernie or even Hillary..and certainly not about Trump.

It is about the end of status quo. The same ol from both sides.

We may well have to get rid of the old house and rebuild again.

I know of friends who will vote for Trump just so the entire system collapses
. You see this election is not about Bernie or even Hillary..and certainly not about Trump.

It is about the end of status quo. The same ol from both sides.

We may well have to get rid of the old house and rebuild again.

Annecdotal evidence doesn't hold up well against actual data so far.


And given that 85% of Dems are supportive of Obama and approves of Hillary as the nominee, the second bold is not really true either.
Hillary is getting panned big time for refusing to debate Bernie unless he "changes his tone" all the news channels and Twitter and FB are going mad over it. She is losing voters by the minute, and this could be a big mistake as Bernie is leading her in the polls, it's not TOO late for her to feck this up.
Hillary is getting panned big time for refusing to debate Bernie unless he "changes his tone" all the news channels and Twitter and FB are going mad over it. She is losing voters by the minute, and this could be a big mistake as Bernie is leading her in the polls, it's not TOO late for her to feck this up.

Hillary is getting panned big time for refusing to debate Bernie unless he "changes his tone" all the news channels and Twitter and FB are going mad over it. She is losing voters by the minute, and this could be a big mistake as Bernie is leading her in the polls, it's not TOO late for her to feck this up.

To be exact, that's the comment from Joel Bennenson, her chief pollster and campaign strategist. The candidate herself took a break for Easter.

As for the polls, Bernie will do well to break 40 percent in NY. In fact, I'll bet you 100 quids that her 300- delegates lead will be restored before the month's end (April).

Edit: this is the article he referred to in his 'tone' comment'.

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I'm not so sure about that. His campaign manager seemed to hint that Bernie is willing to take things to the convention. He made some sort of veiled reference that neither Hillary nor Bernie have enough pledged delegates to reach the necessary number.


That's literally mathematically impossible in a two-person race, isn't it?
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