2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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FIVE feckin questions on Cuba and Castro. WTF? So biased, unbelievable. Just baiting him to say something positive about them so they can brand him a socialist or sympathiser and use it against him. Yet they let Trump, Cruz and Clinton off easily. This is BS.

Maybe it's because I'm pre-biased or my point of view but I thought his answers were spot-on.

edit: and in the <1% chance he becomes the nominee, this is good preparation.
FIVE feckin questions on Cuba and Castro. WTF? So biased, unbelievable. Just baiting him to say something positive about them so they can brand him a socialist or sympathiser and use it against him. Yet they let Trump, Cruz and Clinton off easily. This is BS.

Sanders > Cruz > Trump > Clinton, in terms of tough questions IMO. Wolf B pushed him on the Gaffney questions.
Maybe it's because I'm pre-biased or my point of view but I thought his answers were spot-on.

Yeah, I thought his answers were great too, but my point was the way he went after Bernie like that, compared to how soft he went on Hillary.

Sanders > Cruz > Trump > Clinton, in terms of tough questions IMO. Wolf B pushed him on the Gaffney questions.

Yup. Spot on.
Man I love Bernie. Jeez what a guy he is! Shame America doesn't see it, and a real shame we can't find some relative link to England so he can come over here and try for election here.

Apart from a symbolic "feck you" to the Arab world, does it serve any practical purpose to move a US embassy to a more volatile city?

East Jerusalem is the de facto capital of the proposed Palestinian state, since it was annexed by Israel its considered occupied territory by the international community. For the US to move its embassy to Jerusalem would indeed be a big feck you to the Palestinians and probably the international community, and would position the US as firmly on the side of Israel. Not that its been any other way, but still - gotta keep up the facade of appearing 'neutral' and all that. Practically speaking there's no logistical benefit to it, its just a symbolic move to attest 100% loyalty to Israel at the expense of the Palestinians, while disregarding international law. Unsurprisingly the vultures at AIPAC and the likes of Sheldon Adelson lap it up.
Man I love Bernie. Jeez what a guy he is! Shame America doesn't see it, and a real shame we can't find some relative link to England so he can come over here and try for election here.

Hey I want him for supreme chancellor/ galactic emperor of India, you guys can take him next :)

And (I'm 90% sure you know by now) his brother is a green party councilor in Oxford.
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Surprise, surprise Time Warner have given $400,000 to Clinton's campaign, so I wonder why she got interviewed like she was a movie start promoting her new film and why Bernie got grilled like he was in court.
Shades of Count Kay Burley chairing the UK election debate:

"So, Dave, how's the wife and kids, mate?"

"So, Red Ed Millipede you geeky twat, why don't you just f*ck off and shag Stalin like your dad did?"
Shades of Count Kay Burley chairing the UK election debate:

"So, Dave, how's the wife and kids, mate?"

"So, Red Ed Millipede you geeky twat, why don't you just f*ck off and shag Stalin like your dad did?"

Exactly right Steve. She should be working over in the states. 1. It would get the horrible cnut away from us, and 2. She would fit in perfectly with the majority of their journalists/presenters/moderators. It wouldn't happen though because she's just too damn ugly.
Man I love Bernie. Jeez what a guy he is! Shame America doesn't see it, and a real shame we can't find some relative link to England so he can come over here and try for election here.
Because America is stupid that way. They don't any one who is normal or actually wants to do some good. They prefer the crazies who can't and won't do shit and then whine about them for the next 8 years. At least Berie is trying to do some good. The others aren't even trying. I decided a long time ago I was going to vote for him but I'm just so pissed he isn't getting the traction I thought he would get.
Exactly right Steve. She should be working over in the states. 1. It would get the horrible cnut away from us, and 2. She would fit in perfectly with the majority of their journalists/presenters/moderators. It wouldn't happen though because she's just too damn ugly.

I can't believe that Sky News haven't fired her, mate.

EDIT: Actually, I'm an idiot for not realising why when the answer is contained in the words 'Sky News'.
Cruz is such a hypocrite. Doesn't have a problem with Gaffney's views because they were in the past, yet says 'Look at Donald Trump's record, his record matters'. I mean, ignore the past Cruz..

Why can't moderators corner him with such a simple logical question.
Cruz is such a hypocrite. Doesn't have a problem with Gaffney's views because they were in the past, yet says 'Look at Donald Trump's record, his record matters'. I mean, ignore the past Cruz..

Why can't moderators corner him with such a simple logical question.
Because everything is sort of staged for lack of a better word. They don't ask the big boys/girls like Trump or Clinton anything as harsh as Couric did with Palin. Politics within politics.
Wolf Blitzer to Trump "When people are talking about you they are talking about bigotry, racism, xenophobia, misogyny" Trump... (with a straight face) "Well maybe they are talking about intelligence"

Yup, he really said that.
I wish Jon Stewart was still on the Daily Show.Trevor Noah is a funny comedian but his show isn't as funny and he has no political voice. Stewart had a very strong political voice and he would have ripped these candidates to shreds.
Wolf Blitzer to Trump "When people are talking about you they are talking about bigotry, racism, xenophobia, misogyny" Trump... (with a straight face) "Well maybe they are talking about intelligence"


Thanks for sharing this. That's pretty crazy.

Trump is running against himself, almost. His message needs to offend minorities. But it doesn't need to offend women to this extent, if at all. It's just a pure unforced error for him.

I really hate to imagine what a non-buffoon running with Trump's message would have achieved. Someone photogenic and personable tapping into the Trump constituency could very well have won the whole thing. An American Marine Le Pen would have been a real threat.
At least Berie is trying to do some good. The others aren't even trying. I decided a long time ago I was going to vote for him but I'm just so pissed he isn't getting the traction I thought he would get.

I'm with you on that one. He's surrounded by feckin weasels, and the bigger idiots in the media who don't have the balls to challenge them and the bigger fools who would actually vote for someone like Drumpf. Makes me despair over it all.

Hillary is a snake too, I don't see what integrity she has,she'll honestly say anything.

It would obviously never happen,and I'm not sure he'd do it (also the GOP would flip out) but if I were a big news channel I'd throw a pile of money at Jon Stewart as a one man interviewer of Hillary v Trump. He'd have the balls and skills to go after them both, I reckon. Once he had a decent research team behind him.

I don't understand the republicans in America. Preaching pro life till their eyes bleed but if thousands of innocent Syrians, Iraqis, Palestinian s are killed, that's all good, they aren't white anyway.
Just watched Bernie's comments on Israel/Palestine there. The man has more integrity and courage in his little finger than every other candidate and their campaign teams have combined.
Donald Trump meets the Washington Post – what we learned

Republican frontrunner met the newspaper’s editorial board to talk about Isis, protesters, race, freedom of the press … and his ‘normal hands’

The Washington Post has published the entire transcript of a meeting between its editorial board and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. In an hour-long conversation ranging (often erratically on Trump’s part) over a variety of issues, it emerged that while there are some areas he is reluctant to discuss in detail – his foreign policy, for one, which he says he wants to keep “unpredictable” – there is another on which he is keen to talk and talk and talk: the size of his “slightly large, actually” hands.

The Washington Post’s post-match verdict? “An empty policy basket makes almost impossible the kind of substantive debate on which democracies depend.”

Trump is going to knock out Isis
Washington Post: If you could substantially reduce the risk of harm to [American] ground troops, would you use a battlefield nuclear weapon to take out Isis?
Trump: I don’t want to use, I don’t want to start the process of nuclear. Remember the one thing that everybody has said, I’m a counterpuncher. Rubio hit me. Bush hit me. When I said low energy, he’s a low-energy individual, he hit me first. I spent, by the way he spent $18m worth of negative ads on me. That’s putting …
WP: This is about Isis. You would not use a tactical nuclear weapon against Isis?
Trump: I’ll tell you one thing, this is a very good-looking group of people here. Could I just go around so I know who the hell I’m talking to?

He thinks protesters at Trump rallies are ‘very bad people’ …
Trump: You know I get these massive crowds of people, and we’ll get protesters. And these protesters are honestly, they’re very bad people. In many cases, they’re professionals. Highly trained professionals …

We’ve had some very bad people come in. We had one guy – and I said it, he had the voice, and this was what I was referring to – and I said: “Boy, I’d like to smash him.” You know, I said that. I’d like to punch him. This guy was unbelievably loud. He had a voice like Pavarotti.

WP: Rip him out of his seat, punch him in the face, isn’t that violent?
Trump: Well, he punched other people.
WP: I guess the question is, when you then offer to pay the guy’s legal fees, isn’t that …
Trump: I didn’t offer.
WP: Isn’t that condoning?
Trump: No, I didn’t offer.
WP: You said you would consider it …
Trump: I said I want to look into it. I said I want to look into it. I didn’t say that.
WP: Isn’t that condoning?
Trump: No, I don’t think so.
WP: Doesn’t that convey a message of approval?
Trump: Don’t think so.

He has ‘no opinion’ on race and policing
WP: In general, do you believe there are disparities in law enforcement?
Trump: I’ve read where there are and I’ve read where there aren’t. I mean, I’ve read both. And, you know, I have no opinion on that.

He’s still not very happy with the media
WP: You’ve mentioned that you want to “open up” the libel laws
Trump: I might not have to, based on Gawker. Right? … OK, look, I’ve had stories written about me – by your newspaper and by others – that are so false, that are written with such hatred … I’m not a bad person. I’m just doing my thing … I’m, you know, running, I want to do something that’s good. It’s not an easy thing to do. I had a nice life until I did this, you know. …

I don’t want to impede free press, by the way. The last thing I would want to do is that. But I mean I can only speak for – I probably get more – do I, I mean, you would know, do I get more publicity than any human being on the earth? OK? I mean [points at columnist Ruth Marcus], she kills me, this one – that’s OK, nice woman.

He understands what is going on
Trump: Right now, look, you know, I went to a great school, I was a good student and all. I am an intelligent person. My uncle, I would say my uncle was one of the brilliant people. He was at MIT for 35 years. As a great scientist and engineer, actually more than anything else. Dr John Trump, a great guy. I’m an intelligent person. I understand what is going on.

He’s still talking about ‘the Muslim thing’
Trump: With the Muslim thing, I think it’s a serious problem. I’ve had Muslims call and tell me you’re right with the Muslim thing, I think it’s a serious problem. And it’s a problem that has to be addressed. I mean, there’s tremendous hatred. Even the, even the guy they caught in Paris. He was being hid out by other Muslims, and everybody is after him, and he’s living right next to where he grew up. There’s a serious, serious problem with the Muslims and it’s got to be addressed. It’s temporary, and it’s got to be addressed. And you know, you may think of it as negative. Many people think it’s very positive.

He’s really bothered by what people say about his hands

Trump: Here’s my hands. Now I have my hands, I hear, on the New Yorker, a picture of my hands … A hand with little fingers coming out of a stem. Like, little. Look at my hands. They’re fine. Nobody other than Graydon Carter years ago used to use that. My hands are normal hands. During a debate, he [Marco Rubio] was losing, and he said, “Oh, he has small hands and therefore, you know what that means.” This was not me. This was Rubio that said, “He has small hands and you know what that means.” OK? So, he started it. So, what I said a couple of days later … and what happened is I was on line shaking hands with supporters, and one of supporters got up and he said: “Mr Trump, you have strong hands. You have good-sized hands.” And then another one would say: “You have great hands, Mr Trump, I had no idea.” I said: “What do you mean?” He said: “I thought you were like deformed, and I thought you had small hands.” I had 50 people … Is that a correct statement? I mean people were writing: “How are Mr Trump’s hands?”

My hands are fine. You know, my hands are normal. Slightly large, actually. In fact, I buy a slightly smaller than large glove, OK? No, but I did this because everybody was saying to me: “Oh, your hands are very nice. They are normal.” So Rubio, in a debate, said, because he had nothing else to say … Obviously, it didn’t work too well. But one of the things he said was: “He has small hands and therefore, you know what that means, he has small something else.”

And not just a little bothered …
Trump: I don’t want people to go around thinking that I have a problem. I’m telling you, I had so many people. I would say 25, 30 people would tell me … every time I’d shake people’s hand: “Oh, you have nice hands.” Why shouldn’t I? And, by the way, by saying that I solved the problem. Nobody questions … I even held up my hands, and said: “Look, take a look at that hand” … And by saying that, I solved the problem. Nobody questions. Everyone held my hand. I said: look. Take a look at that hand.

… Really quite bothered indeed
Trump: He [Rubio] said: “Donald Trump has small hands and therefore he has small something else.” I didn’t say that. And all I did is when he failed, when he was failing, when he was, when [Chris] Christie made him look bad, I gave him the … a little recap and I said, and I said, and I had this big strong powerful hand ready to grab him, because I thought he was going to faint. And everybody took it fine. Whether it was presidential or not, I can’t tell you. I can just say that what he said was a lie. And everybody, they wanted to do stories on my hands; after I said that, they never did. And then I held up the hand, I showed people the hand.

Read the full Washington Post transcript here.
:lol: what a complete Narcissist, he really got a bee in his bonnet over the stuff about his hands. Can you imagine the scenario of President Trump plunging the world into turmoil because of Putin saying he had little girly hands, I certainly can.
None, in fact less people would be likely to vote for him after the reality of real world terrorism sinks in.
Man I love Bernie. Jeez what a guy he is! Shame America doesn't see it, and a real shame we can't find some relative link to England so he can come over here and try for election here.

I just cannot imagine objectively listening to Hillary, Trump, Cruz and Bernie and not picking Bernie.
That will never make sense to me.
I'm not sure about that, fear mongering wins elections.
I don't understand this narrative at all....half the voters in this country, can't find Australia on a map, like they give a fcuk, what happens in Belgium. There is no more fear mongering to do...like I said previously - there are only a finite number of 'angry white people'. And they are already voting for him.
None, in fact less people would be likely to vote for him after the reality of real world terrorism sinks in.

I don't see how that is possible unfortunately. Best case scenario is he's got all the scared folk in his camp already and the rhetoric won't sway the rest of the populace.
I don't see how that is possible unfortunately. Best case scenario is he's got all the scared folk in his camp already and the rhetoric won't sway the rest of the populace.

That is the most likely of scenarios. He's not going to win new people over who currently loathe him.
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