2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Disturbingly, Trump refused to rule out a government requirement for Muslims to carry special identification cards or patches that would identify them by their faith.

These comments directly parallel what the Nazi Third Reich required of Jews and other minority groups. With respect to Jews under the control of the Reich, people were infamously forced to wear yellow “Star of David” badges that said the word “Jew” in the languages of the nations under Nazi control.

“We’re going to have to do things that we never did before,” Trump said in an interview with Yahoo News. “Some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule.”

Historians of the Third Reich and Nazi Holocaust say that these methods of government control paved the way for the acceptance of the Nazi Holocaust by German citizens.

“The German government’s policy of forcing Jews to wear identifying badges was but one of many psychological tactics aimed at isolating and dehumanizing the Jews of Europe, directly marking them as being different (i.e., inferior) to everyone else,” the Holocaust Center says. “It allowed for the easier facilitation of their separation from society and subsequent ghettoization, which ultimately led to the deportation and murder of 6 million Jews.”

So, she can save her lame ass excuse, you didn't have to live in Nazi Germany (which she barely saw...) to know about history!

There is a direct parallel to what he said, not to mention, group after group of white supremacists (who tend to be extremely anti semetic) have praised him and his campaign.
I've struggled to sleep again and been watching the news on and off all night, you would actually be forgiven for thinking that there was only one person in the GOP race and that he almost was President, It's absolute madness, nobody else is even getting a look in. Fox as usual is hilarious going from pro Trump to anti Trump in the space of minutes. :wenger:
So, she can save her lame ass excuse, you didn't have to live in Nazi Germany (which she barely saw...) to know about history!

There is a direct parallel to what he said, not to mention, group after group of white supremacists (who tend to be extremely anti semetic) have praised him and his campaign.

He's just saying that tho, he's a closet liberal you know.

White text
I think these protests are going to get much more nasty
Is there any event in "open carry" states coming up...
I could easily see a bunch of Trump supporters (with his backing) deciding to protect his right to free speech by asserting their right to carry guns
Infact the way things is going I wouldn't be shocked if this group identified themselves by wearing brown shirts.
And yeah a radical muslim looking protestor with a possible bomb.. I.e. any vaguely Arabic person with a bag in the area gets shot.
Then if stricter controls are introduced at his event the narrative is these liberals and muslims want to take your guns and free speech away
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I think these protests are going to get much more nasty
Is there any event in "open carry" states coming up...
I could easily see a bunch of Trump supporters (with his backing) deciding to protect his right to free speech by asserting their right to carry guns
Infact the way things is going I wouldn't be shocked if this group identified themselves by wearing brown shirts.
And yeah a radical muslim looking protestor with a possible bomb.. I.e. any vaguely Arabic person with a bag in the area gets shot.
Then if stricter controls are introduced at his event the narrative is these liberals and muslims want to take your guns and free speech away

Some guys at the rally last night said they would come back armed if it was cancelled so it's a pretty distinct possibility, although I presume everyone is searched or has to go through a metal detector before entering? I would certainly think so in the hall type places that Trump has been holding his in, and I presume most sport arenas/stadiums are all equipped with metal detectors etc?

I have thought more than a few times recently that it's a perfect setting for a mass shooting or a terrorist attack. Not wishing for one to happen obviously, just being honest that it ticks all the boxes. Large group of people in an enclosed/small area, distinct possibility of a person with differing views/having or holding a grudge against someone or certain people, large chance of someone with a mental illness being present, perfect situation to kill/injure a large amount of people or cause mass and widespread panic, and of course someone with a political grudge or axe to grind. But you can see by the Secret Service present and the amount of police that security must be tight, however it is a frightening thought, especially with there being so many mass shootings in the USA.
There's going to be some ugly violence this election cycle. Protesters wanting their say or to shut events down, supporters wanting to hear their candidate. Yeah no doubt this will get uglier. I would expect in the general you will groups trying to shut down each candidates events.
I have thought more than a few times recently that it's a perfect setting for a mass shooting or a terrorist attack. Not wishing for one to happen obviously, just being honest that it ticks all the boxes. Large group of people in an enclosed/small area, distinct possibility of a person with differing views/having or holding a grudge against someone or certain people, large chance of someone with a mental illness being present, perfect situation to kill/injure a large amount of people or cause mass and widespread panic, and of course someone with a political grudge or axe to grind. But you can see by the Secret Service present and the amount of police that security must be tight, however it is a frightening thought, especially with there being so many mass shootings in the USA.

You'd think jihadists are licking their chops at the prospect. One attack at a Trump rally and the joker stands a good to fair chance of being elected president. Perfect outcome for them.
You'd think jihadists are licking their chops at the prospect. One attack at a Trump rally and the joker stands a good to fair chance of being elected president. Perfect outcome for them.

Well, my question that was kind of rhetorical was just answered and then some. Fox are showing people going to the Drumpf rally in Arlington? now and wow! the security checks look pretty damn severe. Metal detectors, tables to empty your pockets out on to and body frisks as well. There was a lot of security and Police at the entrance that's for sure. But still, where there's a will, there's a way.
Well, my question that was kind of rhetorical was just answered and then some. Fox are showing people going to the Drumpf rally in Arlington? now and wow! the security checks look pretty damn severe. Metal detectors, tables to empty your pockets out on to and body frisks as well. There was a lot of security and Police at the entrance that's for sure. But still, where there's a will, there's a way.
I'd be more worried about a Trump supporter opening fire on somebody outside
Looks vaguely like they might be a muslim... Check
Has a bomb (aka any bag or big jacket)... Check
Shoot to kill
Well, my question that was kind of rhetorical was just answered and then some. Fox are showing people going to the Drumpf rally in Arlington? now and wow! the security checks look pretty damn severe. Metal detectors, tables to empty your pockets out on to and body frisks as well. There was a lot of security and Police at the entrance that's for sure. But still, where there's a will, there's a way.
Well their first run the security team can single out

-anyone not white

His supporters are almost exclusively white.

Rubio is far more likeable now that he's being a bit honest about things. He has said he may abstain from voting if Trump is the option and that he's more akin to a third world dictator than a proper leader.
I'd be more worried about a Trump supporter opening fire on somebody outside
Looks vaguely like they might be a muslim... Check
Has a bomb (aka any bag or big jacket)... Check
Shoot to kill
Well their first run the security team can single out

-anyone not white

His supporters are almost exclusively white.


Very true :lol:

It's not funny really, but in the pictures Fox were showing, you couldn't see any faces of colour in the huge crowds waiting to go in through the security checks and all the security and Police were white too. His latest rally in Bloomington is about to start and even though it's full, it's a smallish crowd, maybe 1000, possibly 1500. I bet he makes out there are over 10,000 there. Feckin tool.
Probably not but the stupid things said and done by the idiots like Palin were legitimised on main/lame stream media 8yrs ago. It became the norm and such cock-comparison discussion became more acceptable to the plebs in 2016.

Plus the mainstreaming of reality tv content where anything goes and the level of discussion was down to what who said what and what u plan on doing to retaliate -- is the expected content for a political discussion now.

Politics has become reality tv. Less relevant and more entertainment.

Its circular as 8 years ago, they tried to delegitimize Obama as a candidate and then as a president when before him, even for an idiot like GWB, there was a level of distance and respect. Now the GOP is living under the tyranny of the 'poorly educated'.

For me, it's palpable in those videos that after a certain point those journalists look like they're insulted to have to interview such an idiot when they're calling her out so massively. Now they get abused for even starting a line of questioning.
Nah, this is one of the most active non-football threads in the forum. Plus I just found a bottle of delicious Becherovka from when I lived in the Czech Republic so I'm all understanding tonight :D

Everything is very hazy after this post, I don't actually really remember posting! Becherovka is waaaaay stronger than I remembered. In an email thread with Langster, I had a conversation with myself for three or four posts :D

I am pleasantly surprised at my spelling all things considered though :)
And here's a reminder that Ted Cruz and his supporters are just as scary as Trump and his

GOP are now the Whigs, waiting to be replaced by a reformed party fit for this century. Where's the Lincoln?
What´s becoming more and more typical of Shillary.

I just saw that. fecking hilarious. I bet Bernie doesn't milk it though.

Edit...the Clinton/Bernie health thang, not the Cruz pussy sores.
What´s becoming more and more typical of Shillary.


Hillary is getting desperate and just throwing mud at the wall hoping something will stick knowing her supporters care little about facts. I really don't understand why anyone would want to vote for her.
Hillary is getting desperate and just throwing mud at the wall hoping something will stick knowing her supporters care little about facts. I really don't understand why anyone would want to vote for her.
Not sure desperate is the word, given her massive lead. Sloppy is more appropriate.
Not sure desperate is the word, given her massive lead. Sloppy is more appropriate.

That's a very unfair attack and I think she needs to stop doing it, but the motivation behind it runs deeper than just this campaign. I for the life of me can't remember where I've read it, but there's an article detailing the failure of Hillarycare and apparently Bernie came to her at the time, as were most liberals who want to push their agenda in the Clinton administration. Anyway, he came to her to pitch single payer and she flat out told him that it's a political no-go. He did subsequently support the bill she put forward but I'd imagine there's a fair share of difference between them on the matter and I wouldn't be surprised if privately Hillary doesn't think highly of him about that affair.
YouGov poll has Cruz only 4 points behind in Illinois. If the trend holds that late deciders go against Trump, Cruz could pull off the win there. I think Ohio is already gone to Kasich. Trump should hold on in Florida I reckon.

Contested convention. :drool:
Not sure desperate is the word, given her massive lead. Sloppy is more appropriate.

I think she felt that she would have the democratic nomination handed to her and she can't stand the fact that Bernie is giving her a real run for her money.

She has resorted to flat out lying about Bernie and it's despicable.
I think she felt that she would have the democratic nomination handed to her and she can't stand the fact that Bernie is giving her a real run for her money.

She has resorted to flat out lying about Bernie and it's despicable.
And Bernie (or his official twitter account, at least) flat out lied yesterday that she'd "stolen" Iowa delegates from him in Polk County. It's a contested nomination campaign, there's a lot of bullshit flying around. The genuinely despicable stuff is going on with the red team, though I'm sure some Bernie supporters would have you believe he's preferable to Clinton.
Trump Poem to end a rally:

“On her way to work one morning,
Down the path along the lake,
A tender hearted women,
Saw a poor half frozen snake.

“His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew
I’ll take care of you
Take me in oh tender woman,
Take me in for heaven’s sake
Sighed the broken snake.

“She wrapped him up all cozy,
In a curvature of silk,
And then laid him by the fireside,
With some honey and some silk.

The woman finds the snake “totally revived”. She “clutched it to her bosom / You’re so beautiful she cried.”

The twist: “instead of saying thank you, that snake gave her vicious bite.”

“Oh shut up silly woman,
Said the reptile with a grin,
You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in.”
And Bernie (or his official twitter account, at least) flat out lied yesterday that she'd "stolen" Iowa delegates from him in Polk County. It's a contested nomination campaign, there's a lot of bullshit flying around. The genuinely despicable stuff is going on with the red team, though I'm sure some Bernie supporters would have you believe he's preferable to Clinton.

A lot of voters genuinely believe that Trump (who I think is nuts) would be preferable to Clinton, and that tells you alot about her.

I believe that she will say whatever it takes to be elected. Even if she wins the democratic nomination, the national election wouldn't be easy for her to win at all.

I could not in good conscience cast a vote for her.
A lot of voters genuinely believe that Trump would be preferable to Clinton, and that tells you alot about her.

I believe that she will say whatever it takes to be elected. Even if she wins the democratic nomination, the national election wouldn't be easy for her to win at all.

I could not in good conscience cast a vote for her.
Tells me a hell of a lot more about those voters.
A lot of voters genuinely believe that Trump (who I think is nuts) would be preferable to Clinton, and that tells you alot about her.

I believe that she will say whatever it takes to be elected. Even if she wins the democratic nomination, the national election wouldn't be easy for her to win at all.

I could not in good conscience cast a vote for her.

Fortunately you're not American and don't have to worry about it.
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