2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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little to gain... you see how much she charges goldman for a speech after she is president!

Monetary gain is minimal with their current fortune. Their foundation will be placed under extra scrutiny once she takes office, she will have incredibly taxing demands on a 69 years old. Sure, I do think she wants to be president because she's by nature a very ambitious person, but the current run is influenced as much, if not more, by party pressure since let's face it, there's no other Dem with comparable profile, finances and resilience to shoot for a 3rd term.
Just listened to Trump do an incredibly normal by his standards interview on CNBC. No Lying Ted or Little Marco stuff....with a surprising amount of substance about monetary policy.

he went to Business college. He obviously knows economics and has not bought into the Trickle down fantasy. Tonight. He won't attack the others I think. He will pivot to the middle to a point and further to the middle or to the left of Hillary on policies like Trade/jobs and healthcare in the GE.
Monetary gain is minimal with their current fortune. Their foundation will be placed under extra scrutiny once she takes office, she will have incredibly taxing demands on a 69 years old. Sure, I do think she wants to be president because she's by nature a very ambitious person, but the current run is influenced as much, if not more, by party pressure since let's face it, there's no other Dem with comparable profile, finances and resilience to shoot for a 3rd term.

you are not serious.

The Clintons feel entitled to the office. All this talk of the Republicans hinting Obama was a Muslin. She pushed it in 2008. I remember all her interviews.
Debate tonight then. Does Little Marco go shit or bust? Will Lyin' Ted finally unleash on Trump? Will Donald whop little Donald out on the podium to prove his previous claim? Some other bloke will say something....
you are not serious.

The Clintons feel entitled to the office. All this talk of the Republicans hinting Obama was a Muslin. She pushed it in 2008. I remember all her interviews.

You missed the last 3 years when every Dems when asked say they'd like for her to run? After Obama's reelection, everyone and his dog knows that Hillary Clinton will run in 2016 with full party backing. Whether they feel entitled or not, it's undeniable the consensus was that she's the party's best chance to retain the White House.

2008 was a messy affair all round on both sides, Obama's top campaign strategists and aides, in addition to Obama himself, have said that they were hard and sometimes unfair on her. That's normal, it's politics.
Jon Michaud of Maplewood, N.J., who is white and whose wife is Dominican, wrote on Facebook about a conversation he had with one of his two sons: “So if Donald Trump becomes president, he’s going to bring racism back,” he said his 8-year-old had told him. “That means Marcus, Mommy and I will be separated from you because we have darker skin than you do, right?”

Speaking on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday, Cokie Roberts put the question to the candidate himself. “There’ve been incidents of white children pointing to their darker-skinned classmates and saying, ‘You’ll be deported when Donald Trump is president,’” she said. “There’ve been incidents of white kids at basketball games holding up signs to teams which have Hispanic kids on them, saying, ‘We’re going to build a wall to keep you out.’”

“Are you proud of that?” Ms. Roberts asked. “Is that something you’ve done in American political and social discourse that you’re proud of?”

Mr. Trump replied that he had no knowledge of such reports. “I think your question is a very nasty question,” he said, “and I’m not proud of it because I didn’t even hear of it, O.K.?”

An example of Trump's (obviously entirely passive and in no way related to him being a race-baiter) rhetoric having an actual impact on real people's lives, then denying it's even an issue.

But Hillary's the scummy one.
You missed the last 3 years when every Dems when asked say they'd like for her to run? After Obama's reelection, everyone and his dog knows that Hillary Clinton will run in 2016 with full party backing. Whether they feel entitled or not, it's undeniable the consensus was that she's the party's best chance to retain the White House.

2008 was a messy affair all round on both sides, Obama's top campaign strategists and aides, in addition to Obama himself, have said that they were hard and sometimes unfair on her. That's normal, it's politics.

Hillary has been running since 2008 lets not forget. Nobody was dragging her to run.Obama cut a deal with Hillary when both knew she would not win the nomination. He would make her SoState so she would have creds. This was also his way of uniting the party.

I will strongly disagree she was the best candidate to run. She is not trusted or liked. But having said that, this was part of the deal that was cut.

She can be a good candidate if she was willing to put interests of the country first. She is handicapped because she too has cut deals with powerful money. No matter what she says, she will be beholden to them.

Welfare reform is not a solution. The economy grows when the middle class prospers and grows. that can only happen with more people from the bottom getting into that class.

She still can move to the center/left at least. Lets see what happens.
will save on mortar the more Trump puts into that wall. I just visualize this beautiful wall. Heck we can charge fees..like a ride or summat. it'll pay for itself in a 100 years.


Trump....I almost feel sorry for the Republicans. Only almost though.

They know Trump is not as evil as Cruz. Its the devil you know though right? Here is the main thing. Trump does not give a crap about all the people who own the party. He will cut his own deals. Its gonna be fun.
Tariffs on imported goods would be the most obvious one - though ultimately that will actually be american shoppers paying for that when you follow the logic through - but it would be an easy enough sell.

Levy on visas would be another tool to help - though probably mimimal it would again be an effective political tool if nothing else and once again a populist and easy sell.

What will they do with the assets of illegal immigrants he vows to deport- cars, houses, $ bank accounts - there could be an argument for taking those and using their disposal to part fund the wall.

currency levy on any cash leaving the country to go to mexico?

numerous tools are available - but my guess is tariffs that will hit the american shopper in the pocket in the long run.

Of more interest to me is who is going to build this wall... some of his big buildings in NYC have been built in concrete when steel would have been the norm (as its more cost effective) and the concrete contracts have gone to a firm well known to be owned by two of the large mafia family's in NYC.

So rather than who is paying for it Id be asking questions like who exactly is going to get paid to build it (and how many people who say nasty things about trumps stumpy fingers will be buried in it)
When he owned the casinos did he had illegals working there? AC casinos have more than 50% Hispanic workers.
Even if he was the president the Congress would stop that bill

I doubt it. It'd be political suicide for any Republican to vote against such a bill. Many Democrats in border states will be under pressure to support it as well.

If Trump wins he has a mandate from the people; and the Wall is his big idea.
Tbf - there are sections of Texas with a wall (a proper wall, not a fence...)

It's really not that implausible...impractical? yes. The issue isn't the wall - or even the money...it's monitoring thousands of miles of borders. So, you build a 30ft wall and top it off with barb wire, that doesn't stop the smugglers from scaling that wall.

More importantly, you see how he keeps talking about the wall, but barely mentions deporting the 11mil illegals in the country atm...

Those already in the country are the problem - yet, he barely mentions them...because, he knows that's by far the tougher task.
Tbf - there are sections of Texas with a wall (a proper wall, not a fence...)

It's really not that implausible...impractical? yes. The issue isn't the wall - or even the money...it's monitoring thousands of miles of borders. So, you build a 30ft wall and top it off with barb wire, that doesn't stop the smugglers from scaling that wall.

They like to dig tunnels, too.
I doubt it. It'd be political suicide for any Republican to vote against such a bill. Many Democrats in border states will be under pressure to support it as well.

If Trump wins he has a mandate from the people; and the Wall is his big idea.
Obama won and had the mandate from the people some of his ideas didn't pass.
hard hats are normally forced on any employee belonging to a union.
well they were not union employees... it was when he was using S&A concrete to build something that could have been done more cost effectivley in steel - S&A was a jointly held construction company with ties to both the Genovese and Castellano familys... as I say I wonder who exactly is going to build his wall?
Obama won and had the mandate from the people some of his ideas didn't pass.

Apart from the politically incorrect imagery, it's perfectly sensible for the US to control its own border. The building of a proper fence or wall would simply substitute an effective means of implementing the National policy of preventing illegal immigration into the US across the Mexican border, which even the Democrats claim to support, for the present ineffective methods, with border guards running themselves ragged up and down the Rio Grande trying to do the impossible.
Oh she will, she doesn't want to be seen as influencing the process so she's staying put, but the fact that her endorsement didn't come for Sanders before MA speaks volume. She's also on record urged HRC to run and co-signed a letter with other female Dem Senators asking for it.

Hillary Clinton is a textbook politician, I'm not one to say she scores high on the ideological spectrum, but fact of the matter is that she's more liberal than Obama and if the latter is good enough to be elected twice, why couldn't she? Statements like 'she'd walk over bodies to get to the WH' are ludicrous. She has little to gain and much to lose by running.

Saying she has little to gain by running is ludicrous. If she wins she will be in one of the most powerful positions in the world.
well they were not union employees... it was when he was using S&A concrete to build something that could have been done more cost effectivley in steel - S&A was a jointly held construction company with ties to both the Genovese and Castellano familys... as I say I wonder who exactly is going to build his wall?
Mafia still have a lot of ties with construction companies in North Jersey, my brother-in-law's construction company landed a big job in North Jersey and he had a "meeting" with the job's superintendent and a smaller guy who spoke with a lot f's, anyway he called his boss back in Pennsylvania and soon he told them the guys name they told him to bring all the machinery back to the plant. They wanted that job and that was the end of the discussion.
We joke about needing a wall. Would we even need it if we simply enforced employment requirements?

Instead of a fine for hiring illegals (which employers simply record as Cost of doing business) change the penalty to prison sentence instead.

Work permits if you cannot hire Americans/Permanent Residents. This is the hypocrisy on both sides and the only ones who suffer are the American taxpayer..oh and the illegals too.

Why should we trust politicians in general.
We joke about needing a wall. Would we even need it if we simply enforced employment requirements?

Instead of a fine for hiring illegals (which employers simply record as Cost of doing business) change the penalty to prison sentence instead.

Work permits if you cannot hire Americans/Permanent Residents. This is the hypocrisy on both sides and the only ones who suffer are the American taxpayer..oh and the illegals too.

Why should we trust politicians in general.

Would rather we yanked their business license, we already have way too many people in jail and you know that the powers that be would jump at the chance to acquire more prisoners to make money off of.
Of course the Democrats and Obama are serious about illegal immigration - since Obama took office, 2.5mil people have been deported after either being caught trying to gain entry into the US or having already been in the US....that's almost 25% more than Dubya.

In fact rights groups and Bernie Sanders have called out the Obama administration for conducting aggressive raids, netting mostly women and children.
Would rather we yanked their business license, we already have way too many people in jail and you know that the powers that be would jump at the chance to acquire more prisoners to make money off of.

Same thinking here, plus larger fines. Would rather not see jail for behavior that individually doesn't cause significant harm to others.
Saying she has little to gain by running is ludicrous. If she wins she will be in one of the most powerful positions in the world.

She's already one of the most powerful people in the world.

Beyond the ego trip, there really isn't much to gain for her in it.
We joke about needing a wall. Would we even need it if we simply enforced employment requirements?

Instead of a fine for hiring illegals (which employers simply record as Cost of doing business) change the penalty to prison sentence instead.

Work permits if you cannot hire Americans/Permanent Residents. This is the hypocrisy on both sides and the only ones who suffer are the American taxpayer..oh and the illegals too.

Why should we trust politicians in general.
She's already one of the most powerful people in the world.

Beyond the ego trip, there really isn't much to gain for her in it.

I think you're underestimating the difference in autonomy and power to make unilateral decisions between the president and the secretary of state. Not to say she isn't powerful or mostly autonomous now but the POTUS is on another level.

Edit - Point being she has quite a bit to gain.
Thank you, with that being said I do think it is abhorrent to take advantage of these workers that don't have many choices and will work for extremely low wages in terrible conditions. It also undermines American workers and our economy somewhat.

tbh how many Americans would want to do this type of work? Work Permits with minimum wage/conditions of work will be the way to go. But we live in a corrupt system where the American taxpayer and illegals are all finally bearing the burden.
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