2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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As important as a narrow Michigan win is 15% in Mississipi. He's in 15.8 with 25% gone. Staying viable there is yuge. Worth 7 delegates (and thus a 14 delegate swing if he hangs on)
I hope you're not implying that my diploma from Turmp Yuniversutty is worthless, langy old bean.


What an egotistical, narcissistic feckwit. This is probably the most cringe-worthy speech I have ever heard in my life. Embarrassing.

Me, me me me me, I I I I I. Unbelievable. Lost for words. Shame he isn't.
Flint has just come back 10 points towards Bernie. Wayne County is going to swing big for Hilary soon though. Apparently Detroit itself is still 0% reported.
Think Sanders will win this, Grand Rapids going big for him.
Oh god I hate Clinton
edit: not really. but her speeches are pretty bad.
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Think Sanders will win this, Grand Rapids going big for him.

Apparently a college town.
If it's true that so far only Detroit suburbs have reported, she still has an outside shot. But a tiny one.
Wow! Look at how much Genesee County has come in! Less than 2 points now with more of Flint reporting. It was 28 points an hour ago.
Its all irrelevant since Hillary has extended her lead in the delegate count by way of the blowout in Mississippi. Even if Bernie eeks out a win in Michigan, the proportional delegate breakdown will see him lose net delegates because of the other states.
Wayne county is playing havoc with me. Release your returns steadily dammit!
Detroit reported it seems. Wayne county 60-40 to Hillary Overall state lead holds at 1.5. I think he's won the state.
That was like a punch to the solar plexus. 16 points in one click of the mouse!
Bernie just pulled ahead in Genesee. Reports of anger in Kent County and elsewhere, where voters are being turned away because they ran out of ballots.
20k lead with 58% reported, safe to say Sanders won this.

It'll have no effect on the delegates lead, but it's still a huge win for him regarding the narrative when he outperforms for more than 10 points
Nice little stat on Bernie's favourability among women under 45.

Harry Enten 10:29 PM

One result that has stayed consistent on the Democratic side is that self-identified independents are far more likely to vote for Sanders. The current exit poll estimate is that he is winning them in Michigan by a 70 percent to 28 percent margin. Clinton, on the other hand, leads among self-identified Democrats by 57 percent to 41 percent. Although party registration doesn’t necessarily match identification, it gives you an idea that Sanders really benefits from open primaries.
Ultimately of he pulls off Michigan it'll help change the narrative for his camp but doesn't help much in the delegate math.

The polls were way off though so that's something.

538 had Clinton winning at greater than 99%.

What an egotistical, narcissistic feckwit. This is probably the most cringe-worthy speech I have ever heard in my life. Embarrassing.

Me, me me me me, I I I I I. Unbelievable. Lost for words
. Shame he isn't.

Have you never conversed with an American?
Harry Enten 10:29 PM

One result that has stayed consistent on the Democratic side is that self-identified independents are far more likely to vote for Sanders. The current exit poll estimate is that he is winning them in Michigan by a 70 percent to 28 percent margin. Clinton, on the other hand, leads among self-identified Democrats by 57 percent to 41 percent. Although party registration doesn’t necessarily match identification, it gives you an idea that Sanders really benefits from open primaries.

The other benefit from it being an open primary, is the reporting that 5% of the republican vote was by confirmed democrats. You'd suspect a lot of that was from Hilary supporters who read the polls, assumed Michigan was a lock, and were looking ahead to the general.
Pretty decent for Trump so far. He's crushing Cruz in Mississippi and Kasich is playing spoiler in Michigan. All helps his delegate count.

Lol at Rubio. :lol:
Pretty decent for Trump so far. He's crushing Cruz in Mississippi and Kasich is playing spoiler in Michigan. All helps his delegate count.

Lol at Rubio. :lol:

Establishment support is the kiss of death for any GOPer this cycle.

Him going down the gutter with Drumpf also didn't help.
Wonder why it's not called yet, over 70% reported and over 30k lead

Another dump from Detroit is on its way. And he's leading in Flint which is surely not going to last.
But yes, I think it should be done now. After he held his lead when the 1st Detroit votes came in, I thought he had enough.
538 disagrees though...
Wonder why it's not called yet, over 70% reported and over 30k lead
Earlier, a chunk of Wayne (~13%) came in and the lead was cut but 20k immediately. With so much of the Flint and Detroit counties still to come in, and without knowing how much the cities themselves have already reported, hard to tell how many votes are left in it for Clinton. Still a fair amount from college towns to come in too for Sanders, so it looks like he's got it, but I guess there's no real rush to call it and you may as well be sure.
Another dump from Detroit is on its way. And he's leading in Flint which is surely not going to last.
But yes, I think it should be done now. After he held his lead when the 1st Detroit votes came in, I thought he had enough.
538 disagrees though...

CNN just said the rest of wayne county votes amount to 20% of the state votes where they're going to see a big push for Hillary. Surely that can't be right :eek:
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