2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Will Hillary get a significant chunk of Sander's supporters when she gets the nomination? Or will people just not vote?
Will Hillary get a significant chunk of Sander's supporters when she gets the nomination? Or will people just not vote?

It's hard to say, Liz Warren can do some bridging but from what I've been reading the #BernieorBust sentiment runs strong among his voters. Significant portion of them are independents with no party loyalty also.
CNN just said the rest of wayne county votes amount to 20% of the state votes where they're going to see a big push for Hillary. Surely that can't be right :eek:

Wayne County in total represents about 20% of the states population, not the outstanding votes.[/QUOTE]
Will Hillary get a significant chunk of Sander's supporters when she gets the nomination? Or will people just not vote?

I think Trump gets his share, especially white blue collar workers who are against the trade deals. Trump and Sanders seem to have some similar ideas on trade.
It's hard to say, Liz Warren can do some bridging but from what I've been reading the #BernieorBust sentiment runs strong among his voters. Significant portion of them are independents with no party loyalty also.

If she had endorsed him (especially before MA) and would then join Bernie in asking for votes for Clinton, it would have a much bigger impact. Her standing fell a bit because of her non-endorsement.
Another 7k odd chunk taken out from the lead with Wayne votes, but still 25k gap with districts running out. Pretty much everything at this point depends on how much of Flint and Detroit have already reported.

IN OTHER NEWS, Clinton's winning by 67% in Mississippi :lol: Sanders should make the statewide threshold, but may miss out in one of the districts according to Nate Cohn.
If she had endorsed him (especially before MA) and would then join Bernie in asking for votes for Clinton, it would have a much bigger impact. Her standing fell a bit because of her non-endorsement.

I don't think so. Heard that theory before but that movement has outgrown her. They may say that but Liz or Bernie is only the vessel with which they convey their dissatisfaction, very little chance of them reneging on ideals.
So the lead's halved with a couple of Wayne dumps. Bernie's still the favourite here but you can't call a race this tight with so much left to come in.
There it came, the Detroit vote. Lead down to 1.8%.
800 precincts left, 150 in Detroit.
He's got this.
I hope.

:lol: He's such a fecking tool! It's hard to believe he's an actual real life human being!
Well done to Bernie, will be interesting to see if Ohio follows this pattern as it's showed similar Clinton leads to Michigan.
Well done to Bernie, will be interesting to see if Ohio follows this pattern as it's showed similar Clinton leads to Michigan.

If it does it could be huge because he has a nice run of states after that.
Best night since NH. Winning a state where he was -20, staying viable in Mississippi.
And on 15th the confederacy is finally over. Now it comes down to not getting clobbered in NC and especially Florida. 35%+ should be his target. Then he moves on to easier states.
I'm in Oakland county. I won democracy!
:nono: Hillary won by 8k in Oakland. You were part of a broader victory though, which is itself part of a broader loss.
Nate Silver said:
I said earlier today that I had an intuition Sanders could beat his polling in Michigan tonight, but I didn’t expect things to be quite so close. If Sanders winds up winning in Michigan, in fact, it will count as among the greatest polling errors in primary history. Clinton led by 21.3 percentage points in our final Michigan polling average. Previously, the candidate with the largest lead to lose a state in our database of well-polled primaries and caucuses was Walter Mondale, who led in New Hampshire by 17.1 percentage points but lost to Gary Hart in 1984.

Some Michigan pollsters will have some long faces tomorrow.
One thing for sure, Clinton's supporters will be much more careful after tonight. Estimated 5-7% who voted in the GOP primary are Dems and if only half of them are Clinton's, she'd have won with them voting for her instead.

Still, this win will have done so much for the Sanders's campaign. A welcome reprieve for him from the recent coverage.
Best night since NH. Winning a state where he was -20, staying viable in Mississippi.
And on 15th the confederacy is finally over. Now it comes down to not getting clobbered in NC and especially Florida. 35%+ should be his target. Then he moves on to easier states.
Please tell me this isn't a thing among Sanders fans...
Please tell me this isn't a thing among Sanders fans...

I shall make it a thing :)

EDIT: I'm not sure where, for example, Nevada is. It's geographically the south. But it didn't vote like the rest. The terrible states for him (SC, Alabama, Arkansas, Tenessee, Miss, Georgia, Texas, Virginia) do have that 1 thing in common.
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Can democrats and republicans please come together in a bipartisan fashion and laugh at Little Rubio.
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