2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It's like a trophy presentation in Maine. Thanks for the sponsors, talk by the party head of the state before results are announced. feck off, just give the numbers please.
This guy taking credit for newly registered republicans. Trump is going to be pissed off with that :lol:

Jesus, it's a powerpoint presentation with the number of votes listed. FFS, just declare the winner already
Rubio misses the delegate threshold in Maine :lol: He's done barring convention shenanigans.
Just 3 more delegates for Cruz, but a win is a win is a win. Waiting for Rubio to turn up and declare the map is going to look good for him from tomorrow.
But he'll win in Florida! And nowhere else. And probably not Florida.

Also, getting results from caucuses is the worst. Yay for primaries.
Just 3 more delegates for Cruz, but a win is a win is a win. Waiting for Rubio to turn up and declare the map is going to look good for him from tomorrow.
Definitely...this was a big night for Cruz. I mean Cruz winning in Maine?!

But more importantly, he further cements Rubio as a loser.
Sanders has done well. 2 states.
Sanders has done as predicted.

He won two states where the populations are 85-90% white. He is going to get murdered in Louisiana.

He's had a decent night, to make it a really good night, he needed to get around 40% of the vote in Louisiana, instead he'll be lucky to get 25%
Cruz got f-ed over by Trump. Trump has torn the heart out of his southern firewall. Without Trump...and this weak GOP field, who knows what might have happened...
Bush? His low-energy may have been missed.
Sanders has done as predicted.

He won two states where the populations are 85-90% white. He is going to get murdered in Louisiana.

He's had a decent night, to make it a really good night, he needed to get around 40% of the vote in Louisiana, instead he'll he lucky to get 25%

He is not getting much of the AA votes in the South, which in the GE is not important. Hillary has to be the fav to win the nomination, but Sanders can still get a lot of delegates. That wil give him a voice about the platform. I believe that is his strategy.
Bush? His low-energy may have been missed.
Bush is just Rubio. Before the election cycle started, everyone said the Bush name was toxic and he had no chance.

But then, donors...the media...the establishment, talked themselves into Bush being a potential favorite.

His message simply didn't resonate...I mean look at the Canadian snake, he's railing against DC and compromise. I just think JEB! was a non starter
What's this brokered convention they are talking about?

I believe that refers to a candidate not getting the majority of the delegates. In the GOP the number needed is 1237. If Trump is the one with the most delegates without getting that number, then they have vote at the convention so that one candidate gets to the number. But it is hard to see the nomination being taken away from the person with the most delegates unless, the numbers are pretty close.
Bush is just Rubio. Before the election cycle started, everyone said the Bush name was toxic and he had no chance.

But then, donors...the media...the establishment, talked themselves into Bush being a potential favorite.

His message simply didn't resonate...I mean look at the Canadian snake, he's railing against DC and compromise. I just think JEB! was a non starter
You never know how differently the campaign may have panned out without Trump, though I'm not really sure whether Bush's heart was ever really in it.
Jeb! got fecked over by Rubio. Protege should have never declared to run for President. Carson and rubio just ended up as major distractions in the race. Fiorina, Huckabee and Santorum were always going to fall by the wayside. In the end, Republicans should have just had Kasich, Bush, Cruz and Trump (!!!)
Trump lead in Louisiana is getting cut into a lot by Cruz...
Not exactly true...her message is that she's four more years of what Obama has been doing. That is worth voting for.

That's not entirely accurate either. I'd say she's more hawkish, more submissive towards wall street and lobbyists, and has a more bloated sense of entitlement. She'd be a considerable regressive step from Obama, who himself hasn't exactly been a resounding success amongst progressives.
That's not entirely accurate either. I'd say she's more hawkish, more submissive towards wall street and lobbyists, and has a more bloated sense of entitlement. She'd be a considerable regressive step from Obama, who himself hasn't exactly been a resounding success amongst progressives.

lots more unexploded bombs in her baggage. We will have a lot of drama during her presidency.
lots more unexploded bombs in her baggage. We will have a lot of drama during her presidency.

And her Republican counterpart during the main election will tear her to pieces with it. This FBI investigation will be a huge gift for Trump or whoever the GOP nominee ends up being, hardly difficult to discredit her.
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