2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Wasn't there lots of complaints about Super Tuesdays votes as well, not enough ballot papers, polling centres closing early, not letting people in, and turning voters away if they hadn't registered and also rumours some were saying they were Republican only polling centres when they were clearly Democrat ones. I was shocked nothing more was made of all of it when I saw it, and coupled with tonight's/todays claims it makes it even more suspicious.

There were (and there was also Bill Clinton on video breaking a few campaign laws), but this seems to be (based on comments by voters in the sanders subreddit) far more widespread.
Wasn't there lots of complaints about Super Tuesdays votes as well, not enough ballot papers, polling centres closing early, not letting people in, and turning voters away if they hadn't registered and also rumours some were saying they were Republican only polling centres when they were clearly Democrat ones. I was shocked nothing more was made of all of it when I saw it, and coupled with tonight's/todays claims it makes it even more suspicious.

Found a source: http://www.azcentral.com/story/news...ge-presidential-preference-election/82096726/
Ted Cruz criticized New York mayor Bill de Blasio for abolishing a controversial surveillance program on Muslims during a press conference on Tuesday.

“If you look here in the city of New York, New York had a proactive policing program that Mayor Michael Bloomberg championed to work cooperatively with the Muslim community to prevent radicalization,” Senator Ted Cruz told reporters during a press conference in New York on Tuesday. “Mayor Bill de Blasio when he came in, in a peak of political correctness, canceled the program.”

In response, the mayor’s office called Cruz’s reflection of the program “blatantly false”.

Monica Klein, a spokeswoman for the mayor, said: “Now we know why everyone is calling Ted Cruz a liar.”

I saw this earlier -- seemed like a bit of a gaffe. "Awful legacy of the past eight years" or something similar.
Only a gaffe if it's taken out of context. Everyone not a Republican knows what he meant...

He meant the hatred and the divisiveness Obama has had to face right from the start...despite his naive attempts at trying to get everyone on board in his first term...and how so much of this supposed 'anger' is simply people who never got over a black guy being in office and to make it worse...the black guy wasn't their guy.

He has almost finished his 2nd term and still people like Trump talk about his birth certificate or cast aspersions on his faith.

The day he won the election as Fox News was declaring him the winner, senior reporters and panelists kept saying...hopefully he won't be a radical in office.

This was the narrative Obama has had to face and the rise of people like Trump IS the legacy of that hate.
Only a gaffe if it's taken out of context. Everyone not a Republican knows what he meant...

He meant the hatred and the divisiveness Obama has had to face right from the start...despite his naive attempts at trying to get everyone on board in his first term...and how so much of this supposed 'anger' is simply people who never got over a black guy being in office and to make it worse...the black guy wasn't their guy.

He has almost finished his 2nd term and still people like Trump talk about his birth certificate or cast aspersions on his faith.

The day he won the election as Fox News was declaring him the winner, senior reporters and panelists kept saying...hopefully he won't be a radical in office.

This was the narrative Obama has had to face and the rise of people like Trump IS the legacy of that hate.

Thanks for the clarification. I do remember Obama (and the campaign of '08 in general) placing great emphasis on who would be able to "reach out" or "reach across the aisle" best. But, as you say, it was pretty doomed from the start.
So we're expecting Bernie to have a good night tonight, right?

Idaho is nailed on for him and surely Utah can't be too far behind either. Hillary to pull off Arizona
Ted Cruz said:
We need to empower law enforcement to patrol and secure Muslim neighborhoods before they become radicalized.

We need to secure the southern border to prevent terrorist infiltration.

Is he actually this stupid? Or is he just trying to out-Trump Trump?

Those fundamentalist Islamic Mexicans, though, eh?
So we're expecting Bernie to have a good night tonight, right?

Idaho is nailed on for him and surely Utah can't be too far behind either. Hillary to pull off Arizona
Bernie should win in terms of states won yeah, not sure he'll make much of a dent in delegate terms though.

Also :lol:

Is he actually this stupid? Or is he just trying to out-Trump Trump?

Those fundamentalist Islamic Mexicans, though, eh?

Tbf to the asshole, a porous border is an attractive entry point for potential terrorists.

Of course it ignores the point that, all instances of Islamic terrorism in the US has been carried out by people who entered the country legally!
Hillary murdering Sanders almost 2 to 1 in Arizona with 40% of the vote in.
That's just the early vote, right? Lot of early votes though, Ohio level and she won that by 14.
Think her and Trump will have big wins in Arizona.

Dems are showing 45% of the vote in Arizona in.

CNN showing 45%, Guardian (and others) showing 1.1%, with identical numbers (61.1-36.5). One of these two is wrong.
Think her and Trump will have big wins in Arizona.

Dems are showing 45% of the vote in Arizona in.
Yeah, she's killing it. Might narrow but hard to see this lead getting overturned on election day alone.
Lol. "All others" is ahead of Cruz right now in AZ.

How apt of this primary season.

CNN showing 45%, Guardian (and others) showing 1.1%, with identical numbers (61.1-36.5). One of these two is wrong.
45% looks accurate in terms of total Democrat votes (2008 primary total = 456k votes). Guardian does it based on precincts which are largely not in yet.
What would be a good result for Sanders today? Getting more delegates than Clinton and closing the gap, even if its only by a bit..?
Clinton winning Arizona was expected.. so isnt exactly a shock result..
What would be a good result for Sanders today? Getting more delegates than Clinton and closing the gap, even if its only by a bit..?
Clinton winning Arizona was expected.. so isnt exactly a shock result..
538 had his Arizona target as winning 7 more delegates that Clinton, so I don't think you can say it was a lock for her.

Sanders also outspent her by 2-1, so getting beat by more than 10 points certainly wouldn't be good there.
538 had his Arizona target as winning 7 more delegates that Clinton, so I don't think you can say it was a lock for her.

Sanders also outspent her by 2-1, so getting beat by more than 10 points certainly wouldn't be good there.

Apparently the Clinton's campaign didn't even bother to spend a single cent in ad in Utah and Idaho :lol:. Not a great narrative for Sanders if she came within 10 points of him in both states while he get whacked despite outspending her in AZ.

Those banging the electability drum should take caution. Minorities vote can't be taken for granted, just as the progressive vote. Sanders has campaigned for the best part of a year and he still hasn't captured minorities aged 35 and above (who can be counted on to turn out).
I'm still amazed that people are voting in large numbers for a man who says he'll stop Muslims from entering the USA. How exactly does that work, then? What about the Muslims who are American citizens and hold US passports? How do you know if someone is a Muslim? The mind boggles.
So Sanders did end up winning Idaho and Utah.. by huge margins too. 80-20. Got more delegates.. not big numbers though..

It'll almost certainly be Clinton v Trump with Clinton winning..
No one like a boring election..
So Sanders did end up winning Idaho and Utah.. by huge margins too. 80-20. Got more delegates.. not big numbers though..
I have a question. As a European, I don't follow all the details of the nomination procedures but remember vaguely that Democrats have not just delegates but super-delegates. What's their role, and can they 'overthrow' the votes of the delegates?

On another note, I heard somebody on BBC or SKY, don't remember exactly, that the GOP elite (whoever this may be) consider nominating someone who competes against Trump at the nomination summit (or conference or whatever the correct technical term may be).
Is this possible? Has this ever happened before? What's the point of all those primaries if a candidate can enter the race by such a short-cut?

Even high school elections weren't this bad..
I have a question. As a European, I don't follow all the details of the nomination procedures but remember vaguely that Democrats have not just delegates but super-delegates. What's their role, and can they 'overthrow' the votes of the delegates?

On another note, I heard somebody on BBC or SKY, don't remember exactly, that the GOP elite (whoever this may be) consider nominating someone who competes against Trump at the nomination summit (or conference or whatever the correct technical term may be).
Is this possible? Has this ever happened before? What's the point of all those primaries if a candidate can enter the race by such a short-cut?
I'm not American either..
But from what I know, Superdelegates can vote any way they want.. and most of them are backing Clinton..
But they can change their vote any time.
If Sanders gets more pledged delegates (highly unlikely), then then the Super Delegates might change their vote. Unless the party feels very strongly against Sanders getting the nomination.

Considering most polls show Sanders doing well against any republican candidate, that would be a tough call to make..
So basically.. They can get Clinton the nomination even if Sanders gets more delegates... but that scenario is unlikely

About the GOP
I'm not American either..
But from what I know, Superdelegates can vote any way they want.. and most of them are backing Clinton..
But they can change their vote any time.
If Sanders gets more pledged delegates (highly unlikely), then then the Super Delegates might change their vote. Unless the party feels very strongly against Sanders getting the nomination.

Considering most polls show Sanders doing well against any republican candidate, that would be a tough call to make..
So basically.. They can get Clinton the nomination even if Sanders gets more delegates... but that scenario is unlikely

About the GOP

Thanks a lot. Phew, looks as if this anything but straigh-forward.
So "uncommitted" won American Samoa. :lol:

Now that's how you vote when faced with such a field.

I am guessing that come the General Election I will once again be writing myself in as my vote for President, since I am not thrilled by any of the potential candidates (assuming Hillary is the Dem nominee). I live in NY State which I believe whoever the Dem nominee is will carry easily.
I'm not American either..
But from what I know, Superdelegates can vote any way they want.. and most of them are backing Clinton..
But they can change their vote any time.
If Sanders gets more pledged delegates (highly unlikely), then then the Super Delegates might change their vote. Unless the party feels very strongly against Sanders getting the nomination.

Considering most polls show Sanders doing well against any republican candidate, that would be a tough call to make..
So basically.. They can get Clinton the nomination even if Sanders gets more delegates... but that scenario is unlikely

About the GOP

Hmm...where have i seen this before ? :)
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