2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Its bewildering how the Gulf Arab states and Turkey are constantly brought up as the US's 'friends', they're the pricks arming the jihadists.
He just wants Swiss cheese and barrels of Scotch, it's adorable


I can't help but think what Spitting Image (an old UK TV show that ripped politicians with puppets) would make out of this lot. It would be tremendous.

Rubio got off lightly, too much time spent talking about Trumps lawsuits left no time for him to stick his tongue up Israel's arse again.
'Donald. You have a respectful and diplotmatic relationship with Putin which could help with opening dialogue and co-operation between the two countries. It could head off tension and also lessen the chances of further mexican stand offs'

Can you defend yourself over this Donald?
Feck sake
Democrat attack vids in a few months are going to be momentous.
'Donald. You have a respectful and diplotmatic relationship with Putin which could help with opening dialogue and co-operation between the two contries. It could head off tension and also lessen the chances of further mexican stand offs'

Can you defend yourself over this Donald?
Feck sake

They all want war. They haven't covered it half as much this debate, too much about Drumpfs lawsuits. But they all want to bomb Iran, North Korea, Syria etc, and all said they would stand up to Putin, except Donald who said he would work with him.

Comedy moment of the night Kasich "I believe I will be the nominee" :lol: x infinity.
Well, that was entertaining.

Trump took some big hits today and flip flopped in the middle and also looked squirmish in parts. Does it matter in his ratings ? Dunno, it hasn't helped bringing them down so far no matter what he has said or does.

Also, problem is the other 2 contenders look kiddish or devious as well. While Kasich seems to lack a spine at all at times.
this hit job is so obvious..its cringeworthy.

it plays into Trump's narative. Wasington cares nothing for You.

Kinda like how the liberal networks (like msnbc) are all in the bag for Hillary. The media stinks.
Thought Trump did well TBF. He seemed 'presidential' and tried to rise above the nastiness.
Very true.

Trump just gave Bill O' the cold shoulder. They used to be best mates as well. :lol:
Hilariously awkward.
Expect every question in the post show to be about the bogey man Trump.
The republicans haven't a clue how to combat this. His ratings could even go up after this Fox horror show.
Thought Trump did well TBF. He seemed 'presidential' and tried to rise above the nastiness.

I think Trump came across quite well and this performance will further endear him to his supporters.

My guess is he continues to rise in the polls.
Hilariously awkward.
Expect every question in the post show to be about the bogey man Trump.
The republicans haven't a clue how to combat this. His ratings could even go up after this Fox horror show.

Fox really tried to take him down tonight and in my mind it backfired.
With the rest of the GOP pledging their support, Trump is a formidable opponent. His performance in Ohio during the primaries will tell us a lot. If he is strong there, this is not going to end well.
Pretty much everyone is trying to bring down Trump now. Even the media is joining in. They were happy enough to give him free air time and enjoy high ratings for months though.

It all seems disingenuous now. It's all too late. The scrutiny should've come months ago.
Pretty much everyone is trying to bring down Trump now. Even the media is joining in. They were happy enough to give him free air time and enjoy high ratings for months though.

It all seems disingenuous now. It's all too late. The scrutiny should've come months ago.
Can't wait to see how they respond if he's confirmed as nominee. Either they look like weak hypocrites or the party splits.
It's their own fault for treating him so lightly and with such disdain and disrespect. It could be great for American politics in the long run though because it could bring real change and some honesty to the Republicans and the whole election/candidate business.
If the Dems repeat the mistake of 2000 this time around, there's no excuses.

2020 is when the district lines are redrawn, and Supreme Court seats are up for grab. They have a real chance to make positive changes to the system, so if they want to leave healthcare, abortion rights, gay rights, climate change measures go to shit just to spite 'the establishment', well, good luck.
I think Trump came across quite well and this performance will further endear him to his supporters.

My guess is he continues to rise in the polls.

No doubt about it. He actually came off pretty good tonight in contrast to his usual bombastic standards. Rubio came off as completely juvenile and desperate.
These attacks by journalists and the political class don't really stick to Trump. He's managed to create a separate construct for himself.

Indeed he has, much aided by the calibre and vanity of his opponents. Although i do find some of the praise for Trump's showing tonight rather peculiar, for all that it comes from people who would never vote for him. Whether Fox slapped a bullseye on his back is neither here nor there, the standard was generally poor from the whole bunch.
Oh, and the Trump-is-a-moderate crowd: he just picked this guy as his national security advisor.

Sessions was ranked by National Journal in 2007 as the fifth-most conservative U.S. Senator, siding strongly with the Republican Party on political issues. He supported the major legislative efforts of the George W. Bush administration, including the 2001 and2003 tax cut packages, the Iraq War, and a proposed national amendment to ban same-sex marriage. However, he was one of 25 senators to oppose the establishment of TARP. He has opposed the Democratic leadership since 2007 on most major legislation, including the stimulus bill, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and the Don't Ask, Don't Tell Repeal Act. As the ranking Republican on the Senate Judiciary Committee, he opposed both of President Barack Obama's nominees for the Supreme Court.

In 2005, Sessions spoke at a rally in Washington, D.C. in favor of the War in Iraq that was held in opposition to an anti-war protest held the day before. Sessions said of the anti-war protesters: "The group who spoke here the other day did not represent the American ideals of freedom, liberty and spreading that around the world. I frankly don't know what they represent, other than to blame America first."[22]

In the 109th Congress, Sessions introduced legislation to increase the death gratuity benefit for families of servicemembers from $12,420 to $100,000.[23] The bill also increased the level of coverage under the Servicemen's Group Life Insurance from $250,000 to $400,000. Sessions' legislation was accepted in the Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2005.[24]

Sessions was one of only three senators to vote against additional funding for the VA medical system. He opposed the bill due to cost concerns and indicated that Congress should instead focus on “reforms and solutions that improve the quality of service and the effectiveness that is delivered.”[25]

Safe to say that the one area where he could have turned out to be less terrible than Hillary (foreign policy) is now gone. He's not a protest statement, he's a danger to democracy.

@Red Dreams
That Trump university case will be interesting if he is president
I envisage any Muslim / Mexican people who are part of the class action being deported
And the rest being offered a job as a supervisor in building the great Wall of ego (in return for dropping out)
And if not bundled on a plane to gitmo and waterboarded until they sign statements saying the university was great and the Donald has massive hands
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