2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Bernie Saunders is live on The Young Turks tonight! Can't wait. Such a coup for them to have him on, and it should be amazing! Nice to see him interviewed properly and asked some decent questions. Also, shame non of the other candidates have the balls to go on there.

Bernie Saunders is live on The Young Turks tonight! Can't wait. Such a coup for them to have him on, and it should be amazing! Nice to see him interviewed properly and asked some decent questions. Also, shame non of the other candidates have the balls to go on there.


Surely they'll give him a fairly easy time though? He's their guy, they won't want to shoot him down.
Surely they'll give him a fairly easy time though? He's their guy, they won't want to shoot him down.

Of course, but it's what they will be asking him i'm interested it. Bernie has stood up well in all debates anyway. Not like Trump or Cruz or Hilary who have lied or given shitty answers, Bernie has always been pretty honest and open.

Even high school elections weren't this bad..
I cant believe these two fecking idiots are running to lead this country. I cant just. Its a new low for American politics.
Of course, but it's what they will be asking him i'm interested it. Bernie has stood up well in all debates anyway. Not like Trump or Cruz or Hilary who have lied or given shitty answers, Bernie has always been pretty honest and open.
Those fact checking stats posted a few days back suggest he and Clinton are pretty similar on that score.
I cant believe these two fecking idiots are running to lead this country. I cant just. Its a new low for American politics.

I am not joking, I listened to Cruz and Trump and lots of Fox news yesterday/last night. I just wanted to hear what they would be saying, I know what they would be saying, but just wanted to hear it. It scared the living shit out of me, i'm not surprised, or shocked, it's expected, but I can't fathom how they can say it, and how so many can believe it. I have absolutely no doubt in my mind they are extremely dangerous. If either of these cnuts are elected, well, I really shudder to think what would happen.

Those fact checking stats posted a few days back suggest he and Clinton are pretty similar on that score.

Yeah, I posted it I think. Both Bernie and Hilary are clear about their policies, aside from Hilary flip flopping that is, but Bernie especially has outlined what he wants to do from the start and hasn't changed much, so I personally just want to hear from him in a more relaxed setting.

Whereas with Trump and Cruz, i'd like the exact opposite, they get the easy treatment all the time, especially with Hannity and anyone on Fox. You never really see Bernie get that. Look at the town hall the other night. Everyone got softball questions except Bernie who was asked 5 times about Cuba and Castro ffs and he was pressed quite hard, especially compared to all the other candidates.
TYT is pretty shite recently tbh. It's fair enough that they have an audience they must play to but some of the stuffs they came out with recently have been downright looney. Off the top of my head, one long video trashing Obama for being a sellout and another where one of their panelist saying that all Hillary Clinton has ever done (the good thing) was to get the presidency and Cenk + another guy wholeheartedly agreed. So when she fought for Healthcare in 94 she thought 'I'm just doing this shit so 20 years down the line I can run for prez', a pretty impressive long game.
TYT is pretty shite recently tbh. It's fair enough that they have an audience they must play to but some of the stuffs they came out with recently have been downright looney. Off the top of my head, one long video trashing Obama for being a sellout and another where one of their panelist saying that all Hillary Clinton has ever done (the good thing) was to get the presidency and Cenk + another guy wholeheartedly agreed. So when she fought for Healthcare in 94 she thought 'I'm just doing this shit so 20 years down the line I can run for prez', a pretty impressive long game.
They're spot on. She's a shameless charlatan with no principles except her thinking she's entitled to the presidency.
TYT is pretty shite recently tbh. It's fair enough that they have an audience they must play to

I don't know it's that bad to be honest. You will never find a channel you will ever agree 100% with. The same as a politician, you will never agree 100% with them. TYT started off as a progressive news channel that wanted to be different than the mainstream that were extremely biased to the right. They supported Obama through both elections and during that time, yes, I agree they have shifted slightly, but at the same time the core of what they say is usually spot on. During those years Cenk was hired and fired from MSNBC and Cenk and co have started WOLF-PAC.COM. and they are just sick and tired of money in politics and all the bullshit. The reason they are so anti-Hillary is because they don't see her as offering any change, just another politician that will vote for the norm and although left leaning, she is still bought and paid for and is untrustworthy.

They don't believe in Bernie 100% either, they have picked him apart a few times, but in my opinion they are definitely far better than Sky, Fox, MSNBC, CNN, ABC, or anywhere else you can get news from. BBC is the only channel you could possibly say comes close to them. Their reporting of news is often very good, and the majority of their political reporting is pretty good too. I agree they have changed their stance, but as I said, that's because they are sick of seeing people get fecked over, sick of seeing unfairness and extreme inequality and sick of seeing the normal person fecked over by the government and politicians and the 1%.

Each to their own, and I can understand they are not everyone's cup of tea, especially because of how polarised opinions are in the USA and their media compared to the rest of the world, but on a whole, I think they get far more right than wrong.
@Raoul or any else :)
A lot of talk about poor turnout in presidential elections. I can't help but feel a lot of this is due to states that will not flip from red to blue or vice versa. Why are the vast majority of states winner take all? Why not make it proportional? My home state is blue and I know full well my vote has no bearing on the outcome. If it became proportional I'd be first in line every election.
@Raoul or any else :)
A lot of talk about poor turnout in presidential elections. I can't help but feel a lot of this is due to states that will not flip from red to blue or vice versa. Why are the vast majority of states winner take all? Why not make it proportional? My home state is blue and I know full well my vote has no bearing on the outcome. If it became proportional I'd be first in line every election.

Its just how the states decide to do their votes. Some are proportional, some are winner take all, some are winner take most. Some count delegates by county, some don't.
Its just how the states decide to do their votes. Some are proportional, some are winner take all, some are winner take most. Some count delegates by county, some don't.
Do you think it should become proportional? I imagine it would help turnout and be fairer too? As of today, peoples' votes in PA/OH/FL etc are worth far more than mine.
Daylight savings really is a PITA!

It wouldn't be so bad if we all changed at the same time, although I get that wouldn't work, but because you guys change weeks before we do, it throws things out. I hate losing the hours sleep, but love it when it works the other way :lol: Agreed it can be a pain in the ass though.

A bit old and I'm not entirely sure if it fits this thread, but loved it watching Joe Scarborough getting bitchslapped for being the ignorant blowhard he is.

Also show how left the US is when their supposedly left-est channel defends water boarding.

A bit old and I'm not entirely sure if it fits this thread, but loved it watching Joe Scarborough getting bitchslapped for being the ignorant blowhard he is.

Also show how left the US is when their supposedly left-est channel defends water boarding.

I didn't catch this and can't watch the above right now but Joe Scarborough is anything but left. Did anyone else defend it?
I didn't catch this and can't watch the above right now but Joe Scarborough is anything but left. Did anyone else defend it?

Mika and Nichole Wallace (she's a GOPer tbf).

I know what Joe is, point I was making is that the 'voice of the left' channel have a cretin like him on everyday. It's infuriating because if there's an actual mainstream network that can promote liberal ideas unabashed then maybe Bernie Sanders would have an actual shot, and the government wouldn't be chocked full of idiots like Jim Inhoffe, Trey Gowdy or the TP nuts.

The only progressive who has a shot right now is Elizabeth Warren. Despite what the gen. election polls said, a 74 year old self-avowed socialist Jew has as much chance getting elected as me bedding Jennifer Lawrence. It's possible, sure, but damn improbable.
So "uncommitted" won American Samoa. :lol:

Rachel Maddow had a segment on it (IIRC), a lot of suspicious things going on right before the election. Basically they wanted delegates from there to be their equivalent of superdelegates. Looks like they have succeeded.
Oh nice find, thanks mate :)

More, this time from reddit:

42-year-old Kelly Thornton, who worked as an Election Day Technician in Yavapai County voting center 5 on Tuesday, told US Uncut that roughly two thirds of voters who came to her precinct had been mistakenly identified as independent by the election software. All of those voters were subsequently forced to cast a provisional ballot.


Year 2008 2016
Total votes 254,536 218,587
Election Day Voting Turnout 113,807 32,949
Paper Early Voting Turnout 140,729 185,638

The bolded figure is down ~75%, and yet there were long lines and stations running out of ballots.
More, this time from reddit:

The bolded figure is down ~75%, and yet there were long lines and stations running out of ballots.

It's down because people were turned away. Apparently the number of polling stations got reduced from 200 to 60 :wenger:. This is what you get in a GOP-controlled state.
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