2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Bigotry is intolerance towards those who hold different views to yourself. I don't share the same view as Donald Trump, but I wont demonize those that do. But I see a great deal of that happening and hence I think these people are blind to what they are becoming.
I think it's perfectly acceptable to protest someone that brands a group of people that make up a significant portion of the country murderers and rapists, and pledges to ban an entire religion from entering the country. But yeah, the bigots are the protesters, obviously...
What gives you the impression it has backfired ?

Obviously just a little fragment of what ppl think on this but his twitter account is exploding:

Interesting. I suppose what happened will only further entrench Trump's support and probably enrage a good number on the right, who feel they are being besieged by thugs and anarchists.
Bigotry is intolerance towards those who hold different views to yourself. I don't share the same view as Donald Trump, but I wont demonize those that do. But I see a great deal of that happening and hence I think these people are blind to what they are becoming.

I wouldn't call being intolerant of intolerance bigotry.
So we stop tolerating certain religions in the UK then?
'Intolerant of intolerance' not 'intolerant of people whose religions harbour certain intolerances'.

You can tolerate a religion within the confines of tolerance. Most religious people don't act intolerantly towards others. Prosecute them according to the law if and when they do.

Scientific racism used to be a thing. Doesn't mean you should be intolerant of science.
I think it's perfectly acceptable to protest someone that brands a group of people that make up a significant portion of the country murderers and rapists, and pledges to ban an entire religion from entering the country. But yeah, the bigots are the protesters, obviously...

I agree. Step back a couple of hundred years and the Trump of the day would have been calling the people of my country murderers and rapists. Protests are necessary in the face of his bigotry.



These fears encouraged conspiracy theories regarding papal intentions of subjugating the United States through a continuing influx of Catholics controlled by Irish bishops obedient to and personally selected by the Pope.
Apparently some Trumpers at the rally were yelling at black people to go back to Africa.

But remember folks, they aren't the bigots here.
'Intolerant of intolerance' not 'intolerant of people whose religions harbour certain intolerances'.

You can tolerate a religion within the confines of tolerance. Most religious people don't act intolerantly towards others. Prosecute them according to the law if and when they do.

Scientific racism used to be a thing. Doesn't mean you should be intolerant of science.

Really? But I suppose most Trump supporters do right?
Interesting. I suppose what happened will only further entrench Trump's support and probably enrage a good number on the right, who feel they are being besieged by thugs and anarchists.

Might be a good time for right wing America to take a reality check, try on some honest empathy for a while, and get a grip with 400 years of the African American experience in the Americas.

Such a sordid history and you still have a massive political party, often in cahoots with the democrats constantly racially dog whistling them, jailing them at unheard of rates, enacting new voting right scams to cut out their political power, villianizing them at every turn with their powerful ally Fox News, permitting until very recently the confederate flag all over the place, going to war on social investment in their communities, boxed up in inner city ghettos . . . listening to Donald Trump fire them up . . .

. . . but the poor poor enraged white muricans; we must empathize with them cause they´re being "besieged by thugs and anarchists."

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So we stop tolerating certain religions in the UK then?

I see where you're going with this but I'll humour it. There's no reason we should be tolerating religious individuals in the UK or anywhere for the matter who use their religion as a platform to preach hatred and bigotry. But that's not to say we should share that intolerance for those who share the same religious beliefs but are otherwise peaceful and non-bigoted in practice.

I don't see how any of that is relevant to a US political candidate anyhow.
Might be a good time for right wing America to take a reality check, try on some honest empathy for a while, and get a grip with 400 years of the African American experience in the Americas.

Such a sordid history and you still have a massive political party, often in cahoots with the democrats constantly racially dog whistling them, jailing them at unheard of rates, enacting new voting right scams to cut out their political power, villianizing them at every turn with their powerful ally Fox News, permitting until very recently the confederate flag all over the place, going to war on social investment in their communities . . . listening to Donald Trump fire them up . . .

. . . but the poor poor enraged white muricans; we must empathize with them cause they´re being "besieged by thugs and anarchists."


That's not how Trump supporters will view it. They want to see their candidate speak and view the disruptions as apolitical thugs attempting to disrupt their right to assemble and hear Trump speak.
That's not how Trump supporters will view it. They want to see their candidate speak and view the disruptions as apolitical thugs attempting to disrupt their right to assemble and hear Trump speak.

I realize this, and agree with you. What I´m saying is, a dose of honest empathy would be a great thing for these people (and for much of America).
I realize this, and agree with you. What I´m saying is, a dose of honest empathy would be a great thing for these people (and for much of America).

My point is that what you're proposing will never happen through the disruption of a political rally. It will actually have the opposite effect by enraging and galvanizing the will of Trump supporters to get behind Trump for President.
I see where you're going with this but I'll humour it. There's no reason we should be tolerating religious individuals in the UK or anywhere for the matter who use their religion as a platform to preach hatred and bigotry. But that's not to say we should share that intolerance for those who share the same religious beliefs but are otherwise peaceful and non-bigoted in practice.

I don't see how any of that is relevant to a US political candidate anyhow.
That's the big thing, bizarre to suggest a candidate seeking executive power and the role of Commander in Chief shouldn't be subject to open challenge when he spends his entire campaign race-baiting.
Hate begets hate though. It doesn't help when you start providing an open and safe platform for bigotry. I don't think he genuinely believes the shite he's been spewing up but the trouble is his supporters do, and now he's giving them a huge platform.

Anyone who reads this thread, and others like it, knows that the hatred of the left needs no begetting; it's as natural to them as breathing.
Anyone who reads this thread, and others like it, knows that the hatred of the left needs no begetting; it's as natural to them as breathing.

It's really awful alright how Sanders wants to deport all of those white, working class people, and talks on the stump about how much he'd like to punch them.
This will make Trump supporters angry...oh I'm sorry, I must be living in an alternate universe. I though they were already enraged...

After all, Trump and the Republicans have been talking about americans (almost exclusively white america...surprise surprise) being angry since Obama won.

Remember the country was united and GREAT until Obama took office.

What further galvination is going to occur? His base is his base...they have been turning out and voting in numbers and will continue to do so...leading him to the Republican nomination.

He refuses to acknowledge his blatant hatred will upset people and they will react, instead mocking them...'they're all unemployed bums.'

The gall of some people...why are there angry reactions to a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic prick?
Rubio's already given up judging by this:

This will make Trump supporters angry...oh I'm sorry, I must be living in an alternate universe. I though they were already enraged...

After all, Trump and the Republicans have been talking about americans (almost exclusively white america...surprise surprise) being angry since Obama won.

Remember the country was united and GREAT until Obama took office.

What further galvination is going to occur? His base is his base...they have been turning out and voting in numbers and will continue to do so...leading him to the Republican nomination.

He refuses to acknowledge his blatant hatred will upset people and they will react, instead mocking them...'they're all unemployed bums.'

The gall of some people...why are there angry reactions to a racist, bigoted, xenophobic, misogynistic prick?

He has achieved his success by playing into a siege mentality. What do you think will happen if his supporters get the impression the system is attempting to thwart their voices by blocking Trump ? It will only entrench their views and galvanize their support for him.
It's really awful alright how Sanders wants to deport all of those white, working class people, and talks on the stump about how much he'd like to punch them.

I was referring to the intemperate and intolerant language of left-wing posters. The inability to acknowledge that others have a right to hold a different view.

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

An amusing example might be the newly coined 'Climate Denial'. Not emotionally satisfied with the simple and truthful: 'On the unfathomably complex, scientific question of the effect of increased levels of the molecule carbon dioxide on temperatures around the world in the next 50 years, I believe my view is supported by the great majority of experts and is thus more likely to be correct', the left can't resist criminalizing those who disagree with them and comparing them to Nazis!
I was referring to the intemperate and intolerant language of left-wing posters. The inability to acknowledge that others have a right to hold a different view.

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

An amusing example might be the newly coined 'Climate Denial'. Not emotionally satisfied with the simple and truthful: 'On the unfathomably complex, scientific question of the effect of increased levels of the molecule carbon dioxide on temperatures around the world in the next 50 years, I believe my view is supported by the great majority of experts and is thus more likely to be correct', the left can't resist criminalizing those who disagree with them and comparing them to Nazis!

Really, I thought that they just considered them stupid rather than nazi.
I was referring to the intemperate and intolerant language of left-wing posters. The inability to acknowledge that others have a right to hold a different view.

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

An amusing example might be the newly coined 'Climate Denial'. Not emotionally satisfied with the simple and truthful: 'On the unfathomably complex, scientific question of the effect of increased levels of the molecule carbon dioxide on temperatures around the world in the next 50 years, I believe my view is supported by the great majority of experts and is thus more likely to be correct', the left can't resist criminalizing those who disagree with them and comparing them to Nazis!

Unusual choice of adjective given "God" is the preserve of the right :P

A very curious example also. The position of the likes of Rubio is staggeringly ignorant, astonishing even given the state he's from - should that not be pointed out? If climate change people are wrong, what will the result be - more energy efficient technology, reduced pollution, job losses in polluting industries for sure but always the possibility of job creation in efficient tech. If Rubio is wrong, what will the result be?

I think a survey of the negative discourse in this thread would focus mostly on the ugly aspects of the candidates, often on both sides.
I was referring to the intemperate and intolerant language of left-wing posters. The inability to acknowledge that others have a right to hold a different view.

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

An amusing example might be the newly coined 'Climate Denial'. Not emotionally satisfied with the simple and truthful: 'On the unfathomably complex, scientific question of the effect of increased levels of the molecule carbon dioxide on temperatures around the world in the next 50 years, I believe my view is supported by the great majority of experts and is thus more likely to be correct', the left can't resist criminalizing those who disagree with them and comparing them to Nazis!

Oh the irony

Two words: social conservatives.
I was referring to the intemperate and intolerant language of left-wing posters. The inability to acknowledge that others have a right to hold a different view.

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

An amusing example might be the newly coined 'Climate Denial'. Not emotionally satisfied with the simple and truthful: 'On the unfathomably complex, scientific question of the effect of increased levels of the molecule carbon dioxide on temperatures around the world in the next 50 years, I believe my view is supported by the great majority of experts and is thus more likely to be correct', the left can't resist criminalizing those who disagree with them and comparing them to Nazis!

Jesus christ, you must never listen (but always seem to comment on) the holier-than-thou American right wing and their "family values" bollocks and their bible banging righteousness and to keep America pure from the filthy LGBT values and their obsessive self righteous anti-abortion crusade and law and order cleanliness . . . what an outrageously bogus thing to say.

"Make Amurica Great Again" is a moral crusade as well along with a economic and power one. You should cleave to getting a clue to what you´re commenting on.
I was referring to the intemperate and intolerant language of left-wing posters. The inability to acknowledge that others have a right to hold a different view.

We all cleave to our own opinions of course, but, in my experience, only the left regard their political ideas as identical with moral virtue, to the point of regarding those who disagree with them as impious.

An amusing example might be the newly coined 'Climate Denial'. Not emotionally satisfied with the simple and truthful: 'On the unfathomably complex, scientific question of the effect of increased levels of the molecule carbon dioxide on temperatures around the world in the next 50 years, I believe my view is supported by the great majority of experts and is thus more likely to be correct', the left can't resist criminalizing those who disagree with them and comparing them to Nazis!

Doesn't seem that simple!

Also scientists agree on climate science => Republicans deny climate science => climate denial.
Reality denial would be the pithier term actually.
Omens for the general:

1. Turnout for GOP >> Dems.
Could be explained by Trump galvanising independents, by other Republicans being motivateed to beat him, and by the sheer sound and fury generated by this bunch of candidates driving record interest.

2. Obama's approval rating just under par.
But it's ticking upwards. Hillary has tied herself to him, so this is a good barometer.

3. Head-to-head polls: Mixed
With Hillary, they have been bad for long, but seem to have improved lately. Sanders is walking away with double digit leads.

4. Congress is less popular than syphilis
But that didn't stop the Republican sweep in 2014

5. Favourability:
This has been the best predictor of general election results for 30+ years.

6. https://s3.amazonaws.com/s3.boldprogressives.org/images/Big_Ideas-Polling_PDF-1.pdf
There is room for leftist candidates

7. http://www.people-press.org/2015/07/23/gops-favorability-rating-takes-a-negative-turn/
This was 2015, it's surely become worse. Same caveat as 4.

8. Economics > terrorism as the voter priority
Good for Dems

IMO a major-ish terrorist attack or economic downturn seals a victory for the GOP.
We should not demonize the people who are support Trump. They have been fed lies for decades. Trump is speaking to their frustration and anger. Feel free to demonize teh Republican Party though.
And I'm not defending the Democratic Party either. They were all for minorities. Yet they did feck all for them.

Trump will be a disaster. But Hillary will not be a Christmas Party either.
We should not demonize the people who are support Trump. They have been fed lies for decades. Trump is speaking to their frustration and anger. Feel free to demonize teh Republican Party though.
And I'm not defending the Democratic Party either. They were all for minorities. Yet they did feck all for them.

Trump will be a disaster. But Hillary will not be a Christmas Party either.

While I agree with the general sentiment it depends on the context of which they offer their support. If its because of disillusionment with the establishment then I can understand and even sympathise with that sentiment. But its because they agree with 'his' views on things like minorities and torture then they should be ridiculed for the ignorant imbeciles they are.
We should not demonize the people who are support Trump. They have been fed lies for decades. Trump is speaking to their frustration and anger. Feel free to demonize teh Republican Party though.
And I'm not defending the Democratic Party either. They were all for minorities. Yet they did feck all for them.

Trump will be a disaster. But Hillary will not be a Christmas Party either.

Probably not a good idea to insult their intelligence either by applying a one size fits all analysis to their motivation for supporting Trump. If you do that, you are probably misreading the ethos behind Trump's support.
While I agree with the general sentiment it depends on the context of which they offer their support. If its because of disillusionment with the establishment then I can understand and even sympathise with that sentiment. But its because they agree with 'his' views on things like minorities and torture then they should be ridiculed for the ignorant imbeciles they are.

I agree. They need to be re-educated. But as a country we cannot isolate any group of people and keep teh country strong. All of us need to be united if America is to be Great.
Probably not a good idea to insult their intelligence either by applying a one size fits all analysis to their motivation for supporting Trump. If you do that, you are probably misreading the ethos behind Trump's support.

I am actually giving them the benefit of doubt. I honestly do not believe they are there because they hate minorities. They are there I think because they have been pissed on by both parties.
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