2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I agree. They need to be re-educated. But as a country we cannot isolate any group of people and keep teh country strong. All of us need to be united if America is to be Great.

Not necessarily, even the best of societies have fringe groups that espouse hatred, bigotry and intolerance. Some people just refuse to see. The trick is keeping them contained and prevent them from polluting public discourse.
I am actually giving them the benefit of doubt. I honestly do not believe they are there because they hate minorities. They are there I think because they have been pissed on by both parties.

They can be Trump supporters who don't hate minorities and are legitimately concerned for the future of the country as it relates to their perceptions of past and future identity, and the economic futures of their families.
Not necessarily, even the best of societies have fringe groups that espouse hatred, bigotry and intolerance. Some people just refuse to see. The trick is keeping them contained and prevent them from polluting public discourse.

Big trick. If histroy has taught us anything, it is that people will focus their problems/troubles on one group of people. The left does it too.

Whoever becomes president will inherit a shatered country.

The way to heal, is to start addressing discrimination against the working class which has been perpetrated by both parties.
If Trump hadn't made the statements like the ones on Mexicans and Muslims, I'd be interesting to know how much more or less popular he might have been.
My point is that what you're proposing will never happen through the disruption of a political rally. It will actually have the opposite effect by enraging and galvanizing the will of Trump supporters to get behind Trump for President.
Entropy sez
I hate to break it to you. But a reality check isn't going to do much for these people. That boat has sailed a long time ago.

We all realize they ain´t gonna change . . . so I think we can all agree that they should get a big middle finger from the minority and anti-bigotry folks. They´re bringing this on themselves and there´s only so much time left for their traditional white supremacist aires and comforts to protect them. Might not be what´s best for the country or election process at the moment, but they´ve chosen this bigoted, punch-in-the-face approach. Now deal with the consequences.
Lets be clear. Last night Trump openly blamed Muslims. The others never rebuted what he said 100%.

Thought Rubio and Kasich did a decent job of rebutting them. The i wanna be correct not politically correct line was great too.

Anyway it's not just muslims, but also Blacks and Latinos etc.. that seem to have a problem.
Thought Rubio and Kasich did a decent job of rebutting them. The i wanna be correct not politically correct line was great too.

Anyway it's not just muslims, but also Blacks and Latinos etc.. that seem to have a problem.

we must disagree. What they said, was 'paraphrasing' that it was not appropriate to say things like that. The GOP blames all types of minorities. They feed all the lies to them. As I said above neither party has done anything for ordinary people, whatever their colour.
This is getting really nasty now, and you have to wonder how it's going to end. Trump tweeted earlier that Obama is the WORST President in the history of the USA. Surely he cannot really think that? but it's obvious many of his supporters do because some of the comments he received agreeing with him are unbelievable.

Then you have Ann Coulter, the vicious, nasty, and very angry woman who has written some truly hate filled books, is now attacking FOX NEWS! and Ted Cruz! as she is a staunch Drumpf supporter. She said..

And then in a follow up tweet she said America only wins with Drumpf, you know that the Republicans are in serious shite when you have Ann feckin Coulter attacking Fox News. Then on top of all that Drumpf is blaming Bernie and Hillary for last nights events and the cancellation of his rally in Chicago.

It's like a bunch of angry school kids wanting to fight behind the bike sheds after school, you wouldn't for one minute think this was about the election of the President of the so called most powerful country on Earth. It's sickening, and it's an absolute joke, and Hillary isn't helping things either with her Email scandal. I've been reading some headlines and stories from foreign newspapers and the whole thing is being reported as a complete farce, but they are all agreeing that it's a very frightening and worrying one.
My problem with the your and the right´s whole welfare schtick, is that it is only applied to people at the bottom, especially minorities. You never hear about all the "welfare" going to those who least need it like farm subsidies, corporate welfare and tax breaks for the wealthy, the unbelievable amount of "welfare" for the Pentagon, the defense department and the whole military industrial complex or the astounding amounts of "welfare" for the drug war budgets, or the for profit universities getting their loans off the government etc etc etc.

If you listen to the Reagan era right wing "welfare" schtick, it´s one big racist dog whistle, which has come back in fashion with today´s right wing.

As far I remember the Europeans are big on this
I understand my country just fine.

By the same token the republicans demonize those on welfare to gain votes like their counterparts in Europe.

I think it's pathetic for people to try to claim - people want to be on welfare. If welfare was so great, why aren't more people on it? Our benefits/welfare system is nothing like what the UK has...it's nowhere close to being as generous. I have never ever heard a person say - 'you know what...I think welfare is awesome, I'm going to give up my job and live it up on welfare.'
Where the hell you live? Any big city, actually any city is full of people living on welfare, and most of them don't want to work, from free cell phones to free housing plus a debit card.
This is getting really nasty now, and you have to wonder how it's going to end. Trump tweeted earlier that Obama is the WORST President in the history of the USA. Surely he cannot really think that? but it's obvious many of his supporters do because some of the comments he received agreeing with him are unbelievable.

Then you have Ann Coulter, the vicious, nasty, and very angry woman who has written some truly hate filled books, is now attacking FOX NEWS! and Ted Cruz! as she is a staunch Drumpf supporter. She said..

And then in a follow up tweet she said America only wins with Drumpf, you know that the Republicans are in serious shite when you have Ann feckin Coulter attacking Fox News. Then on top of all that Drumpf is blaming Bernie and Hillary for last nights events and the cancellation of his rally in Chicago.

It's like a bunch of angry school kids wanting to fight behind the bike sheds after school, you wouldn't for one minute think this was about the election of the President of the so called most powerful country on Earth. It's sickening, and it's an absolute joke, and Hillary isn't helping things either with her Email scandal. I've been reading some headlines and stories from foreign newspapers and the whole thing is being reported as a complete farce, but they are all agreeing that it's a very frightening and worrying one.

Ignore her. She's a performance troll not a commentator.
He has achieved his success by playing into a siege mentality. What do you think will happen if his supporters get the impression the system is attempting to thwart their voices by blocking Trump ? It will only entrench their views and galvanize their support for him.
Not just his supporters but there are many voters who simply do not want to see Hilary as president and will never vote her in no matter who she is up against.
She represents everything that is wrong with the world over the last decade. Why vote for the candidate handpicked by fecking wallstreet?
Not all Trump voters are racist bigots. They could just be tired of the continuious bullshit that is American politics.
Im Irish and our present governent have been a disaster. Their only competition in the recent election was the previous goverment that sent us over the cliff and set us back decades.
If Trump was a candidate in our elections I would have voted for him. Im as far from a racist as you can get and that is what I would have done.
Just seen some nasty pics of Donald Drumpf's youngest son killing elephants in Africa and cutting their tails off for trophies. I won't post them here, but it's just disgusting. Just no need at all. :mad: :(
Not just his supporters but there are many voters who simply do not want to see Hilary as president and will never vote her in no matter who she is up against.
She represents everything that is wrong with the world over the last decade. Why vote for the candidate handpicked by fecking wallstreet?
Not all Trump voters are racist bigots. They could just be tired of the continuious bullshit that is American politics.
Im Irish and our present governent have been a disaster. Their only competition in the recent election was the previous goverment that sent us over the cliff and set us back decades.
If Trump was a candidate in our elections I would have voted for him. Im as far from a racist as you can get and that is what I would have done.
Always a good sign when you have to tell people that.
Not just his supporters but there are many voters who simply do not want to see Hilary as president and will never vote her in no matter who she is up against.
She represents everything that is wrong with the world over the last decade. Why vote for the candidate handpicked by fecking wallstreet?
Not all Trump voters are racist bigots. They could just be tired of the continuious bullshit that is American politics.
Im Irish and our present governent have been a disaster. Their only competition in the recent election was the previous goverment that sent us over the cliff and set us back decades.
If Trump was a candidate in our elections I would have voted for him. Im as far from a racist as you can get and that is what I would have done.

I'm voting for him because I'm tired of politicians, I'm seeing jobs been shipped overseas and no president republican or democratic doing anything about it, in their fantasy world every worker in US would be a doctor, engineer or any high end career so we don't need factories anymore, I'm not racist but we need to control our borders, I came to this country legally and I believe we have space for more people who come here to work pay his/her taxes, obey to US law and respect local traditions, also learn English - free classes everywhere. Trumps wall and banning all Muslims was his step for free media attention and I don't believe he would do what he says. I don't know any republican that's racist and carries a bible like a lot of caftards keep saying and I know a lot of Hispanics -I work with a few, also I have a Guatemalan as a family member who's voting for trump.
The GOP/fox meltdown gets more glorious by the day.

I got the impression that even Ailes has had enough. While Hannity and O'Reilly keep throwing red meat to their viewer base, Kelly and Wallace etc... have been noticeably more critical of them all. The Democratic townhall the other day may be a start in their shift towards the center. After all, Fox nowadays is not conservative enough for the Tea a Party nutbags.
Always a good sign when you have to tell people that.
Just saying why I would vote for him in a certain situation.
The whole point is I have to make this clear to people since all his voters are made out to be mini Hitlers.
I'm voting for him because I'm tired of politicians, I'm seeing jobs been shipped overseas and no president republican or democratic doing anything about it, in their fantasy world every worker in US would be a doctor, engineer or any high end career so we don't need factories anymore, I'm not racist but we need to control our borders, I came to this country legally and I believe we have space for more people who come here to work pay his/her taxes, obey to US law and respect local traditions, also learn English - free classes everywhere. Trumps wall and banning all Muslims was his step for free media attention and I don't believe he would do what he says. I don't know any republican that's racist and carries a bible like a lot of caftards keep saying and I know a lot of Hispanics -I work with a few, also I have a Guatemalan as a family member who's voting for trump.

The Muslim bit is sinister. And Cruz is an evil scum.
Just saying why I would vote for him in a certain situation.
The whole point is I have to make this clear to people since all his voters are made out to be mini Hitlers.
I would ask you to look at the certain kinds of people that are really enthusiastic about voting Trump, the kinds of people that have been embracing his message most publicly. White supremacists. Teenagers that chant "build the wall" after playing a rival hispanic side. These are the sorts of people a vote for Trump empowers. Whether his pronouncements are ideologically nativist or purely populist, they are abhorrent.
I got the impression that even Ailes has had enough. While Hannity and O'Reilly keep throwing red meat to their viewer base, Kelly and Wallace etc... have been noticeably more critical of them all. The Democratic townhall the other day may be a start in their shift towards the center. After all, Fox nowadays is not conservative enough for the Tea a Party nutbags.

Hannity is just disgusting, pure evil scum. O'Reilly flips between mad and sane quite regularly, one minute he can be quite sensible and then 5 minutes later he's back to being batshit again. Kelly is the same, one minute she can be rational and raise fair points, the next minute she's just shit stirring and spouts right wing rhetoric for fun.

Anne Coulter is a cnut, plain and simple. We should adhere to the twitter transfer thread rules and have tweets from certain people blacklisted beginning with that tramp.

I agree, however it was just pointing out how much the GOP is in conflict and they are attacking each other badly now. Michelle Malkin is another one I can't stand. Horrible, nasty cow.
My point is that what you're proposing will never happen through the disruption of a political rally. It will actually have the opposite effect by enraging and galvanizing the will of Trump supporters to get behind Trump for President.

The people supporting Trump already are lost causes. Who cares if one deepens their fervor? What are they going to do, vote twice? It's the independents that will swing the election, and the more coverage the hate mongering and bigotry which typifies his politics and supporters gets, the less likely independents will be to align with such a socially stigmatized movement. IMO.
Clinton wins Northern Marianas, 4 delegates to Sanders 2.
The people supporting Trump already are lost causes. Who cares if one deepens their fervor? What are they going to do, vote twice? It's the independents that will swing the election, and the more coverage the hate mongering and bigotry which typifies his politics and supporters gets, the less likely independents will be to align with such a socially stigmatized movement. IMO.

Trouble with that view is that he is merely winding up that wing of the Republican crowd in order to get the nomination. Once he has it, he will pivot away to a more centrist position to gain votes in the Gen. Trouble is, he won't be able to retain the right wing vote if he does, which basically means he will have nowhere to go.
Where the hell you live? Any big city, actually any city is full of people living on welfare, and most of them don't want to work, from free cell phones to free housing plus a debit card.

I'm voting for him because I'm tired of politicians, I'm seeing jobs been shipped overseas and no president republican or democratic doing anything about it, in their fantasy world every worker in US would be a doctor, engineer or any high end career so we don't need factories anymore, I'm not racist but we need to control our borders, I came to this country legally and I believe we have space for more people who come here to work pay his/her taxes, obey to US law and respect local traditions, also learn English - free classes everywhere. Trumps wall and banning all Muslims was his step for free media attention and I don't believe he would do what he says. I don't know any republican that's racist and carries a bible like a lot of caftards keep saying and I know a lot of Hispanics -I work with a few, also I have a Guatemalan as a family member who's voting for trump.

I typically avoid replying to your posts in the political or current affairs threads, because they are generally so mind mindbogglingly appalling. I made an exception in the gun thread where your ignorance was actually painful, and I'm making an exception here because some of your comments are just downright offensive.

The idea that big cities are full of people living on welfare, most of whom don't want to work, is just a woeful under appreciation of the complex socio-economic conditions that have created a massive underclass in America. A systemic failing that provides little to no opportunity, scant educational avenues, and an effective segregation of ethic minorities. It is an appalling and embarrassing characterisation by the political right to label those on welfare as free loaders who don't want to work. It merely fuels a blatantly transparent agenda build on intolerance, greed, and oppression.

Let's now address some of the other gems in your post:

I'm not racist but we need to control our borders - Somehow by claiming you aren't a racist, you sound more racist. Do you think there is no border control now? Just another ridiculously overhyped myth by the right. US immigration is no picnic. You should know that, and as a fellow immigrant, I know that too.

I believe we have space for more people who come here to work pay his/her taxes, obey to US law and respect local traditions, also learn English - Great, what else do you think people come to the country for? To work, obviously. Another appalling characterisation of a sub-group. Almost all the immigrants I have encountered (many), are the hardest working people I have come across. As for local traditions and speaking English; while speaking English helps assimilation into wider society, the US has no official language. The US was also founded, and continues to grow, based on immigration. It is a country of immigrants. But now we are going to stop letting some people into the club because they are the wrong colour, speak the wrong language, or worship the wrong god?

Trumps wall and banning all Muslims was his step for free media attention and I don't believe he would do what he says. - So basically you'll give him a free pass for pushing deeply divisive and racist policies, because you don't believe he'll really do it. Great logic. (a) Vote for someone who pretends to be a racist (b) Vote for someone who you don't believe will do what they promise. I see you've really thought this through.

Donald Trump is hypocrite and liar. His politics are deeply damaging to a country that needs to be healing wounds rather than rubbing salt into them. The fact he is getting traction among mainstream voters just goes to show the latent racism and hate still present in this country. I despair of this world I really do. I would be ashamed to be associated with a bigot of this magnitude, unless I was one too.

FYI, saying you aren't racist, doesn't mean you get a free pass to support racists. Kind of like how saying 'with all due respect' doesn't give one a free pass to then insult someone.
Trump's comments on Muslims (regardless of whether people think that is his position or not) should immediately be a non-starter for people. Blaming an entire group of people for the actions of a few is precisely what terrorists do btw.

End of story. His rhetoric leads to hate crimes, it leads to an atmosphere where hate crimes increase. To argue that you'll vote for him for the anti-establishment part of it is wrong. He's anti-GOP establishment for sure, but he's pro status quo in many other ways (for the "job creator" class) and shits all over on minorities. Let's not even get started on the way he incites violence against protestors in his douchey indirect way.
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