2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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It's not that bad.
Not in debates. LBJ was also a greater man than any of these four blaggers will ever be. He earned the right to whip out ol' Texas snakey.
Was he? I've read awful things about him, more than once.
Done that as well

That's just........ :lol:

There's a movie, whose name I can't remember, about an alternate America, where the entire population have devolved into morons due to trailer trash out-breeding the more intelligent classes, and some kind of wrestler or tawdry showbiz type is elected president.

It's set many years in the future, but maybe America is running ahead of schedule!
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Not in debates. LBJ was also a greater man than any of these four blaggers will ever be. He earned the right to whip out ol' Texas snakey.

Strange view for someone on the left to take. LBJ was the President who sent 500,000 American troops to Vietnam.

He was colourful: Asked why he invited someone who'd been critical of him into his administration he said: 'I'd prefer him on the inside of the tent pissing out than on the outside pissing in.' On his pick for Vice President he declared: 'Whoever he is, I want his pecker in my pocket.'
Civil rights counts for a lot.

Plus doesn't take much to be better than the current GOP candidates.
Strange view for someone on the left to take. LBJ was the President who sent 500,000 American troops to Vietnam.

He was colourful: Asked why he invited someone who'd been critical of him into his administration he said: 'I'd prefer him on the inside of the tent pissing out than on the outside pissing in.' On his pick for Vice President he declared: 'Whoever he is, I want his pecker in my pocket.'

Well if you study his entire career like I have you'll see why he did that and what else he was able to achieve while doing so.
Well if you study his entire career like I have you'll see why he did that and what else he was able to achieve while doing so.
HBO's bio, Path to War, gives a polished depiction of the belligerent and beleaguered LBJ (played by Michael Gambon at his fiercely expressive best) during the latter years of his administration. A good companion piece to McNamara's The Fog of War.
The fact that anybody is even considering this literal human piece of garbage as a nominee is mind blowing. There is absolutely no upside. He is a liar, narcissist, and failure in everything he's done.
That's just........ :lol:

There's a movie, whose name I can't remember, about an alternate America, where the entire population have devolved into morons due to trailer trash out-breeding the more intelligent classes, and some kind of wrestler or tawdry showbiz type is elected president.

It's set many years in the future, but maybe America is running ahead of schedule!

Romney says he won't vote for Trump if he's nominee.

*Popcorn gif*
Ben Carson officially pulls out of the election race. As expected, nobody noticed.

And a great website by the Last Leg guys, unfortunately it's crashing all the time due to too many hits.



And then we have this beauty


:lol: :lol: :lol:
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I wish you hadn't posted that :(

I'm the kind of softie who has to change channels when I get a hint that a tragedy is coming up on the news. When I initially saw that picture, I thought it would be a funny story.
You'd pretty much expect this in most of Western Europe, but perhaps with Sanders being more popular in countries like Germany, Norway and Sweden
I would imagine Hillary would benefit alot over Sanders by name recognition.
Hippie trash. I know his type. Parasites who think they are above it all because they read 'Der Kapital', who contribute little to nothing for society and daydream for the 'revolution'.

That would be "Das Kapital", not "Der," you pleb!

white text ^_^
I make that mistake every single time :lol:, it's my 'affect v effect'.

somehow, 'der spiegel' keeps popping into my head whenever I write/type it.

Damn, I was hoping for an angry response for full irony points :lol:

Not to worry. Genus is one of the least useful of grammatical attributes ;P
Reckon Cruz might get a surprise win in Kansas today. Bernie should do well there too and Nebraska (and Maine tomorrow), Hillary likely to get another absurdly large win in Louisiana.
Until and unless Sanders can pull out a win in Florida, the Dem race is done and dusted.

The GOP race will be interesting, if Kasich does win Ohio and Marcobot pulls out a win in Fla.
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