2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I don't think it's so much a case of Silver's opinions being of any great weight to undecideds, more that it's a sign people that otherwise wouldn't be publicly against candidates are feeling they have to add themselves to the opposition, just because he's so nasty and the things associated with his campaign are so worrying. You had ostensibly Republican commentators and people like Colin Powell backing Obama against a relative moderate in Romney, there's going to be a whole lot more of that this time round.
That much is entirely true. I wouldn't be publicly alluding to personal views, if I was in Nate Silver's position, though.
I don't think it's so much a case of Silver's opinions being of any great weight to undecideds, more that it's a sign people that otherwise wouldn't be publicly against candidates are feeling they have to add themselves to the opposition, just because he's so nasty and the things associated with his campaign are so worrying. You had ostensibly Republican commentators and people like Colin Powell backing Obama against a relative moderate in Romney, there's going to be a whole lot more of that this time round.

Damn, I always feel awful for Colin Powell. I read his autobiography when I was young and thought he was quite impressive, but what a clusterfeck the Bush administration was. What a crushing pity to have been involved in that grotesquery.
Reading about the bollocks going on at the Polk County (Iowa) convention today, formalising delegates. Wondering why the hell caucuses are used instead of primaries.
Some of the videos of Drumpf supporters today is just frightening. There are at least 5 or 6 that I have just watched that are sickening to the core, especially the ones where the guy is shouting at the black woman and telling her to go back to Africa, and the other one where the black dudes are being told they should be on the other side of the wall because they are "feckin animals" :mad::(

Such hatred. This is all getting well out of control, and is now really depressing.
Some of the videos of Drumpf supporters today is just frightening. There are at least 5 or 6 that I have just watched that are sickening to the core, especially the ones where the guy is shouting at the black woman and telling her to go back to Africa, and the other one where the black dudes are being told they should be on the other side of the wall because they are "feckin animals" :mad::(

Such hatred. This is all getting well out of control, and is now really depressing.
This is all exactly like I said earlier. Race-baiting is obviously no new thing in American politics, but this is the "enlightened" era and folks not from America would assume international travel would have cured most of that stupidity.. That's when you have to remember how few Americans have passports.
Got to admit the make trump drumpf again extension is working perfectly.
It will have to go at some stage. The subtext this time round of every caucus has been that it's been an embarrassment.
The whole thing just looks arcane, seemingly kept (in Iowa) for the sole reason of preserving their "first" status. Headcounts in the 21st century ffs.
This is all exactly like I said earlier. Race-baiting is obviously no new thing in American politics, but this is the "enlightened" era and folks not from America would assume international travel would have cured most of that stupidity.. That's when you have to remember how few Americans have passports.

I understand that, and the lack of passports etc, but it's the hate and vitriol, it's disgusting. Don't get me wrong, it's here in the UK too, there are ignorant fecks everywhere, but this level is worrying. It's almost like people are being told that it's ok to be racist and ignorant and should be proud of it. I don't know why I'm shocked anymore, but it's still upsetting to see. :(
I understand that, and the lack of passports etc, but it's the hate and vitriol, it's disgusting. Don't get me wrong, it's here in the UK too, there are ignorant fecks everywhere, but this level is worrying. It's almost like people are being told that it's ok to be racist and ignorant and should be proud of it. I don't know why I'm shocked anymore, but it's still upsetting to see. :(

I really do think it's down to lack of International travel. I know how much of a difference that made in my life, it's night and day. Actually living for an extended time in a totally foreign culture does wonders for your tolerance. It was only a few years ago I was made aware of the American passport situation, and it made me so sad.
I understand that, and the lack of passports etc, but it's the hate and vitriol, it's disgusting. Don't get me wrong, it's here in the UK too, there are ignorant fecks everywhere, but this level is worrying. It's almost like people are being told that it's ok to be racist and ignorant and should be proud of it. I don't know why I'm shocked anymore, but it's still upsetting to see. :(

This is what it has come down to -

Saying racist things = saying it like it is.

Not being racist = politically correct.

This didn't happen in a day and there has been a concerted effort from the right to make this happen. All sense of decorum when it comes to public discourse has been thrown away.
This is what it has come down to -

Saying racist things = saying it like it is.

Not being racist = politically correct.

This didn't happen in a day and there has been a concerted effort from the right to make this happen. All sense of decorum when it comes to public discourse has been thrown away.

Yeah, that about sums it up. So, so sad. :(
Yeah, that about sums it up. So, so sad. :(
It's very simple.

Are illegal immigrants committing crimes? Without doubt....are they doing it in numbers greater than the national average? I don't know.

But, I know it is wrong to say Mexico sends 'undesirables' to the US. I am all for enforcing the law and don't think illegals should be rewarded for breaking the rules, when millions of law abiding people are trying to gain visas to enter the US, legally!

But, this can be done without demonizing an entire country or race...yet, our airwaves are full of hate and now we have a presidential nominee appealing to the worst in us to gain office.
It's very simple.

Are illegal immigrants committing crimes? Without doubt....are they doing it in numbers greater than the national average? I don't know.

But, I know it is wrong to say Mexico sends 'undesirables' to the US. I am all for enforcing the law and don't think illegals should be rewarded for breaking the rules, when millions of law abiding people are trying to gain visas to enter the US, legally!

But, this can be done without demonizing an entire country or race...yet, our airwaves are full of hate and now we have a presidential nominee appealing to the worst in us to gain office.

Like I said earlier today, it's just a new spin on an old trick. 200 years ago, the Irish were the fall race with the exact same rhetoric.
Wait till it happens in your country. It's the new angle. Whether it succeeds or not depends on numbers.

It's happening, although not as much, but the fear of immigrants and the rhetoric and propaganda has been here for a while now. We have (had) the BNP, EDL and UKIP with Nigel Farage, but luckily common sense seems to have prevailed so far and the majority are not stupid enough to fall for all the fear mongering.
This has been discussed. To their eternal credit, that guy on the left and the photographer tried to talk her out of it and talk her into getting out of their for her own safety. She is seriously touched.
Like the article says, the issue isn't about the Nazi salute....rather that someone inclined to thinking that way, would feel comfortable and identify with Trump.

What does that day about his message and the people he is attracting? Trump is not responsible for the actions of individuals, but he can't run away from what some of his more vocal supporters are...racists and bigots and he is playing the role of Enabler in Chief perfectly.
Like the article says, the issue isn't about the Nazi salute....rather that someone inclined to thinking that way, would feel comfortable and identify with Trump.

What does that day about his message and the people he is attracting? Trump is not responsible for the actions of individuals, but he can't run away from what some of his more vocal supporters are...racists and bigots and he is playing the role of Enabler in Chief perfectly.

You're shouting into the echo chamber that came up this afternoon. That woman was very determined to travel a fair distance in order to give that salute. She was enabled by Trump. It doesn't matter what flip-flopping, vacuous statement he gives if he's questioned about it, his hatred-fomenting stump speeches enabled it. He is 100% to blame. Where does it end? A death at one of his rallies. After that, it's out of control.
LOL...work got in the way of my forumming, and we covered a ton of pages...didn't go back to read :embarrassed:

Nah, this is one of the most active non-football threads in the forum. Plus I just found a bottle of delicious Becherovka from when I lived in the Czech Republic so I'm all understanding tonight :D
Anyways...Trump is giving a speech now and said the attempted assassination attempt on him in Ohio was linked to ISIS.

This has gone beyond BernieBros and MoveOn.org...ISIS is after The Don.

Trump just recited some bizarre poem and proclaimed that anyone who protests will be arrested.


Just a few more days until this ridiculous act is done.
Trump just recited some bizarre poem and proclaimed that anyone who protests will be arrested.


Just a few more days until this ridiculous act is done.

Tell me more...

I know you've defended some of Trump's actions in the past.. I'm just dying for a journalist to put to him the paradox of threatening to instate law to prosecute people who write negative things about him, yet get angry about people who protest his race-baiting in his stump speeches.
Trump just recited some bizarre poem and proclaimed that anyone who protests will be arrested.


Just a few more days until this ridiculous act is done.

The Snake

On her way to work one morning, down the path along side the lake.
A tender-hearted woman saw a poor, half-frozen snake.
His pretty colored skin had been all frosted with the dew.
"Oh well," she cried, "I'll take you in and I'll take care of you."
"Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman," sighed the vicious snake.

She wrapped him all cozy in a curvature of silk.
And then laid him by her fireside with some honey and some milk.
Now she hurried home from work that night and soon as she arrived,
She found that pretty snake she'd taken in and revived.
"Take me in, oh tender woman.
Take me in, for heaven's sake.
Take me in, oh tender woman," sighed the vicious snake.

Now she clutched him to her bosom.
"You're so beautiful," she cried.
"But if I hadn't brought you in by now you would have died."
She stroked his pretty skin again and then she kissed and held him tight.
Instead of saying, "thank you," that snake gave her a vicious bite.

He previously recited the poem in relation to Syrian refugees

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