2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Also Hillary will not hesitate to smear her opponent...falsely too as she has done to Bernie. Bernie sees the bigger picture. He has not retaliated as he could have because he knows the party must unite to defeat the Republicans.

I really dislike liars and hypocrites, and she strikes me as both.
It stinks that all the liberal media seems to be bought and sold by her, as well as the DNC.

I used to have a lot more respect for Rachel Maddow before this election cycle, now I see her and the whole of MSNBC as shills for Hillary. I really hope folks wake up and see things for how they are. If she gets elected...nothing changes.
I will agree with the first part Dwayne. Surely there is no necessity for illegals? Work Permits? Perhaps wages that are determined by industry or at least a minimum amount, with health care included? We really should not have illegals clogging up our health system. Its strained enough.

What I meant by the need for illegals part is that there are jobs that, perhaps, wouldn't get done without them. So they are necessary to your economy, especially because they do spend a portion of their earnings in the US.

That being said, they are being exploited by people who don't want to pay legal workers a fair wage, which is obviously a bad thing for your economy. It's a difficult problem.
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Also Hillary will not hesitate to smear her opponent...falsely too as she has done to Bernie. Bernie sees the bigger picture. He has not retaliated as he could have because he knows the party must unite to defeat the Republicans.

I learned very early in life that just because you prefer to take the high road doesn't mean you can expect everyone else to do the same. So Bernie being the bigger man with higher moral ethics doesn't mean the rest of the political world will play by his rules. Smear campaigns are so common in politics, especially during elections that you'd essentially be ignoring a tactic if you did not engage in them.
@Dwazza von Morsesteiger

how do you lot handle illegal migrants or is it not a huge issue?

We tell them not to worry, as we won't hand their draft dodging behinds back to the US military. ;)

But seriously, it's not a huge problem. You guys are the only country we share a border with. Everyone else has to come by sea or air and we have plenty of border agents.
2 problems with prediction recently:

1. Incomplete data biased towards the older
2. Overly complicated models with too much bias/variance, or correct models being applied incorrectly

Curious as to what Hillary's trustworthiness is. She hasn't been hammered on the emails/Benghazi too much... yet
Only just managed to see the full results for it, handy graphic comparing Clinton with the Repubs:


So essentially, perceptions of her honesty is her achilles heel, and Trump's even worse standing completely neutralises it. I imagine he'll improve his standing between now and November, but so will Hillary, and to come back from favourability ratings in the -30s is... daunting, to say the least.
Trump came out with more love more muslims and our faith...Rick Scott who is buddies with Trump came on Morning Joe and was asked about it.

This is why I'm not sure why someone like @Red Dreams or other Bernie supporters would even consider voting for him.

Maybe Trump is a closet liberal. Maybe Trump doesn't truly believe what he says. Even if he does most likely he won't be able to enact his ideas.

But the fact is he is a divider and he brings out the worst in people. Even if he won't be able to do what he says his rhetoric creates divisions.

His campaign is the complete antithesis to what someone like Sanders stands for.
What I meant by the need for illegals part is that there are jobs that, perhaps, wouldn't get done without them. So they are necessary to your economy, especially because they do spend a portion of their earning in the US.

That being said, they are being exploited by people who don't want to pay legal workers a fair wage, which is obviously a bad thing for your economy. It's a difficult problem.

huge burden on the health care system.

human beings being treated little better than slaves. Oh btw I have heard some who break the law saying...oh we pay them a fair wage. how about health care mate? err. yeah. well we have emergency rooms....:rolleyes:

Double whammy
I really dislike liars and hypocrites, and she strikes me as both.
It stinks that all the liberal media seems to be bought and sold by her, as well as the DNC.

I used to have a lot more respect for Rachel Maddow before this election cycle, now I see her and the whole of MSNBC as shills for Hillary. I really hope folks wake up and see things for how they are. If she gets elected...nothing changes.

we need to wake up to the fact that so called 'liberal media' are all corporate owned. The DNC is also corporate owned. :(
huge burden on the health care system.

human beings being treated little better than slaves. Oh btw I have heard some who break the law saying...oh we pay them a fair wage. how about health care mate? err. yeah. well we have emergency rooms....:rolleyes:

Double whammy

Yeah, I'm sure that's a real strain on things, too. Not something I'm overly aware of as I've been able to avoid hospitals entirely whilst travelling through your fair country.

Polarization is as great as ever though, from CNN:

Despite the slight uptick in approval, Obama is no less a polarizing figure than he's been throughout almost his entire term, according to the poll.

Among Democrats, Obama's approval increased from an average of 81% last year to 87% last week, but his approval among Republicans stayed almost the same, inching up from 10% last year to 11% this week.

Also: http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tan...s-from-ike-to-obama/ft_16-01-06_presapproval/

Everyone seems to be in their own self-reinforcement bubbles. I wonder what further impacts this will have on society, or if it will somehow defuse?

Don't know if this has been posted already (and I actually might have), but I liked this op-ed by David Brooks: http://www.nytimes.com/2016/02/09/opinion/i-miss-barack-obama.html

I don't agree with Obama on every single issue or action, but I do admire him greatly. He is dignified, intelligent and decent, and stands above most world leaders of the present on those counts. I hope history remembers him kindly, although that will also depend on the developments of the next few years.

EDIT: I hope he moves to NY and not Chicago, as was rumored a while back.
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"I use H1B, but its very bad"... hahaha. I know about how a lot of companies are hiring a bunch of people right at the lower limit of the threshold, but what do people propose for a company to be able to hire in very high quality and specific workers to make 100k, 200k, 300k a year and more?
Is Common Core good or bad? I haven't got a fecking clue what it does.

Also don't really. Think its just federal x states pissing contest. I know teachers are getting upset because it changes the way some things are taught, and teachers think they have teaching mastered (you can tell I don't think much of teachers).
Is Common Core good or bad? I haven't got a fecking clue what it does.

Isn't it what they use to judge children's education standards with? I.e how they judge what they should and shouldn't know at each level of their education and how and what they are taught at each level? I don't really know feck all about it either.
Is Common Core good or bad? I haven't got a fecking clue what it does.

Either way, Cruz' plan to just completely stop it on the day of his hypothetical election sounds a bit absurd. Surely such processes would have a transition?
Either way, Cruz' plan to just completely stop it on the day of his hypothetical election sounds a bit absurd. Surely such processes would have a transition?

Its not in place yet I think, still getting formulated. So I think you could just halt it just like that.
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