2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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How ironic that these Republicans are now using information John Oliver provided to attack Drumpf with. None of this was mentioned by Cruz or I-Rubio before.

If Trump wins more states, he should just feck off from these hit jobs.

I think there's only one left after this isn't there?
Man, this debate is good.

Trump looks good while Cruz and rubio look desperate. His comebacks are dead good.

Lying Ted and little Marco are names that will stick.
Kasich is still playing for vp.
Man, this debate is good.

Trump looks good while Cruz and rubio look desperate. His comebacks are dead good.

Lying Ted and little Marco are names that will stick.

they were scrapping the bottle of the barrell with some of those questions. How come they did not scrutinize Cruz and Rubio the same way. They are all talking shit. Trump will reverse this hit job tomorrow.
Trump is winning this . MarcoBot and Cruz have failed again to make a dent in Trump.

I agree, Drumpf's taken some hits for sure, but the other two just haven't hit hard enough. Rubio had one good debate and has now gone backwards, back to his little boy act again, and Cruz is just awful. I can see him turning so many voters off.

That would be the nice thing to say if one this lot becomes President.

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