2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Gandhi was pro-Palestine in the 40s, our 1st PM was leftist, and right since then we've officially maintained a pro-statehood stance. In the last 2 decades, there's been increasing defence/terror cooperation with Israel and now I think our stance is moving towards the European one.
The prevailing European stance is highly critical. Even among some of the more traditionally conservative newspapers.
You guys obviously don't follow US politics closely....

You want bipartisan on education, health care, jobs, social security for American citizens? Good fecking luck.

You want politician after political pledging to do whatever they can for a foreign nation - well, you've come to the right place.

You will never see so much unity!

You think the UK has a 'special relationship' with us...think again. The UK is like the fat girl from across the street, we don't want to be mean to....so we say nice things because we know a little praise will help their poor self esteem and make them feel important.

Meanwhile, Israel is the one we truly love....hell, we'll even let her feck us from behind and thank her for the honor.
I've been following these elections for a reasonably long time, but this is the first AIPAC parade I've witnessed.
I've been following these elections for a reasonably long time, but this is the first AIPAC parade I've witnessed.

This is a staple of US politics, long tradition and very important. This isn't about some nonsensical Jewish conspiracy etc etc...but, it is absolutely critical and no one wants to get on the wrong side of AIPAC.

Look at the last 7 years, what has Obama done differently? Have illegal Israeli settlements stopped? Has the US allowed the UN to pass any resolutions against Israel? Has it denied Israel any funds? Arms?

No on all counts.

Yet, because, Obama dared to call for 'restraint'...he has apparently betrayed Israel :lol:

Hillary will be a lot more hawkish on the issue (not as far as Cruz)...but, much less sympathetic to Palestinians.

In additional republican candidates go the extra mile because the evangelicals are more pro Israel than Israelis :lol:

I think there are more Israeli Jews who find a Palestinian state acceptable than evangelicals in the US!

I just think there is room to condemn Palestinian terrorism and acknowledge the right of Israel to defend itself - while still demanding justice for the Palestinian people without being labeled an Anti Semite.
Elizabeth Warren ‏@elizabethforma 8 hrs8 hours ago
.@RealDonaldTrump knows he’s a loser. His insecurities are on parade: petty bullying, attacks on women, cheap racism, flagrant narcissism.
Wow, she's going in hard. Thank goodness she didn't mention his titchy hands. Should imagine she'll be next on his hit list after Megyn.

Just can't imagine a politician here saying that sort of stuff. Well done to her.
Cruz just said his father was tortured by the Batista regime in Cuba. That American backed fascist regime...
Wow, she's going in hard. Thank goodness she didn't mention his titchy hands. Should imagine she'll be next on his hit list after Megyn.

Just can't imagine a politician here saying that sort of stuff. Well done to her.

This might be fun. He isn't capable of biting his tongue and taking an attack like that on the chin, but if he goes after her he could be in for a rude awakening!
Trump getting softballed by Wolf at the moment yet ignoring and side-stepping every question. Some highlights so far..

"look at these hands" "These are the steadiest hands in the world" "i'm the least racist person in the world"

Etc. He's a feckin joke.
I just hope it isn't Cruz or, god forbid, Kasich, as the nominee.
Even Bernie loses to Kasich. Kasich as VP would be kryptonite.


The only matchups that are remotely credible are Trump v Hillary since people actually think they have a good chance of facing each other. The rest of them are all completely worthless since they are basically asking people about pretend matchups that may or may not take place 8 months from now.
Remember guys, Trump can't be bought out. All this bending over for AIPAC is just playful foreplay :wenger:

Cruz on the other hand should invest in a sturdy pair of knee pads in time for his next meeting with Netanyahu.
Wolf Blitzer is the pits. Anderson Cooper is a much tougher moderator, with the guts and brains to follow up and call out lies.
They're all bent over, taking it from Israel.

Clinton says she wouldn't move the embassy to Jerusalem. Wasn't expecting that from her to be honest. I don't understand why this is a major issue. Does Tel Aviv have crappy traffic or something?
Wolf Blitzer is the pits. Anderson Cooper is a much tougher moderator, with the guts and brains to follow up and call out lies.

I agree, but if you listen to the shit he just came out with to Wolf. Every answer was a joke, he is never held accountable for anything he says or does. It really has to stop. Surely it can't go on much longer? Surely he will have to have a Palin ~ Katie Couric moment sooner or later?
To be fair, she hasn't really been asked any yet. It's a joke. Everyone is softballing these candidates tonight. Trump just mocked someone for reading off a teleprompter, didn't he do the same today?

It was about Merrick Garland. Don't see how it would harm her to answer. I can understand the evasion on encryption, but what was she obfuscating with that non-answer about the SC nomination?
It's like her 1st instinct is not to answer, regardless of the question.

He atleast tried on the SC question.

EDIT: this was the 1st question in all the dem debatest his year, it may have shaped my view :p
It was about Merrick Garland. Don't see how it would harm her to answer. I can understand the evasion on encryption, but what was she obfuscating with that non-answer about the SC nomination?
It's like her 1st instinct is not to answer, regardless of the question.

She was as bad as Trump tonight. Both getting away with anything they want. Poor show by CNN. They are normally much tougher than that.
Why is AIPAC so powerful in American politics?

There are obviously a huge amount of successful American Jews in the financial sector, entertainment industry and what not, but you'd think they would have different views and not all of them are interested in or supportive of the organisation. Evangelicals are obsessed with Israel, sure, but a plurality of Dems and about a third of Republicans think that they have too much influence. So is it just down to money or there's something intangible here?
I love this man so much. His answer on Israel is miles, miles from any candidate.

Bernie for president of the new world order or the lizard people or whoever really controls us.
It's like her 1st instinct is not to answer, regardless of the question.

You'd be right. She's a bit paranoid, especially in front of a big platform like national televised debates/town halls/interviews.

She's much more candid in smaller, more intimate settings. When all eyes are trained on her, she strives not to make any mistake first and foremost, and it often backfired.
Bernie the ONLY candidate to mention the Palestinians. That's not only sad it just shows why the rest should be unelectable. His answer was amazing too.

EDIT! And he's feckin Jewish!
FIVE feckin questions on Cuba and Castro. WTF? So biased, unbelievable. Just baiting him to say something positive about them so they can brand him a socialist or sympathiser and use it against him. Yet they let Trump, Cruz and Clinton off easily. This is BS.
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