2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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That is the most likely of scenarios. He's not going to win new people over who currently loathe him.

Speaking of people who loathe Trump, just read this on CNN:

"Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton register net negative ratings in double digits, indicating the front-runners for each party's presidential nominations are viewed negatively at historic levels, according to a new CBS/New York Times poll.

That makes Trump and Clinton viewed more unfavorably than any front-runner for either party since 1984, when CBS began polling voters on the question.

On the Republican side, Trump scores a net negative of -33, with a favorable rating of 24% compared to 57% of voters who view him unfavorably. On the Democratic side, Clinton fares only slightly better with a net negative of -21, registering a 31% favorable rating and a 52% unfavorable rating, according to the poll."

Speaking of people who loathe Trump, just read this on CNN:

"Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton register net negative ratings in double digits, indicating the front-runners for each party's presidential nominations are viewed negatively at historic levels, according to a new CBS/New York Times poll.

That makes Trump and Clinton viewed more unfavorably than any front-runner for either party since 1984, when CBS began polling voters on the question.

On the Republican side, Trump scores a net negative of -33, with a favorable rating of 24% compared to 57% of voters who view him unfavorably. On the Democratic side, Clinton fares only slightly better with a net negative of -21, registering a 31% favorable rating and a 52% unfavorable rating, according to the poll."


That's not surprising. The GOP have been working full time to erode Hillary's numbers since 2012 and Trump is digging his own grave with his comments this cycle.
Brussels won't change the election, another attack on US soil and it will be Trump 2016 (or at least very very close)
Brussels won't change the election, another attack on US soil and it will be Trump 2016 (or at least very very close)

I feel it will give Trump ammunition and there will be more of his "ban all muslims" calls...which I feel alot of his supporters totally agree with.
It would obviously never happen,and I'm not sure he'd do it (also the GOP would flip out) but if I were a big news channel I'd throw a pile of money at Jon Stewart as a one man interviewer of Hillary v Trump. He'd have the balls and skills to go after them both, I reckon. Once he had a decent research team behind him.
I'd happily pay a lot of money towards making a Trump v Stewart interview happen.
at the least, it will shift focus on the discussions to foreign policy.

Which will expose the Teflon Don horribly. Have you seen his list of national security advisers?

I don't get how this idea that volatile global climate will help him is taken as a truism. Fearmongering only goes so far.
I don't understand the republicans in America. Preaching pro life till their eyes bleed but if thousands of innocent Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinian s are killed, that's all good, they aren't white anyway.
Oh dont forget they have to be Christian and not Muslim.
Wow, I just read that Washington Post interview. :lol: Nothing new there at all, but it's just scary and hilarious at the same time. Madness. Quite bizarre to read his comments too, they look even more crazy when written down, maybe because they seem far more incoherent. It's also amusing reading and listening to the recording at the same time. He is insecure and completely mad.

I just cannot imagine objectively listening to Hillary, Trump, Cruz and Bernie and not picking Bernie.
That will never make sense to me.

I know, it really is madness. Although I can understand why people don't like him, especially religious voters, but I bet quite a large amount of people don't like him because they are misinformed about him or his policies or don't understand what he actually stands for. That is proved when many are interviewed. Especially the poorer Republicans, frightened by dirty words such as "liberal" or "socialist" or "free" yet they don't understand how much better off they would be or how fairer it would be for them.
Very sad to be reading this.
How can one be a respectable arbiter of negotiations when you admit that you're biased against one group?

Probably because they aren't respectable arbiters, they are pandering to a particular voting block to get elected. They may well behave differently once in office. Look at Trump for example, he is probably more rational on Israel/Palestine than any one of them spare Bernie.
Probably because they aren't respectable arbiters, they are pandering to a particular voting block to get elected. They may well behave differently once in office. Look at Trump for example, he is probably more rational on Israel/Palestine than any one of them spare Bernie.
Jews in the US overwhelming vote democrat. I think she had some leeway to be less one sided in her speech.
Why do republicans hate Cuba and their oppressive regime so much than other valued partners like Saudi Arabia? I mean bay of pigs happened such a long time ago.

The Missile Crisis also. That was maybe the 2nd or 3rd most significant existential threat to the US in history, bar the Revolutionary War and the War of 1812. Of course the main agent was the Soviet Union, but the Cubans were right along thinking it was a great move. Ancient history too by now, and hating Cuba is going a bit far (strategy can't be properly conducted by emotion). But they'd still be on my shit-list.
Some people think Cuba was better off under the repressive US backed regime of Batista.
Why do republicans hate Cuba and their oppressive regime so much than other valued partners like Saudi Arabia? I mean bay of pigs happened such a long time ago.

Being anti-Communist is a long standing staple of the the American Conservative movement. A residual byproduct of the cold war.
I feel it will give Trump ammunition and there will be more of his "ban all muslims" calls...which I feel alot of his supporters totally agree with.
Well, Cruz is the one who mentioned carpet bombing ISIS. And Hillary was SoS.

More geopolitical instability just hurts Sanders, I don't think it helps anyone aside from that.
Contradictions between the Arizona govt website and the election workers on the ground regarding the rules for open/closed primaries. Not good news for Bernie at all. A ton of posts complaining about names not appearing in rolls in Utah too.
Contradictions between the Arizona govt website and the election workers on the ground regarding the rules for open/closed primaries. Not good news for Bernie at all. A ton of posts complaining about names not appearing in rolls in Utah too.

If the party has done a half arsed job, it should affect Clinton and Sanders equally? Or Sanders is more affected because he's drawing in first time voters?
I hope that November rolls around soon and one way or the other the President elect is someone other than Drumpf. And then we can all proceed to nervously laugh about that time a retarded TV personality was a serious candidate for US President.
You and me both.

Yet, we both know, the real fun has yet to start.
Contradictions between the Arizona govt website and the election workers on the ground regarding the rules for open/closed primaries. Not good news for Bernie at all. A ton of posts complaining about names not appearing in rolls in Utah too.

Wasn't there lots of complaints about Super Tuesdays votes as well, not enough ballot papers, polling centres closing early, not letting people in, and turning voters away if they hadn't registered and also rumours some were saying they were Republican only polling centres when they were clearly Democrat ones. I was shocked nothing more was made of all of it when I saw it, and coupled with tonight's/todays claims it makes it even more suspicious.
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