2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Obama has been pretty weak on several domestic issue tbf.

Obama screwed himself. He had a mandate. He had 2 years with control of congress and he spent the entire time reaching across the aisle trying to govern by consensus with the racis I mean obstructioni, naa let's call a spade a spade, RACIST republican congress. Then he lost control of congress and, ya.
tbh how many Americans would want to do this type of work? Work Permits with minimum wage/conditions of work will be the way to go. But we live in a corrupt system where the American taxpayer and illegals are all finally bearing the burden.

That point is secondary to that if the treatment of these low wage workers. With that said, wouldn't you agree that it would be more likely that some Americans would take those jobs if they paid decently and promised decent conditions?
That point is secondary to that if the treatment of these low wage workers. With that said, wouldn't you agree that it would be more likely that some Americans would take those jobs if they paid decently and promised decent conditions?

Demand and Supply. I would agree. I do not know what types of jobs these may be. field work? but we do know there are many illegals in the hotel/restaurent industries. Surely many Americans would want to do this type of work? Especially summer. School/college kids? Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think Hillary said something yesterday along the lines of " I am not a natural politician. Compared to previous presidents Obama or Bill Clinton. It isn't really my personality. My promise is..I can guarantee you I will do my best." I kinda liked her for admitting this.
then why were his advisers wanting him to suspend? yeah. I saw that poll too.

The polling numbers are all over the place, so its likely the campaign itself is in the dark about what will happen in the 15th. One thing is for sure, if he loses FL, there's no rational excuse for him to stay in, and it could potentially damage his long term political ambitions if he just lingers about for no apparent reason other than to obstruct Trump and Cruz.
Demand and Supply. I would agree. I do not know what types of jobs these may be. field work? but we do know there are many illegals in the hotel/restaurent industries. Surely many Americans would want to do this type of work? Especially summer. School/college kids? Correct me if I'm wrong.

That sounds right but I don't have any stats off the top of my head to back it up so I could be talking out of my ass.
The polling numbers are all over the place, so its likely the campaign itself is in the dark about what will happen in the 15th. One thing is for sure, if he loses FL, there's no rational excuse for him to stay in, and it could potentially damage his long term political ambitions if he just lingers about for no apparent reason other than to obstruct Trump and Cruz.

makes sense. possibly his very poor recent showings too. but I understand they have early voting in Florida. So he may have a lot of banked votes. Trump too.

think he really hurt himself in going after Trump at his level.

will be interesting.
I think Hillary said something yesterday along the lines of " I am not a natural politician. Compared to previous presidents Obama or Bill Clinton. It isn't really my personality. My promise is..I can guarantee you I will do my best." I kinda liked her for admitting this.

I really liked that as well, it cemented my vote for her in the general election if she gets the nomination. I guess I won't be voting for Trump to watch it all burn down after all :(
Trump came out with more love more muslims and our faith...Rick Scott who is buddies with Trump came on Morning Joe and was asked about it.

It was a very simple question - all he had to do was say,

'Muslim extremists obviously hate not just America, but the west including the way progressives in Muslim countries live or wish to live. As can be seen by their attacks on innocents here at home and abroad.'

Not hard....that's not being 'PC' - it's simply being truthful. Instead, we had this -

A real Amurican, cowboy hat and all, sucker punches an African American protestor at a Trump rally. Maybe most telling of all is the police reaction. Ignore the cowboy who assaults the guy, and tackle the protestor who´s just been cold cocked in such a chickenshit manner. What a disgrace.

A real Amurican, cowboy hat and all, sucker punches an African American protestor at a Trump rally. Maybe most telling of all is the police reaction. Ignore the cowboy who assaults the guy, and tackle the protestor who´s just been cold cocked in such a chickenshit manner. What a disgrace.


That other video of Rick Scott is horrendous too.
I think Hillary said something yesterday along the lines of " I am not a natural politician. Compared to previous presidents Obama or Bill Clinton. It isn't really my personality. My promise is..I can guarantee you I will do my best." I kinda liked her for admitting this.

I disagree, she's a top quality lying little snake who will say and do anything for power. A born politician if I've ever seen one.
Demand and Supply. I would agree. I do not know what types of jobs these may be. field work? but we do know there are many illegals in the hotel/restaurent industries. Surely many Americans would want to do this type of work? Especially summer. School/college kids? Correct me if I'm wrong.

You're wrong, mate. Most people in first world countries don't want those jobs because they feel they are better than that. It's why we need immigrants and, in a country the size of the US, illegals, too.
She's obviously not a natural politician, which is the point she was trying to get across. There are straight talkers like Trump, Dubya, Sanders, Perot, Jerry Brown et al, and there are Strategic Communicators like Obama, Bill Clinton, Kerry, Hillary, Cruz, and countless others, who make their decisions based on polling and political calculation. Nothing wrong with either method, they're just different strokes for different folks.

In Hillary's case, she has been beaten up by the GOP's vast right wing conspiracy crowd for years, which has been an extension of the GOP's long standing hatred of Bill's Presidency and his politically active wife. There are a lot of things Hillary needs to fix going forward imo. She has to start being a bit more assertive about her own policies and not getting outdueled in the anger and populism departments.
I disagree, she's a top quality lying little snake who will say and do anything for power. A born politician if I've ever seen one.

I get the sense that Hillary will say whatever it takes to get the presidency, she panders and shape shifts in the same way Mitt Romney did.
You're wrong, mate. Most people in first world countries don't want those jobs because they feel they are better than that. It's why we need immigrants and, in a country the size of the US, illegals, too.

I will agree with the first part Dwayne. Surely there is no necessity for illegals? Work Permits? Perhaps wages that are determined by industry or at least a minimum amount, with health care included? We really should not have illegals clogging up our health system. Its strained enough.
You're wrong, mate. Most people in first world countries don't want those jobs because they feel they are better than that. It's why we need immigrants and, in a country the size of the US, illegals, too.

I'm not so sure that is the case. I definitely think it is true sometimes but we would never see these Americans working at McDonalds or other similarly low-skill jobs if they thought they were above picking fruit. I think it is at least equally due to the wages and conditions offered.

This is of course no substitute for data but if I had to choose between a job at McDonalds and one picking fruit in a field and they had similar wages and decent conditions it would be an easy choice, I would burn down the McDonalds and steal the fruit from the field.
What would you have them do instead? Cuff the racist bastard when there are literally thousands of fellow meathead looking on?

Actually yes, they are the law and the racist bastard broke the law.
You cant just go around punching people, regardless of if you are in attendance of a Trump rally with your pals.

They should not have arrested the victim, maybe getting him medical attention would have been the more humane thing to do.
this is how I see her too. she is pretty calculative. It may not disqualify her as a candidate. But this is imo a big part of why she is not trusted.

Hillary's comments and disposition can always be correlated to her election results, how she is doing in the polls and where she will be campaigning next. Her pandering is very transparent.

Bernie's message is the same regardless, Hillary will say whatever she thinks people want to hear.

I really can't imagine why people would want to vote for her, the only person she will be serving if elected is herself.
I'm not sure that I trust Marcie Rhodes Hillary Clinton.
God forbid they enforce the law on a white person with thousands of other white people looking on.

It's not about enforcing the law. It was a highly emotional, toxic atmosphere. The protesters were being escorted out. If they apprehend the cowboy, chances are a full brawl will break out. From the video, I think when they tackled the protester, he was turning back towards the perpetrator. The police made a decision, a guy with a sore jaw or potentially a lot worse.

I've been in similar situations and the bloody Australian police actually clobbered picketers. American cops have a bad rep but not all of them are unthinking brutes.
Hillary's comments and disposition can always be correlated to her election results, how she is doing in the polls and where she will be campaigning next. Her pandering is very transparent.

Bernie's message is the same regardless, Hillary will say whatever she thinks people want to hear.

I really can't imagine why people would want to vote for her, the only person she will be serving if elected is herself.

Also Hillary will not hesitate to smear her opponent...falsely too as she has done to Bernie. Bernie sees the bigger picture. He has not retaliated as he could have because he knows the party must unite to defeat the Republicans.
What would you have them do instead? Cuff the racist bastard when there are literally thousands of fellow meathead looking on?

I expect Police to do their job and either arrest or at least take down someone who is illegally assaulting someone else (in such a chickenshit manner). They seem to have zero problem enforcing the law on blacks in black protest rallies and other "toxic" atmospheres.
It's not about enforcing the law. It was a highly emotional, toxic atmosphere. The protesters were being escorted out. If they apprehend the cowboy, chances are a full brawl will break out. From the video, I think when they tackled the protester, he was turning back towards the perpetrator. The police made a decision, a guy with a sore jaw or potentially a lot worse.

I've been in similar situations and the bloody Australian police actually clobbered picketers. American cops have a bad rep but not all of them are unthinking brutes.

you have a point. But the police should get the guy who hit the protestor later when the crowd is dispersed/dispersing?
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