2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Looks like you're feeling the Bern, Nick.:drool:

Apparently so, which might comes as a source of amusement for the Corbynistas i've debated with on here. :)

There are some striking parallels between the Republican contest and the Labour leadership race though.: an insurgent figure who is feeding on criticism from the establishment, a host of weak to middling candidates who have persisted despite the harm it does to an effective opposition, and a party which has seemingly lost touch with large sections of its base.

So here we are, with Trumpsylvania looming.
Isnt it the wrong tact to suggest that all Trumps supporters are racist bigots? It could just rally the undecided behind his campaign.
I know I wouldnt take too kindly to it and possibly vote Trump as a big feck you. Painting his voters as the unenlightened is the worst thing to do in this situation.
Isnt it the wrong tact to suggest that all Trumps supporters are racist bigots? It could just rally the undecided behind his campaign.
I know I wouldnt take too kindly to it and possibly vote Trump as a big feck you. Painting his voters as the unenlightened is the worst thing to do in this situation.
They are panicking (way too late) and haven't a clue how to handle the situation. I used to think they were relatively calculated, especially with stalling tactics, now I think they are mainly seriously inept.
Isnt it the wrong tact to suggest that all Trumps supporters are racist bigots? It could just rally the undecided behind his campaign.
I know I wouldnt take too kindly to it and possibly vote Trump as a big feck you. Painting his voters as the unenlightened is the worst thing to do in this situation.

A fair point. I think Trump's horrendous and can't stand him, but telling all his current voters that they're racists/bigots is hardly going to make converts of them.
Isnt it the wrong tact to suggest that all Trumps supporters are racist bigots? It could just rally the undecided behind his campaign.
I know I wouldnt take too kindly to it and possibly vote Trump as a big feck you. Painting his voters as the unenlightened is the worst thing to do in this situation.

I noticed this trend in the Scottish /EU referendum threads. A lot of people were driven to the opposite side of the debate because of the sometimes condescending rhetoric of one side. Not sure if I agree with the logic, but this is a real thing it seems.
Isnt it the wrong tact to suggest that all Trumps supporters are racist bigots? It could just rally the undecided behind his campaign.
I know I wouldnt take too kindly to it and possibly vote Trump as a big feck you. Painting his voters as the unenlightened is the worst thing to do in this situation.

CNN were doing a fine job of painting Trump supporters as poor and uneducated the other night. The Republican Party must be pinching themselves as those people usually vote for the Democrats.
Isnt it the wrong tact to suggest that all Trumps supporters are racist bigots? It could just rally the undecided behind his campaign.
I know I wouldnt take too kindly to it and possibly vote Trump as a big feck you. Painting his voters as the unenlightened is the worst thing to do in this situation.
You don't suggest they all are, you suggest a significant enough portion are (for instance, by saying the KKK support him) and that the candidate himself is. The aim is to make him toxic to prevent other support going there and establishing someone in the conventional wisdom as pursuing a bigoted agenda (which in this case is also the truth) is a good way to go about it. Might not work for the GOP selectorate as he hasn't been defined early enough, but it's certainly laying the groundwork for the GE campaign if he's nominated.
How much time does the GOP debate today start in ?

Should be fun.

Edit - It's fox i see. There's the megyn kelly subtext as well.
Trump just insinuated he could have gotten a blowjob from Mitt if he wanted and that Mitt ruined a carpet....

I don't care if Trump supporters get indignant at being called stupid...they are.

The debate tonight is going to be a bloodbath :lol:

Because remember folks, Trump supporters aren't bigots.
Be interesting to see how Trump does in states with open primaries vs closed, to see if it's Democrats and independent (i.e non registered) voters just doing it for the lols.
Be interesting to see how Trump does in states with open primaries vs closed, to see if it's Democrats and independent (i.e non registered) voters just doing it for the lols.

They can do that? I always assumed there'd be a strong vetting process considering the magnitude of the position they're going for.
There was a senator on last night saying the same thing. Trump has done poorly in the closed primaries (e.g. Iowa). The next four are closed. But I believe he's leading in those polls by a lot.
Ohhh she represents all, what, 50k residents of New Mexico... a state most famous these days for the number of methamphetamine addicts that live there. Priceless.
Did you see the tweet about Somalians winning Minnesota for Rubio?
They aren't even bothering to dogwhistle anymore! But yeah, obviously nothing scary about having her and David Duke's selection for President having a national mandate.

Because remember folks, Trump supporters aren't bigots.

She's a cnut! Sorry, there really is no other word for her. Truly awful woman.

LAST President of the United States :lol:

As much as I agree Trump is dangerous, I think the other two, especially I-Rubio are just as, if not more dangerous. The completely side with Israel and all Palestinians and terrorists rhetoric is fecking criminal.
There are actually halfway theoretically plausible scenarios (according to the blunt instrument that is 538's demographic calculator anyway) for Clinton vs Trump in November that has the Dems losing Ohio, Maine, New Hampshire, Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa, but winning the election because Texas turns blue :lol: Would be hilarious. Albeit stressful.
If this was an entertainment contest, Trump would walk it followed by Sanders in second. However, Clinton should and will win (which I'm happy about).
If this was an entertainment contest, Trump would walk it followed by Sanders in second. However, Clinton should and will win (which I'm happy about).

Your profile says you're 18, you're supposed to be cheerleading Bernie, silly.
Your profile says you're 18, you're supposed to be cheerleading Bernie, silly.

The best Candidates for the job are certainly Bernie and Clinton. Just feel Clinton is a pair of safe hands. Adding to that, it's also clear that Bernie doesn't hold the weight needed to beat Trump, only Clinton can.
The best Candidates for the job are certainly Bernie and Clinton. Just feel Clinton is a pair of safe hands.

I was mainly joking. Gonna have to disagree with you about Clinton being a safe pair of hands, though. I guess if you consider the general trajectory of the US since Reagan to be the work of "safe hands"...
I was mainly joking. Gonna have to disagree with you about Clinton being a safe pair of hands, though. I guess if you consider the general trajectory of the US since Reagan to be the work of "safe hands"...

I know you were joking, was going back to edit my post when I seen an alert and just replied to that post instead :lol:.

Bush and his son weren't great, Bill Clinton and Obama have been pretty good Presidents I think, Clinton has been involved and has been there throughout the years. Bernie seems a bit of a loose cannon even though he talks a lot of sense.
The chairman of the Michigan State Republican party is - Ronna Romney McDaniel

Yes, She's a Romney!

The debate crowd is going to be seriously stacked against him, so I expect lots of cheers for Rubio/Cruz and for The Don to be jeered...he will of course, call them out...'they're all lobbyists' and make funny faces

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