2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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There's a reason Trump isn't spending much time in Florida -

Florida Republican Presidential Primary Florida Atlantic University Trump 44, Rubio 21, Cruz 21, Kasich 9

RIP MarcoBot. It's all in Kasich's hands now.

Surely Kasich-the-kinda-normal has a shot now, which is extraodinary but not a megashock. He has seemed the most sensible/least odious Rep candidate and with an Ohio win would have everything to play for in a split convention. Might be surprising, but I'm with a few things I've seen lately that said the presidency in a two-party democracy should be shared so long as you have a reasonable candidate on both sides.. I could support Kasich bar a few of his positions.
Surely Kasich-the-kinda-normal has a shot now, which is extraodinary but not a megashock. He has seemed the most sensible/least odious Rep candidate and with an Ohio win would have everything to play for in a split convention. Might be surprising, but I'm with a few things I've seen lately that said the presidency in a two-party democracy should be shared so long as you have a reasonable candidate on both sides.. I could support Kasich bar a few of his positions.

I actually think we're witnessing the evaporation of the conventional 2 party system in that the GOP has fractured so much that there is political space opening up for a third party that caters to centrist, establishment politicians from both parties (although mainly GOP refugees). The likes of Bush, Graham, Christie et all need to be in a completely separate party than the anti-establishment Tea Party insurrection crowd that Trump is surfing to the nomination.
I actually think we're witnessing the evaporation of the conventional 2 party system in that the GOP has fractured so much that there is political space opening up for a third party that caters to centrist, establishment politicians from both parties (although mainly GOP refugees). The likes of Bush, Graham, Christie et all need to be in a completely separate party than the anti-establishment Tea Party insurrection crowd that Trump is surfing to the nomination.

Think the Democratic party can also break in two. We see it happening already.
I sincerely hope Bernie goes all the way to June. His voice(our voice) needs to be heard.

At the very least its getting heard. One thing for sure is the tide of US politics is changing on both sides of the spectrum. Whether that ends up being for better or worse we'll see.
Would McCain have won with an even barely competent person as running mate?

Probably not but the stupid things said and done by the idiots like Palin were legitimised on main/lame stream media 8yrs ago. It became the norm and such cock-comparison discussion became more acceptable to the plebs in 2016.

Plus the mainstreaming of reality tv content where anything goes and the level of discussion was down to what who said what and what u plan on doing to retaliate -- is the expected content for a political discussion now.

Politics has become reality tv. Less relevant and more entertainment.

Its circular as 8 years ago, they tried to delegitimize Obama as a candidate and then as a president when before him, even for an idiot like GWB, there was a level of distance and respect. Now the GOP is living under the tyranny of the 'poorly educated'.
I typically avoid replying to your posts in the political or current affairs threads, because they are generally so mind mindbogglingly appalling. I made an exception in the gun thread where your ignorance was actually painful, and I'm making an exception here because some of your comments are just downright offensive.

The idea that big cities are full of people living on welfare, most of whom don't want to work, is just a woeful under appreciation of the complex socio-economic conditions that have created a massive underclass in America. A systemic failing that provides little to no opportunity, scant educational avenues, and an effective segregation of ethic minorities. It is an appalling and embarrassing characterisation by the political right to label those on welfare as free loaders who don't want to work. It merely fuels a blatantly transparent agenda build on intolerance, greed, and oppression.

Let's now address some of the other gems in your post:

I'm not racist but we need to control our borders - Somehow by claiming you aren't a racist, you sound more racist. Do you think there is no border control now? Just another ridiculously overhyped myth by the right. US immigration is no picnic. You should know that, and as a fellow immigrant, I know that too.

I believe we have space for more people who come here to work pay his/her taxes, obey to US law and respect local traditions, also learn English - Great, what else do you think people come to the country for? To work, obviously. Another appalling characterisation of a sub-group. Almost all the immigrants I have encountered (many), are the hardest working people I have come across. As for local traditions and speaking English; while speaking English helps assimilation into wider society, the US has no official language. The US was also founded, and continues to grow, based on immigration. It is a country of immigrants. But now we are going to stop letting some people into the club because they are the wrong colour, speak the wrong language, or worship the wrong god?

Trumps wall and banning all Muslims was his step for free media attention and I don't believe he would do what he says. - So basically you'll give him a free pass for pushing deeply divisive and racist policies, because you don't believe he'll really do it. Great logic. (a) Vote for someone who pretends to be a racist (b) Vote for someone who you don't believe will do what they promise. I see you've really thought this through.

Donald Trump is hypocrite and liar. His politics are deeply damaging to a country that needs to be healing wounds rather than rubbing salt into them. The fact he is getting traction among mainstream voters just goes to show the latent racism and hate still present in this country. I despair of this world I really do. I would be ashamed to be associated with a bigot of this magnitude, unless I was one too.

FYI, saying you aren't racist, doesn't mean you get a free pass to support racists. Kind of like how saying 'with all due respect' doesn't give one a free pass to then insult someone.
Buddy I was answering someone's post who said he's not racist so makes him and me racist. The problem I have with some of the leftists here is they are always right and anybody on the right side's wrong, someone called trump hitler then some of you goes on the same wagon, after all this country is democratic and people has the right to have their own opinion unlike some of you who would love to live in a great socialist country, you know socialism sounds really good on paper but is a great way to gain power claiming they are the party for the people, but sadly we have some good examples of socialism, from hitler to Stalin they start with the same ideology.
At the very least its getting heard. One thing for sure is the tide of US politics is changing on both sides of the spectrum. Whether that ends up being for better or worse we'll see.

It always is good to hear more voices. even if voices on the right are scary. Their fears need to be addressed, just as the fears of those on the left need to be addressed.

Fear is the root of hatred. I really do see a time when the extremes on both sides can find common ground. We need to believe this can happen or we are lost as a nation.

Remember guys, calling these guys Nazis is way over the top!

Pivot to the centre here we cooooooooome!
I actually think we're witnessing the evaporation of the conventional 2 party system in that the GOP has fractured so much that there is political space opening up for a third party that caters to centrist, establishment politicians from both parties (although mainly GOP refugees). The likes of Bush, Graham, Christie et all need to be in a completely separate party than the anti-establishment Tea Party insurrection crowd that Trump is surfing to the nomination.

Fair enough. I'd love to know how many other "democracies" operate under a two party system. Let them split. It's not unprecented in a US system as far as I know and it would better reflect democracies elsewhere.
Probably not but the stupid things said and done by the idiots like Palin were legitimised on main/lame stream media 8yrs ago. It became the norm and such cock-comparison discussion became more acceptable to the plebs in 2016.

Plus the mainstreaming of reality tv content where anything goes and the level of discussion was down to what who said what and what u plan on doing to retaliate -- is the expected content for a political discussion now.

Politics has become reality tv. Less relevant and more entertainment.

Its circular as 8 years ago, they tried to delegitimize Obama as a candidate and then as a president when before him, even for an idiot like GWB, there was a level of distance and respect. Now the GOP is living under the tyranny of the 'poorly educated'.

Surely though she was so spectactularly incompetent that it made a difference? In those videos, the journalists were almost embarrassed to "gotcha" someone who was so visibly thick as a plank? :D
Surely though she was so spectactularly incompetent that it made a difference? In those videos, the journalists were almost embarrassed to "gotcha" someone who was so visibly thick as a plank? :D

McCain was an 'experience' candidate. Obama was a change candidate. That is primarily why he won. This cycle the same thing is happening. The splinter in both parties is because of anti-establishment sentiments.
McCain was an 'experience' candidate. Obama was a change candidate. That is primarily why he won. This cycle the same thing is happening. The splinter in both parties is because of anti-establishment sentiments.
McCain surely though was a competent candidate? His presidency would have probably been alright. I can only see nuclear winter in Trump's campaign.

My prediction for the general election is that sometime in late October somebody will come from the future and assassinate Trump.
McCain surely though was a competent candidate? His presidency would have probably been alright. I can only see nuclear winter in Trump's campaign.


If McCain was weak or even stupid enough to listen to his advisors on Palin, imagine his other decisions?

Michael Hayden (Ex-NSA,CIA boss), who was a Bush appointee didn't like Obama's cautious/conservative approach but said that he would have feared McCain's presidency even more.
I think the Drumpf thing is stupid. Many immigrants Americanized their names when they arrived. It's nothing to do with DT how his ancestors behaved and there's plenty of other meat to get your teeth into if you want to tear at him.
Surely Kasich-the-kinda-normal has a shot now, which is extraodinary but not a megashock. He has seemed the most sensible/least odious Rep candidate and with an Ohio win would have everything to play for in a split convention. Might be surprising, but I'm with a few things I've seen lately that said the presidency in a two-party democracy should be shared so long as you have a reasonable candidate on both sides.. I could support Kasich bar a few of his positions.

Never drink the Kool-Aid. I once was in the same train but despite the sunny funny act, he's just as regressive as the rest of them.
It's not difficult to understand the anti-establishment sentiment. For lots of ordinary/less well off Americans they must feel that the status quo isn't working for them so to have someone stand up and offer something different, albeit in Trumps case it's something a bit whacky for most moderates, it's going to have appeal.
Trump has been great at selling himself as the champion of the disenchanted, whether it's enough to win the nomination I don't know.
Him vs Bernie would be a better matchup imo.
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