2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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A key principle of democracy is consent of the loser... whichever way it goes in November, you get the feeling that those on the losing side aren't going to take it well.
All this really does is help him hog the news cycle till Tuesday which is what he loves anyway.

If he comes out with an even remotely presidential response to this I reckon he can spin this positively.
All this really does is help him hog the news cycle till Tuesday which is what he loves anyway.

If he comes out with an even remotely presidential response to this I reckon he can spin this positively.

These protests aren't about the Republican nomination process, more what he can expect when the General Election comes around.
All this really does is help him hog the news cycle till Tuesday which is what he loves anyway.

If he comes out with an even remotely presidential response to this I reckon he can spin this positively.

I'm sure this will galvanise his support base, but on the flipside I can see this scaring quite a few independents who probably aren't thrilled at the idea of a volatile character such as himself inflaming tensions.
he comes out with an even remotely presidential response to this I reckon he can spin this positively.

He already is, blaming Obama and jobs leaving the country, saying he doesn't want people on either side to get hurt and saying this has nothing to do with him, rather incompetent running of the county. Said they haven't shut down the rally. Also saying he got the word out to 10,000 people to not turn up and he wasn't going to do the rally anyway. Oh and everyone protesting is unemployed and the actual unemployment rate isn't 5% it's actually 25%. And they are not protesting him either, they are protesting the way things are. FFS. Devoid of reality.
Why all the hate for Trump though? He's not fabricating his supporters and voters from thin air here. Protest all they want but the only reason he has come this far is his support. He's not achieving this through illegal or underhanded means. Its fair
This makes no sense to me. His message getting through says more about his supporters than it does Trump. This nonsense will not fix that problem.
Its not Trumps supporters s causing these scenes or showing up at his rallies blocking off roads etc but Trump will be blamed non the less. It's democracy. Protest at the voting booths. Rip apart his policies.
This is just desperate and will only reinforce his supporters to his cause.
Why all the hate for Trump though? He's not fabricating his supporters and voters from thin air here. Protest all they want but the only reason he has come this far is his support. He's not achieving this through illegal or underhanded means. Its fair
This makes no sense to me. His message getting through says more about his supporters than it does Trump. This nonsense will not fix that problem.
Its not Trumps supporters s causing these scenes or showing up at his rallies blocking off roads etc but Trump will be blamed non the less. It's democracy. Protest at the voting booths. Rip apart his policies.
This is just desperate and will only reinforce his supporters to his cause.
So's protesting. How you can say Trump isn't to blame for the CONTINUAL race-baiting coming out of his own mouth, I have no idea.
Some of the people in this thread :lol:

Just because we've gone away from protesting political rallies in recent memory, doesn't mean this country doesn't have a history of protestors standing up.

Look back to the 60s and 70s and see what used to happen in this country at volatile political rallies.


What the hell do people think political dissent is? Sit around twiddling your thumb and then go vote?
It's already Trumped the all-time low of Sarah 'I too can count to tomato...I mean, potato' Palin, which is some going.
this is the worst election cycle I have seen. Though I understand the 1968 election cycle was pretty bad too.

You think this is the worst, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until the gen and watch the carnage unfold at Herr Drumpf's rallies.

Donald Trump has legitimised the bigotry, latent racism and xenophobia privately held by a not insignificant number of Americans in national discourse. Whether he wins or loses come November, that'll be his legacy in American politics.
You think this is the worst, you ain't seen nothing yet. Wait until the gen and watch the carnage unfold at Herr Drumpf's rallies.

Donald Trump has legitimised the bigotry, latent racism and xenophobia privately held by a not insignificant number of Americans in national discourse. Whether he wins or loses come November, that'll be his legacy in American politics.

He has brought out all the stuff the Republicans had been giving a nod and wink too. Obama called them out correctly. In one way, the absolute destruction of the Republican party can only be seen as good.
'The right to free speech is not the right to be free of consequences of that speech. Speech glorifying violence has unpleasant consequences.'

Oh so true.
He has brought out all the stuff the Republicans had been giving a nod and wink too. Obama called them out correctly. In one way, the absolute destruction of the Republican party can only be seen as good.

Not that I disagree, but there's still a different between dog whistling and Drumpf's brazen embrace of vulgarity. Now you have millions who previously couldnt voice their bigotry in public given a voice by the frontrunner of the Republican Party. It's not easy to close the Pandora box once opened.
Not that I disagree, but there's still a different between dog whistling and Drumpf's brazen embrace of vulgarity. Now you have millions who previously couldnt voice their bigotry in public given a voice by the frontrunner of the Republican Party. It's not easy to close the Pandora box once opened.

The Pandora's box was opened by those delegitimizing the current President. In 2008 Hillary went after him questioning his faith, while McCain refused to do the same. By 2012 it was full blown by the GOP.

Trump to his supporters "says what they think". Yes. It is despicable. But 100% blame a party that blamed minorities for their supporters being in a poor state. The real reason was obviously Trickle down bollox and tax cuts for the Super wealthy and all these outsourcing of jobs.
'The right to free speech is not the right to be free of consequences of that speech. Speech glorifying violence has unpleasant consequences.'

Oh so true.

Not at all. These are basically a motley crue of MoveOn.org morons, Black lives matter people, and residudual occcupy wall street scumbags who don't have a political objective other than to be disruptive.
Trump is merely the catalyst. The country has been tearing apart for decades. Decades of neglect of ordinary people. Always blaming minorities by the Republican party. Evil.


Lets be clear. Last night Trump openly blamed Muslims. The others never rebuted what he said 100%.
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When Paris happened, I remember my own feelings here. I wanted us to send troops in and get rid of ISIS. Then sanity returned. Then San Bernadino happened. I strated remebering associations I had had with Muslims who were traditional in their dressings. One I had worked with. Thinking would they have sympatised with ISIS?

If someone who is liberal can have these thoughts, what about people who have zero exposure to these people.
All these fears had been festering...and as we know fear always eventually gives birth to hatred.

Trump or someone like him was inevitable.

It is going to be a long task to heal these woulds. The country is tearing apart.

These elections hardly matter.

I hope these protesters just go vote for Hillary or Bernie and stop going to Trump's rallies.
Nor will Bernie's when consider that even if elected President, his policies would be blocked. When he gets asked about it, he delusionally suggests that can be averted if there's a "political revolution" that elects Dems into the majority. Well no shit sherlock, by that logic any Dem candidate could get their policies through if they had a Dem Congress. I'm 100% confident that much like Trump, Bernie is winging it and hasn't thought things through to the extent that they are tangibly implementable, which makes him more of a feel good fantasy candidate, than a serious, legitimate one.
Then what is the point of voting at all?
Not at all. These are basically a motley crue of MoveOn.org morons, Black lives matter people, and residudual occcupy wall street scumbags who don't have a political objective other than to be disruptive.

Tbh who cares if they are?

Whether it's Pegida in Germany, Britain First in the UK or those who make up the more extreme elements of Trump's support they need to be challenged and disrupted.

It isn't the average person who is just getting on with their lives that have constantly hounded the EDL/BF over here, they may be cnuts but they've done a good service.
I've stayed well clear of this thread and I wouldn't be a Trump voter. But to be honest the whole anti Trump campaign is getting to the point where it's becoming sickening to watch. It reminds me a bit of the "are we the baddies" Mitchell and Webb sketch. It's as it these people who demonize Trump and try and turn him into some sort of modern day Hitler, are totally blind to the fact they've become the bad guys.
I've stayed well clear of this thread and I wouldn't be a Trump voter. But to be honest the whole anti Trump campaign is getting to the point where it's becoming sickening to watch. It reminds me a bit of the "are we the baddies" Mitchell and Webb sketch. It's as it these people who demonize Trump and try and turn him into some sort of modern day Hitler, are totally blind to the fact they've become the bad guys.

Hate begets hate though. It doesn't help when you start providing an open and safe platform for bigotry. I don't think he genuinely believes the shite he's been spewing up but the trouble is his supporters do, and now he's giving them a huge platform.
I've stayed well clear of this thread and I wouldn't be a Trump voter. But to be honest the whole anti Trump campaign is getting to the point where it's becoming sickening to watch. It reminds me a bit of the "are we the baddies" Mitchell and Webb sketch. It's as it these people who demonize Trump and try and turn him into some sort of modern day Hitler, are totally blind to the fact they've become the bad guys.

I'm more or less in your camp as well. Trump can do a better job of being less brash and inciteful but the media are responsible as well. CNN for example, have been using Trump as a ratings cash cow, repeatedly playing his most controversial sound bites over and over by claiming they were relevant, but not realizing they too were unwittingly fanning the flames. I hope Trump runs the table on Cruz and Rubio, effectively snuffing out their chances, then completely goes positive for the rest of the campaign.
Hate begets hate though. It doesn't help when you start providing an open and safe platform for bigotry. I don't think he genuinely believes the shite he's been spewing up but the trouble is his supporters do, and now he's giving them a huge platform.

Bigotry is intolerance towards those who hold different views to yourself. I don't share the same view as Donald Trump, but I wont demonize those that do. But I see a great deal of that happening and hence I think these people are blind to what they are becoming.
this is the worst election cycle I have seen. Though I understand the 1968 election cycle was pretty bad too.

The low just got lower with Trump. The tea party opened up the flood gates.

Sarah Palin... remember? We thought that idiots would rule the world, they nearly did with her.

Cruz is finished from what I can gather. Tried to blame Trump for what has happened in Chicago and it massively backfired.
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