2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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He spoke very well IMO. Pity no one asked Rubio about some of the language the GOP has used about Obama over the last 7 years.
Trouble with that view is that he is merely winding up that wing of the Republican crowd in order to get the nomination. Once he has it, he will pivot away to a more centrist position to gain votes in the Gen. Trouble is, he won't be able to retain the right wing vote if he does, which basically means he will have nowhere to go.

Your logic is sound. I think he'll find it hard to turn around his message after this, but in politics anything is possible.
I'm voting for him because I'm tired of politicians, I'm seeing jobs been shipped overseas and no president republican or democratic doing anything about it, in their fantasy world every worker in US would be a doctor, engineer or any high end career so we don't need factories anymore, I'm not racist but we need to control our borders, I came to this country legally and I believe we have space for more people who come here to work pay his/her taxes, obey to US law and respect local traditions, also learn English - free classes everywhere. Trumps wall and banning all Muslims was his step for free media attention and I don't believe he would do what he says. I don't know any republican that's racist and carries a bible like a lot of caftards keep saying and I know a lot of Hispanics -I work with a few, also I have a Guatemalan as a family member who's voting for trump.

It's kind of ironic ......


He spoke very well IMO. Pity no one asked Rubio about some of the language the GOP has used about Obama over the last 7 years.

You get the feeling there's a really good moderate politician in there somewhere. Shame he's an ignorant dick so often. Kind of funny when he looks at reporters on the other side, looks like he's constantly on the look out for a Trump charge at him :lol:

At this point there is a real chance that significant portions of the GOP will refuse to campaign and endorse their nominee. Amazing.

He spoke very well IMO. Pity no one asked Rubio about some of the language the GOP has used about Obama over the last 7 years.

Wow! I can't agree with him on many things, but jeez that was some interview. I agree he did come across very Presidential, but more to the point he was absolutely spot on with what he was saying about Drumpf, his supporters, the press and their role in everything. Excellent interview.
Just seen some nasty pics of Donald Drumpf's youngest son killing elephants in Africa and cutting their tails off for trophies. I won't post them here, but it's just disgusting. Just no need at all. :mad: :(

Hate to tell you this, but they've done more than that. I think I saw cheetahs or lions too. They've got form.
Not bad, but he ruined it with the whole tiresome "Obama is to blame for dividing the country along racial lines blah blah"

Yeah that was the only thing I didn't like too, but to be expected tbh.

Hate to tell you this, but they've done more than that. I think I saw cheetahs or lions too. They've got form.

:( Just so sad. Really, really feckin upsets me. Thanks for not posting them though.
Yeah that was the only thing I didn't like too, but to be expected tbh.

:( Just so sad. Really, really feckin upsets me. Thanks for not posting them though.

The kind of thing you only need to see once and I'd have no desire to go searching for them. By the by, I think it's worth recalling that people have lost their jobs in huge scandals over similar stuff in the past year.
Kinda ridiculous when you think about how Romney's character was put in the mud in 08/12 because he put the dog on top of his car

Like my alternate reality post above, I really do think it's luck of the narrative. Whatever catches a zeitgeist and whatever the media run with. If we could run the scenario again, maybe people would catch the wave and be horrified at the Trump kids. It's luck.
Sort of similar to Marco managing to appear human in that interview on the previous page, in the sense they might've been handy if they'd happened a while ago.

The Narrative on that has long since been moulded by Trump. You can imagine he'll regret this for years. The only question is will he get another shot, and if so can he present that side more often next time.
Wow! I can't agree with him on many things, but jeez that was some interview. I agree he did come across very Presidential, but more to the point he was absolutely spot on with what he was saying about Drumpf, his supporters, the press and their role in everything. Excellent interview.

I've no idea what this means but it does come across as stupidly childish. Best to drop it.
Kinda ridiculous when you think about how Romney's character was put in the mud in 08/12 because he put the dog on top of his car
Meh... The guy is racist xenophobic and has practically painted a target on a billion+ people based on their religion.
He has no policies beyond make America great build a wall and by the way my hands are not freakishly small with stumpy fingers.
Encourages assaults at political demonstrations and refuses to go on debates when he thinks it will be tough
Is known to have used mafia fronts to build buildings for him at way beyond commercial rates and has completely fecked up hair.
Honestly I think his kids could rape the animals on prime time and it wouldn't hurt him based on experiences to date

I know Nate and the 538 guys are liberals but I've never seen them actively against a candidate before. The GE campaign is going to be surreal.
I suppose so. That doesn't change my view.
In normal cases it isn't wise, Trump has kind of suspended normality for the moment though. He's running such a disgusting campaign that the more people that are openly against him, the better, from my perspective at least.
His true-blue American roots are a lot more tenuous than he makes them out to be. He's immigrant through and through, and a generation or two ago would be exactly the target of the hate he foments.

ok. As an english guy I just assume all americans are immigrants, sorry for the simplicity.

His original name sounds german, who were fairly early immigrants? And Trump, if it is an English name, is not one to pick, being synonymous with fart.

Either way highlighting it seems a bit desperate.

edit: I'll watch John Oliver then.
His true-blue American roots are a lot more tenuous than he makes them out to be. He's immigrant through and through, and a generation or two ago would be exactly the target of the hate he foments.

The history of that family is fantastic. His grandfather ran brothels and gambling dens out West, get a small fortune, went back to Germany to get married then came back to America, opened a brothel of sort again. His father had deep ties to the mafia and was involved in all sorts of shady practice in his real estate biz. The Donald is just the latest extension of a line of unscrupulous, cutthroat merchants who have no qualms fecking everybody over for gains, financial or otherwise.
In normal cases it isn't wise, Trump has kind of suspended normality for the moment though. He's running such a disgusting campaign that the more people that are openly against him, the better, from my perspective at least.
I can see the argument. Though the rather obvious concern is that the 'everyone is against me' thing kind of works for Trump and I do wonder if Nate's tweets are likely to reach any undecideds, apart from should they do so via The Donald's team and with it their framing.
ok. As an english guy I just assume all americans are immigrants, sorry for the simplicity.

His original name sounds german, who were fairly early immigrants? And Trump, if it is an English name, is not one to pick, being synonymous with fart.

Either way highlighting it seems a bit desperate.

edit: I'll watch John Oliver then.

His grandfather changed the family name from Drumpf to Trump to make it sound more American.
I've no idea what this means but it does come across as stupidly childish. Best to drop it.

No, sorry you don't like it though, not doing it to intentionally upset anyone, it's his real family name, and started as a protest against him. It's just habit to type that rather than his name now, especially when no matter how I type it, it will show up as Drumpf on my screen, due to running the drumpfinator programme on my laptop.
The history of that family is fantastic. His grandfather ran brothels and gambling dens out West, get a small fortune, went back to Germany to get married then came back to America, opened a brothel of sort again. His father had deep ties to the mafia and was involved in all sorts of shady practice in his real estate biz. The Donald is just the latest extension of a line of unscrupulous, cutthroat merchants who have no qualms fecking everybody over for gains, financial or otherwise.

You know, I really do wonder how many of his supporters would baulk at that. They've kind of reached a point where they're too deep to back down.
ok. As an english guy I just assume all americans are immigrants, sorry for the simplicity.

His original name sounds german, who were fairly early immigrants? And Trump, if it is an English name, is not one to pick, being synonymous with fart.

Either way highlighting it seems a bit desperate.

edit: I'll watch John Oliver then.

Go back far enough and we're all immigrants. Go to 1100 or so and at least half of my family is French :D

The problem is he's appealing to a kind of Ubermensch ideal which is laughable. That's where the John Oliver thing comes with showing how racially diverse his own relatively recent past is.

I can see the argument. Though the rather obvious concern is that the 'everyone is against me' thing kind of works for Trump and I do wonder if Nate's tweets are likely to reach any undecideds, apart from should they do so via The Donald's team and with it their framing.
I don't think it's so much a case of Silver's opinions being of any great weight to undecideds, more that it's a sign people that otherwise wouldn't be publicly against candidates are feeling they have to add themselves to the opposition, just because he's so nasty and the things associated with his campaign are so worrying. You had ostensibly Republican commentators and people like Colin Powell backing Obama against a relative moderate in Romney, there's going to be a whole lot more of that this time round.
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