2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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To be fair to Dubya, he came across as somewhat likable in the 2000 primaries, at the very least when compared to Al Gore. And from what I remember he wasn't spouting the same bigoted, batshit nonsense Trump currently is.

Trump is openly, unashamedly bigoted, but policy wise, he's not much different from Cruz, Kasich or the majority of Republicans in previous presidential campaigns.
Trump is openly, unashamedly bigoted, but policy wise, he's not much different from Cruz, Kasich or the majority of Republicans in previous presidential campaigns.

Absolutely, its just how Trump shamelessly champions this views while proudly waving the flag for GOP bigotry.
Then he got a second term!

Americans obviously didn't pay any mind to that old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
I'm constantly surprised by all the reports of voting stations running out of ballots. It happens every time. Surely a law that states there must be a ballot for every eligible voter + 10% extra would fix this? They're pieces of paper for gods sake.

I'm not sure what it's been like for the Repulicans as i'm only really paying attention to to the Democratic primaries. Although i'm from in the UK, judging by a lot of things on the internet, the way the DNC is running there primaries is extremely shady.

In such a country like America, it's pretty shocking something like Arizona could happen.
A lot of American electorate seem to have a fondness of voting for simple minded candidates, who they can relate to. I think that is probably one of the reasons behind so much focus on family life of candidates.
I'm not sure what it's been like for the Repulicans as i'm only really paying attention to to the Democratic primaries. Although i'm from in the UK, judging by a lot of things on the internet, the way the DNC is running there primaries is extremely shady.

In such a country like America, it's pretty shocking something like Arizona could happen.

Not a great source.
Yeezus H. Christ


A petition to allow the open carry of firearms at the Republican National Convention in Cleveland had more than 25,000 signatures Saturday evening.

Ohio is an open-carry state, but Quicken Loans Arena, where the convention is set to be held, bans all weapons on the property.

"In accordance with the Ohio's 'concealed carry' law and the right for private entities to ban handguns on their premises, firearms and other weapons of any kind are strictly forbidden on the premises of Quicken Loans Arena," the Arena's policies read.


Trump Risks Alienating Female Voters With Heidi Cruz Attacks 2:04
The author of the petition, only identified as N A, takes issue with the arena's decision.

"This is a direct affront to the Second Amendment and puts all attendees at risk," the petition says. "By forcing attendees to leave their firearms at home, the RNC and Quicken Loans Arena are putting tens of thousands of people at risk both inside and outside of the convention site."

The City of Cleveland won't comment on specific security measures, but said in a statement last week that "working with our federal, state and local security as well as our business partners we look forward to a successful convention."

A federal spending bill allotted $50 million to Cleveland to offset the cost of security for the convention, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer, which reported that the city has proposed using some of the money to buy 2,000 sets of riot gear.

But the petition argues that "without the right to protect themselves, those at the Quicken Loans Arena will be sitting ducks, utterly helpless against evil-doers, criminals or others who wish to threaten the American way of life."

The petition appeals to the Quicken Loans Arena to change their gun policy during the convention, which will be held July 18 to July 21.

It also calls on the National Rifle Association to condemn the state's law, which allows for gun-free zones, and for Ohio Governor and Republican presidential candidate John Kasich to close what it called a "loophole."

The petition also demands Reince Priebus and the Republican National Committee relocate the Republican National Convention — which is less than four months away — and explain "how a venue so unfriendly to Second Amendment rights was chosen for the Republican Convention."

Republican presidential candidates Donald Trump, Ted Cruz and Kasich are asked in the petition to "call upon the RNC to rectify this affront to our Second Amendment freedoms."

None of the parties or individuals named in the petition immediately responded to a request for comment from NBC News.
I've been busy all day...but saw on twitter, Washington Times will talk about the #CruzMissile and airspace it has penetrated in the front page tomorrow!
Starting to quite like this Obama chap...

"As far as the notion of having surveillance of neighborhoods where Muslims are present, I just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance, which, by the way, the father of Sen. Cruz escaped for America, the land of the free," he said.

Un-feckin-believable! That's about 4 times now that he has stated that "He alone" can solve problems such as ISIS.

And for his next trick.........

Un-feckin-believable. He is tearing the GOP apart and the USA at the same time.
"This is a direct affront to the Second Amendment and puts all attendees at risk," the petition says. "By forcing attendees to leave their firearms at home, the RNC and Quicken Loans Arena are putting tens of thousands of people at risk both inside and outside of the convention site."

Some people are just too stupid to insult.

Speaking of which:

Un-feckin-believable! That's about 4 times now that he has stated that "He alone" can solve problems such as ISIS.

And for his next trick.........

Un-feckin-believable. He is tearing the GOP apart and the USA at the same time.

He's such a windbag, it's staggering that people exist who are dumb enough to want him as president, but then you remember people like that petition author exist.
Starting to quite like this Obama chap...

"As far as the notion of having surveillance of neighborhoods where Muslims are present, I just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance, which, by the way, the father of Sen. Cruz escaped for America, the land of the free," he said.

Obama has been a very good president in a tough time. You need someone like him who deals in thought and rationality so that you don't get the whole 'Team America save the world' hatred that gets people's backs up and basically just plays into the terrorists hands.

In that sense that he's basically the opposite of a loose cannon like Trump. He stands by what he believes in but he's not brash like the people who are going to vote for Trump want.

I can't comment on his policies in America and whether he's managed to accomplish them but in terms of maintaining a level of decorum in foreign policy, Obama is a very good president indeed.
'I alone can solve...'

FFS, his ego's bigger than his hair.
Starting to quite like this Obama chap...

"As far as the notion of having surveillance of neighborhoods where Muslims are present, I just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance, which, by the way, the father of Sen. Cruz escaped for America, the land of the free," he said.

Not even americans seem to believe they live in the land of the free anymore.
Not a great source.

When i say internet, witness reports, local news sources, youtube videos etc etc.

Do you mean its general existence or a particular incident?

I meant the democratic Arizona primaries. Huge scores of being who are adamant they were registered democrats but turned up to find they were listed as independents/republicans, polling locations being cut in some counties meaning huge lines also lack of polling locations in minority heavy districts, running out of ballot papers etc etc.
When i say internet, witness reports, local news sources, youtube videos etc etc.

I meant the democratic Arizona primaries. Huge scores of being who are adamant they were registered democrats but turned up to find they were listed as independents/republicans, polling locations being cut in some counties meaning huge lines also lack of polling locations in minority heavy districts, running out of ballot papers etc etc.

Not a single one of those things has anything to do with the DNC. This is what I meant when I said the Internet is not a great source.
John Kerry: presidential campaign descending into 'embarrassment' for US
Secretary of state says world leaders are ‘shocked’ as Republican candidates Ted Cruz and Donald Trump defend plans to combat terror and focus on Muslims


If a person believed everything Trump and Cruz say, they would be in a foaming state of panic right now.

Astonishing and worrying that all these statements are shown to be laughably, woefully wrong, be it by the NYPD, government statistics or hard verifiable academic evidence... Yet they don't retract them, they repeat them.
Assuming it isn't a publicity stunt it wouldn't be the last reason. Far from the first or an important reason mind.

He's been doing it for a while, I doubt it's a put-on.

It's not a reason to vote for him, but it affirms something people feel about his character.
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