2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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These attacks by journalists and the political class don't really stick to Trump. He's managed to create a separate construct for himself.

People keep saying this but he hasn't been under this much attack and scrutiny from the time the race started until after the last debate and he's show little bit signs of it affecting him.

The best before that was Bush doing tame attacks on him in a non effective way. No one else really scrutinized him like this.
He was getting all attention without any real scrutiny from the media also.

Anyway, problem is that he has the momentum already and it might be too late to do big damage plus what's the electoral strategy to stop him now ? But don't buy this won't hurt him at all stuff either.
looks like trump has a good opportunity to take florida - which would surely be the end of rubio's campaign
I think Cruz will stay in to the end as the party hates him anyway so I dont see them offering him enough of an olive branch to get him to drop out
Kaish if he wins ohio and robio does loose florida I guess he becomes the candiate the party will try and rally around
I cant see Cruz or Kaish stopping trump though... its starting to get too close to being a realistic possibility for my liking but president trump starts to look more possible by the day

He flipped already so soon after debate ?

didnt he say in the debate he was for high skilled immigration - therefore not so much a direct flip... though even if the donald did change his opinion its because he is flexible and thats good only other candidates flip flop on issues

he also is showing of his a rating for trump uni

Im expecting him to put something out saying he has massive hands soon
I found the first voter (trial attorney) to be the most rationally minded, whether i'd agree with all of her views or not. The other two sounded a bit nuts however.

I could see the logic of the nihlists- Occupy guy, retd biomedical and top 10% fellow (though it appalled me). I could also see the 1%er logic - but why not go for Cruz?

The rest were all cliches.

Giving a madman the keys to the most powerful military...to fight political correctness?
Muslim immigrants as an existential threat (so let's pose an existential threat to the constitution).
Running govt like a business (so I'm voting for a failed businessman).
A breath of fresh air (so nevermind that the next 500 will be putrid, and then you will die).
I want the US to snap ties with Saudis (but won't consider the other candidate who isn't pro Saudi for some reason).
Seeing the looks on his opponents faces FFS.
Single-issue rule of law (wonder what he feels about fraud at Trump University).
Reverse racism (but couldn't the same, or worse, happen to an old black man?).

He flipped already so soon after debate ?

this is his actual position (presumably as its on his website policy section)
Here are some additional specific policy proposals for long-term reform:

Increase prevailing wage for H-1Bs. We graduate two times more Americans with STEM degrees each year than find STEM jobs, yet as much as two-thirds of entry-level hiring for IT jobs is accomplished through the H-1B program. More than half of H-1B visas are issued for the program's lowest allowable wage level, and more than eighty percent for its bottom two. Raising the prevailing wage paid to H-1Bs will force companies to give these coveted entry-level jobs to the existing domestic pool of unemployed native and immigrant workers in the U.S., instead of flying in cheaper workers from overseas. This will improve the number of black, Hispanic and female workers in Silicon Valley who have been passed over in favor of the H-1B program. Mark Zuckerberg’s personal Senator, Marco Rubio, has a bill to triple H-1Bs that would decimate women and minorities.

Requirement to hire American workers first. Too many visas, like the H-1B, have no such requirement. In the year 2015, with 92 million Americans outside the workforce and incomes collapsing, we need companies to hire from the domestic pool of unemployed. Petitions for workers should be mailed to the unemployment office, not USCIS.

From my recollection of the debate he was saying that specific visa he wanted to be used for more high skilled immigration - which seems consistent with both his twitter and his website

There are plenty of his actual policies (eg labelling china a currency manipulator on his first day in office and imposing tariffs - and of course the wall) that have huge holes in them but on this one he looks ok to me

Scarily I actually think some of his tax proposals are pretty good - and I think they will be very populist if (when) he gets the nommination
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Oh, and the Trump-is-a-moderate crowd: he just picked this guy as his national security advisor.

Safe to say that the one area where he could have turned out to be less terrible than Hillary (foreign policy) is now gone. He's not a protest statement, he's a danger to democracy.

@Red Dreams

Nonsense. He was clearly tap dancing to answer a question he probably hadn't thought much about by pulling random names out of his arse. I seriously doubt any of the people he has named in terms of judges or foreign policy advisors would actually eve be chosen.
People keep saying this but he hasn't been under this much attack and scrutiny from the time the race started until after the last debate and he's show little bit signs of it affecting him.

The best before that was Bush doing tame attacks on him in a non effective way. No one else really scrutinized him like this.
He was getting all attention without any real scrutiny from the media also.

Anyway, problem is that he has the momentum already and it might be too late to do big damage plus what's the electoral strategy to stop him now ? But don't buy this won't hurt him at all stuff either.

The only metric that matters is his delegate count. He was hit hard by Rubio and Cruz during the previous debate as well and still had a strong showing on Super Tuesday. If he repeats that between now and the 15th, he will be virtually unstoppable, and will actually be able to pivot away to the Gen vs Hillary.
The h1 visa issue is an interesting one. I thought they had to be high skilled but I guess not. The real issue at hand that he and others (including Obama) want to fix is loss of highly trained individuals. Currently, it is quite easy for a foreigner to come here and get an advanced degree. Then they make it difficult to stay and people who want to stay are forced to go home. Makes no sense as they are basically training direct competitors.

Oh God, this guy:

I work in a liberal arts department. I’ve read the works of Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse, John Stuart Mill, Friedrich Nietzsche, Plato, Judith Butler, Simone de Beauvoir, Michel Foucault and so on. I am more inclined to listen to what Slavoj Žižek or Noam Chomsky have to say about current affairs than Rachel Maddow or Bill O’Reilly. If one were to take account of my demographics, the smart money would be to peg me for aBernie Sanders supporter.

My interest in politics did not truly develop into an intellectually mature form until 2011, when Occupy Wall Street broke out as a populist leftist grass roots movement to combat the evils of unrestricted robber baron capitalism.

Early in 2014 I began concealing my political opinions from people, and it was shortly after this time that I began plotting to vote Republican in hopes that the party would send the country so far in the direction of complete unrestricted neoliberalism and libertarian free market superstition that Americans would come to recognize the dangers of these ideologies and eventually reject them.

I don’t find conversations about how morally repugnant Trump is to be interesting when the rest of the candidates seem to also support imperialistic and fascist policies concerning drone strikes, torture and mass surveillance.

I don’t agree with discussions of how Trump is making the national dialogue more base and vulgar when Obama has instated common core standards to gear humanities education in public schooling to be teaching children how to read memos, rather than cultivating critical thinking skills that would allow them to understand subtle arguments.

Do I like Trump’s platform? No, I think most of it is silly and misguided, but at least it is not the same bullshit casserole that has been on the menu in Washington DC for as long as I have been alive.

His candidacy is a happy accident that is currently ripping the soul of America apart, which is something that I think we desperately need (and deserve) at this time in our history, for better or for worse. I support whatever strange gods happen to be behind his candidacy, for, as Martin Heidegger proclaimed in his famous Der Speigel interview, although for slightly different reasons, “Only a God can save us.”

I think it would actually be legal to kill him.
Oh God, this guy:

I think it would actually be legal to kill him.

Hippie trash. I know his type. Parasites who think they are above it all because they read 'Der Kapital', who contribute little to nothing for society and daydream for the 'revolution'.
The h1 visa issue is an interesting one. I thought they had to be high skilled but I guess not. The real issue at hand that he and others (including Obama) want to fix is loss of highly trained individuals. Currently, it is quite easy for a foreigner to come here and get an advanced degree. Then they make it difficult to stay and people who want to stay are forced to go home. Makes no sense as they are basically training direct competitors.
The h1 visa is a farse I do a lot of work for a company that uses "skilled workers" and they are not that skilled, I'm sure we have people here that can work with Excel, I think companies use them so they don't have to pay social security.

The modern GOP has the same support over here as UKIP.
Cruz and Rubio are just detestable cretins.

The modern GOP has the same support over here as UKIP.

You'd pretty much expect this in most of Western Europe, but perhaps with Sanders being more popular in countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden.
The h1 visa issue is an interesting one. I thought they had to be high skilled but I guess not. The real issue at hand that he and others (including Obama) want to fix is loss of highly trained individuals. Currently, it is quite easy for a foreigner to come here and get an advanced degree. Then they make it difficult to stay and people who want to stay are forced to go home. Makes no sense as they are basically training direct competitors.

A lot of companies circumvent the true purpose of the H1-B program in order to shaft American workers in favor of low cost foreign workers. I am all for that proposal. Take the hint Hillary.
Trump steaks and Trump University are really boring, crap attacks. Who gives a feck really?

Marco did come across as little. Anytime he landed one of his rehearsed 'zingers' he had that stupid shit-eating grin on his sweaty face. Cruz is just too preachy. He speaks like he has a five minute speech to give in class but only 3 minutes of material.
Trump should be pointing out how biased the moderators were against him again. They had prepared slides and were all over him. Then there was the crowd. The whole thing was in a theatre and that's what it was...political theatre. Trump should be talking about how the republican party are stacking the audiences against him.

Next election we need to get away from these debates. Hooting, booing, hissing and cheering is just not acceptable. We should have boring policy debates in studios. That way the sort of people who will watch boring policvy debates are more likely to decide who the nominee will be rather than the mouth-breathing public at large.
I can't believe he boasted about having a big cock either. That was fecking surreal.

Trump is a strange dude. A normal politician - a normal adult - would laugh that off. Donald takes it seriously.

He's hard to lampoon. Everywhere you'd want to take a caricature, Donald himself has been there before you. Donald thinks all Mexicans are rapists? - Check. Donald boasts about the size of his penis? - Done that.... At times he sounds more like a WWE wrestler in performance mode than a real person.

It'll be fun if he's elected. World leaders will be visiting the bathroom more frequently. I suspect guys like Kim Jong-un will be in no hurry to provoke more 'incidents' until they get a handle on what he might do.
Is it actually possible to beat Trump in a debate? It doesn't seem possible unless you stoop down to his level and if you do that you look stupid because that only works for him.

He's fecking hilarious. Will be amazing if he manages to win.
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