2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Sanders does really well in these head to head polls for some reason.

Trump does really badly. Even getting mauled by Hillary.
Wrong data to be looking at. According to Gallup favourability:


And of course, that's Clinton after months of the email leaks and the GOP setting up a congressional inquiry with the specific aim of making her unpopular. Teddy's time under the spotlight has barely even started yet.
personal feelings aside, the reality is she has no message and is not trusted or liked. bad ingredients for a General election.
I think she has enough support to be very competitive in a General election. Not sure what I'd do if it was Trump v Hillary. If Bloomberg came in as an independent I'd probably vote for him.
I think she has enough support to be very competitive in a General election. Not sure what I'd do if it was Trump v Hillary. If Bloomberg came in as an independent I'd probably vote for him.

If she adopted some of Bernie's proposals, I can see myself voting for her.Not otherwise. Just having Bernie holding her hand up and saying he supports her would not eb enough for many. If it is Trump like it looks, he will most likely move to her left on Health Care and Education I think. For those that dislike her, it will be enough to vote against her.
Apparently Obama never at any point had as big a delegate lead in the 2008 contest as Hillary currently has over Bernie (and no, that's not taking superdelegates into account either). That's quite something.
If she adopted some of Bernie's proposals, I can see myself voting for her.Not otherwise. Just having Bernie holding her hand up and saying he supports her would not eb enough for many. If it is Trump like it looks, he will most likely move to her left on Health Care and Education I think. For those that dislike her, it will be enough to vote against her.
Maybe so but its hard to take seriously anything that Hillary or Trump say. I don't trust them to follow through with what they are saying.
Apparently Obama never at any point had as big a delegate lead in the 2008 contest as Hillary currently has over Bernie (and no, that's not taking superdelegates into account either). That's quite something.

It's not all that surprising. Despite his excellent campaign and getting young people involved etc. he's still a fringe candidate. He's never broken through significantly amongst the core democratic base like Obama did.
It's not all that surprising. Despite his excellent campaign and getting young people involved etc. he's still a fringe candidate. He's never broken through significantly amongst the core democratic base like Obama did.
True, still surprised she got such an insurmountable lead so quickly though, particularly after the dodgy start. Pretty much the key message though for both the Democratic primary and the general election - you can't win if you don't have any traction with minority voters. Partly why I'm convinced Trump cannot win.
True, still surprised she got such an insurmountable lead so quickly though, particularly after the dodgy start. Pretty much the key message though for both the Democratic primary and the general election - you can't win if you don't have any traction with minority voters. Partly why I'm convinced Trump cannot win.

They are split even with Latinos. It is her huge African-Americans margins, especially in the south, that are driving that gap.
Obama has underperformed. Hardly encouraging.

Obama IMO has done an excellent job considering the mess he inherited and the obstructionist Congress.

If Hillary's 4 years builds on Obama's accomplishments I reckon the country will be in a good place.
Expectations were too high and look what he was up against.

he buckeld badly Grin. He was consious of being the first black president...and his nature....I think he honestly meant what he said to get all our votes. But you need steel to be President especially where there is resistence. He succeded more in foreign policy imo. bin ladin and terror. improving relations and gaining respect overseas. His efforts to stop China's attempts to enlarge their sphere of influence. In these areas Republicans did not block him too much if any. Domestically, the ACA was a good start, but he should have fought for that public option when he had the mandate. And he caved on the full repeal of the Bush tax cuts. Just let it die and send only a tax cut for the middle class and help for the poor. Let the Republicans vote against it. We may not have lost so big in 2010 if he had done that. I thought his saving the Motor industry was a biggie. cudos there.
Teddy Cruz getting off to a decent start in Kansas, very early returns from Maine look promising for him too. Not good for Rubio. Nor is this picture:

Trump campaign have put up a rough sketch of what they expect the wall with Mexico to look like - technical details are included. If done correctly, it might work.

Large pic in spoiler

:lol: That woman has a noticeable lean away.
But he did well in Colorado and Nevada, and 2-1 is his overall margin in Texas anyway. Looks as much a Southern problem as anything. Florida and NC will thus be the end of him.
She had a 42% lead with hispanic voters in Texas and won by 32%. The 2-1 margin is from a nationwide poll of hispanic voters.

Looking like a good day for Cruz. Not exactly great for the GOP though.
Have they had any of those recently?
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