2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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MARCH 10, 2016

Republican debate – CNN/Salem Radio/Washington Times

Time – 8:30 p.m. ET

Location – University of Miami, Miami, Florida

Moderators – Jake Tapper, Dana Bash, Hugh Hewitt, Stephen Dinan

Candidates – Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio, John Kasich

FFS, Tapper and Bash are lightweights and Hewitt is just a pompous dick. Dunno who the other bloke is.

Tapper and Bash has a nice ring to it.
Take your pick :lol:

At the time it was her deflecting her corporate ties.
Bernie was all over her on that. Tbh it does look bad when she says she'll be tough on Wall St when she's taken so much of their money.
Bernie was saying that she should release the transcript of the speech that she made cos it must be some brilliant stuff to get paid $225,000 for it :lol:
If Trump was elected, how would he go about getting Mexico to pay for this wall? I'm sure he wouldnt be able to do it, but how would he even try to do it? For example would he maybe threaten to raise tariffs massively on Mexican imports? Or impose visa restrictions on Mexicans? Has there been much discussion about that in America?
If Trump was elected, how would he go about getting Mexico to pay for this wall? I'm sure he wouldnt be able to do it, but how would he even try to do it? For example would he maybe threaten to raise tariffs massively on Mexican imports? Or impose visa restrictions on Mexicans? Has there been much discussion about that in America?

Tariffs on imported goods would be the most obvious one - though ultimately that will actually be american shoppers paying for that when you follow the logic through - but it would be an easy enough sell.

Levy on visas would be another tool to help - though probably mimimal it would again be an effective political tool if nothing else and once again a populist and easy sell.

What will they do with the assets of illegal immigrants he vows to deport- cars, houses, $ bank accounts - there could be an argument for taking those and using their disposal to part fund the wall.

currency levy on any cash leaving the country to go to mexico?

numerous tools are available - but my guess is tariffs that will hit the american shopper in the pocket in the long run.

Of more interest to me is who is going to build this wall... some of his big buildings in NYC have been built in concrete when steel would have been the norm (as its more cost effective) and the concrete contracts have gone to a firm well known to be owned by two of the large mafia family's in NYC.

So rather than who is paying for it Id be asking questions like who exactly is going to get paid to build it (and how many people who say nasty things about trumps stumpy fingers will be buried in it)
Let's be honest, if elected is he even going to build the thing? I just shelved it as another one of his "Let me conjure up some cray batshit idea so the bigoted fools elect me as their nominee after which I'll abandon it".
Let's be honest, if elected is he even going to build the thing? I just shelved it as another one of his "Let me conjure up some cray batshit idea so the bigoted fools elect me as their nominee after which I'll abandon it".
in fairness If I were mexico Id want the wall there to stop all the people trying to escape his rule... its canada I feel sorry for though - Imagine how much that wall will cost - he will probably figure its easier to invade them and call it southern alaska
in fairness If I were mexico Id want the wall there to stop all the people trying to escape his rule... its canada I feel sorry for though - Imagine how much that wall will cost - he will probably figure its easier to invade them and call it southern alaska

If he's elected, I'm pretty sure Canada will volunteer to build the wall themselves.

Let's be honest, if elected is he even going to build the thing? I just shelved it as another one of his "Let me conjure up some cray batshit idea so the bigoted fools elect me as their nominee after which I'll abandon it".
I am sure that is exactly right but I wondered if he had any plan of how he could build it hypothetically, given that when he is in a straight fight with Clinton she is going to try and expose what a ridiculous idea it is. He'll need some kind of plan of how he would build it, even if he has no intention of actually ever doing it, for the sake of credibility. At some stage just saying Mexico will build it isnt going to be enough, presumably.
I am sure that is exactly right but I wondered if he had any plan of how he could build it hypothetically, given that when he is in a straight fight with Clinton she is going to try and expose what a ridiculous idea it is. He'll need some kind of plan of how he would build it, even if he has no intention of actually ever doing it, for the sake of credibility. At some stage just saying Mexico will build it isnt going to be enough, presumably.

I don't think Shillary is going to press him on how he's going to build it, but rather just incessantly poke fun at how ludicrous an idea it is. Drumpf will probably just go with the whole "I've built big things throughout my career, I know what I'm doing, Benghazi, etc".
I don't think Shillary is going to press him on how he's going to build it, but rather just incessantly poke fun at how ludicrous an idea it is. Drumpf will probably just go with the whole "I've built big things throughout my career, I know what I'm doing, Benghazi, etc".
But isnt part of the ridiculousness of the idea that he intends to make Mexico pay for it, when it is unclear how he could possibly do that? That's precisely the biggest absurdity of it, as far as Im concerned. Obviously its also regressive and pretty sinister, building a wall to keep people out of the country, but that isnt why its absurd, for me, more why its deeply unpleasant.
But isnt part of the ridiculousness of the idea that he intends to make Mexico pay for it, when it is unclear how he could possibly do that? That's precisely the biggest absurdity of it, as far as Im concerned. Obviously its also regressive and pretty sinister, building a wall to keep people out of the country, but that isnt why its absurd, for me, more why its deeply unpleasant.
im somewhat surprised he has gone for a wall... I was more expecting sniper towers and landmines... possibly a moat with sharks...with lasers
Literally every late night talk show have rip into Drumpf for months now, with the exception of maybe Fallon. The big networks want ratings, so they are not gonna piss him off too much.
I'll be honest, if Trump gets in power I hope the UK cuts ties with America. I think it's batshit crazy that we're considering leaving the EU (by doing that causing rifts in EU diplomacy) when Trump becoming American President is a possibility.

Putting this in here but I was reading the North Korea thread but it's not exactly on topic over there so threw it in here.
I'll be honest, if Trump gets in power I hope the UK cuts ties with America. I think it's batshit crazy that we're considering leaving the EU (by doing that causing rifts in EU diplomacy) when Trump becoming American President is a possibility.

Putting this in here but I was reading the North Korea thread but it's not exactly on topic over there so threw it in here.

I doubt we will have much choice in the matter as apparently all muslims want to blow up america and we have no go zones in london and birmingham its self is a no go zone because of muslims - presumably with evil muslamic ray guns ready to point at the states... we will be in the new axis of evil!

but in all seriousness I would not want to be trying to negotiate a free trade deal with trump... he will probably make removing wind turbines close to his golf courses a pre condition
I'll be honest, if Trump gets in power I hope the UK cuts ties with America. I think it's batshit crazy that we're considering leaving the EU (by doing that causing rifts in EU diplomacy) when Trump becoming American President is a possibility.

Putting this in here but I was reading the North Korea thread but it's not exactly on topic over there so threw it in here.

I'm sure Drumpf wants nothing to do with Brits anyway, so you needn't exert yourself.
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I doubt we will have much choice in the matter as apparently all muslims want to blow up america and we have no go zones in london and birmingham its self is a no go zone because of muslims - presumably with evil muslamic ray guns ready to point at the states... we will be in the new axis of evil!

but in all seriousness I would not want to be trying to negotiate a free trade deal with trump... he will probably make removing wind turbines close to his golf courses a pre condition
I dont imagine free trade deals are on his agenda at all, hasnt he been quite hostile to the concept on the campaign trail?
Literally every late night talk show have rip into Drumpf for months now, with the exception of maybe Fallon. The big networks want ratings, so they are not gonna piss him off too much.

They may feel some slight obligation to maintain the appearance of political impartiality. Trump may, after all, be the Republican nominee for the Presidency.
I don´t really pay much attention to these people, but I think they hit it on the head in this discussion of the Trump phenomenon within the republican party. The ones turned on by Trump don´t give a feck about the typical Republican establishment donor class issues such as tax cuts and capitol gains taxes and estate taxes and wall street and corporate welfare and deregulated financial and industrial institutions and trade deals . . . it means feck all to the typical Trump middle/working class supporter. In cases such as financial deregulation and predator capitalism and outsourcing, they might have even lost their jobs.

It´s this whole swath of conservative America that is divorced from typical donor class issues, i.e. helping the wealthy to make or save more money. Even this Morning Joe cnut actually comes out and says it, which kind of blew me away, that the whole Reagan republican mantra of trickle down economics is bullshit, and it hasn´t been trickling down to typical conservative Trump voters.

I would also personally add that its this huge group of conservative America who constantly vote against their own economic interests because they´re attracted to the republican party for its embracing of intolerance, bigotry, racism, anti multi culturalism, anti PC, and many more anti liberal social stances . . . is starting to rebel against the republican establishment, and want more of the republican pie which constantly seems to be for donor class 1%.

Seen in this light, I think the Trump phenomenon makes a hell of a lot of sense.

But isnt part of the ridiculousness of the idea that he intends to make Mexico pay for it, when it is unclear how he could possibly do that? That's precisely the biggest absurdity of it, as far as Im concerned. Obviously its also regressive and pretty sinister, building a wall to keep people out of the country, but that isnt why its absurd, for me, more why its deeply unpleasant.

I really don't think Hillary wants to bring funding into it considering the ridiculous pay cheques she gets from Goldman Sachs and how Trump has essentially been funding her family for 25 years. She'd be shooting herself in the foot if she brings money into it with Trump as her opponent.
Interesting info on Florida early voting:

As of this morning (March 9, 2016), over 1.41 million Floridians (out of the 13.2m registered) have cast ballots in the 2016 presidential primaries, with 994.9k voting absentee mail ballots and 417.1k voting early in-person.

Thus far, 772.8k Republicans and 598.8k Democrats have voted in advance of the March 15 election. That’s nearly 17% of registered Republicans (active and inactive) and 11.9% of registered Democrats (active and inactive) as of February 1, 2016. Roughly seven out of 10 Republicans and Democrats who have voted have cast absentee ballots, with 30% voting in-person. In addition, some 1.7k absentee voters and another 2.9k early in-person have voted, but registered between February 1 and February 16, 2016, the last day to register to vote in the PPP election.

Thus far, Republican absentee and in-person voters look remarkably similar along racial/ethnic lines. Of the 543.3k Republicans who have voted absentee ballots, 86% are white and slightly less than 11% are Hispanic. Of the 229.5k Republicans who have voted early in-person ballots, 87% are white and slightly less than 10% are Hispanic.

Of the 423.6k Democrats who have voted absentee ballots, 70% are white, roughly 17% are black, and less than 10% are Hispanic. Of the 175.3k Democrats who have voted early in-person ballots, 59% are white, 26% are black, and slightly more than 10% are Hispanic.

In terms of turnout, nearly 17% of registered Republicans have voted to date: 17.5% of white Republicans and nearly 16% of Hispanic Republicans have voted thus far.

Slightly less than 12% of registered Democrats have voted. Among Democrats, 15.6% of white Democrats, 8.2% of black Democrats, and nearly 8% of Hispanic Democrats have voted to date.

The overall turnout rate in the state is 10.7%. The reason it is so much lower than the Republican and Democratic turnout, of course, is because NPAs are shut out from voting in either the Democratic or Republican PPPs. And it shows: less than 1% of of the state’s 3.25m registered NPAs have voted in this election.

Finally, it needs to be noted (once again), that #Millennials are not turning out thus far. Only 2.6% of voters under the age of 30 have voted; in contrast 20.5% of the state’s voters over the age of 60 have voted.

By party, 4.6% of the 578.0k Republicans under 30 years have voted; 3.7% of the 847.5k Democrats under 30 years old have voted.

In contrast, 28% of the 1.86m registered Republicans over 60 have voted and 21.7% of the 1.80m registered Democrats over 60 have voted.

As I’ve written before, at this point, it’s hard to see how #Millennials are going to decide either the Republican or Democratic presidential primaries in Florida. Too many millennials — some 819k — are registered as NPAs and as thus have no voice.
I really don't think Hillary wants to bring funding into it considering the ridiculous pay cheques she gets from Goldman Sachs and how Trump has essentially been funding her family for 25 years. She'd be shooting herself in the foot if she brings money into it with Trump as her opponent.
OK yes that is a good reason for her to keep her mouth shut!

Mind you, he is going to go after her for those things anyway so she may end up in a situation where she has nothing to lose.
OK yes that is a good reason for her to keep her mouth shut!

Mind you, he is going to go after her for those things anyway so she may end up in a situation where she has nothing to lose.

Well if she's on the defensive then yes she might as well, not without the risk of coming across as petty though.

Uggh this is why I dread a Clinton vs Trump standoff, she's got so much dirt on her its going to be so easy for someone like Trump to go town with it. And its not like she has the moral or principled backbone to counter him in a believable way.

Sanders would expose Drumpf for the lunatic he is, Hillary would only strengthen his narrative. Pleeeease Ohio :(
Just listened to Trump do an incredibly normal by his standards interview on CNBC. No Lying Ted or Little Marco stuff....with a surprising amount of substance about monetary policy.
Good enough for Liz Warren to co-sign a letter asking her to run.

It's incredibly strange of you to think so positively of Trump and negatively of Hillary.

Warren has not endorsed her as far as I know and she won't.

There is no untruth to what I have said. Look at her record.

Trump? He is the 'best' they have. That is not saying much. I am not voting for him, but neither am I likely to vote for Hillary. It has to be Bernie or the Green Party candidate.
Warren has not endorsed her as far as I know and she won't.

There is no untruth to what I have said. Look at her record.

Trump? He is the 'best' they have. That is not saying much. I am not voting for him, but neither am I likely to vote for Hillary. It has to be Bernie or the Green Party candidate.

Who would you vote for if you did vote and the choices were down to Trump or Hillary ?
Warren has not endorsed her as far as I know and she won't.

There is no untruth to what I have said. Look at her record.

Trump? He is the 'best' they have. That is not saying much. I am not voting for him, but neither am I likely to vote for Hillary. It has to be Bernie or the Green Party candidate.

Oh she will, she doesn't want to be seen as influencing the process so she's staying put, but the fact that her endorsement didn't come for Sanders before MA speaks volume. She's also on record urged HRC to run and co-signed a letter with other female Dem Senators asking for it.

Hillary Clinton is a textbook politician, I'm not one to say she scores high on the ideological spectrum, but fact of the matter is that she's more liberal than Obama and if the latter is good enough to be elected twice, why couldn't she? Statements like 'she'd walk over bodies to get to the WH' are ludicrous. She has little to gain and much to lose by running.
Who would you vote for if you did vote and the choices were down to Trump or Hillary ?

Honestly I would have to seriously listen to both their policies. I liked what Hillary said about trickle down economics. She gained points with me. But i believe she will get us into Syria. I do not believe she will help the poor and struggling much. Health care? College? She may 'evolve' I hope she does. I very much want to vote for the Democrat.

Trump? He does not believe in trickle down bollox either.
I think he will do more for health care.
Think he will raise taxes on the top tier. He has said this.

In all likelihood I would vote for Hillary. But I just don't trust her. In the end people vote for someone they like.

On policies she ticks a number of boxes. But she also has huge negatives.

I would have to take a lot of drinks before I go to the polls ;)
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