2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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it is untrue. But hey...it is convenient to demonize Bernie supporters. And the bit about the single mum working two jobs...yeah. she loves working the two jobs that keeps her in poverty. Do you think Hillary is going to improve her lot. Answer: NO.

I don't live in the US so I'm obviously limited in what I know, but I'm sure that while Sanders obviously heavily appeals to younger, white college types, he'll also have a number of supporters from all demographics since he's had a fair bit of support behind him.

It's almost condescending...as if it's only the idealistic and young who support Sanders but will soon realise they were mistaken once they're sensible adults, because all the adults, like the single mum, obviously support Clinton who's somehow the only remotely sensible choice.
Voting for Trump will indeed tell the establishment - all of it - that they have failed. Irreversibly and horrifically. It will upend both parties, especially the GOP. It will mean the end of politics as usual.

On the other hand, as Bernie keeps reminding everyone, elections have consequences. Even nominating Trump elevates bigots and racists to the front of the news. Electing him president will make them dominant. There are racists in every society, the US has quite a few, and electing Trump will undo decades of progress wrt race.
@Kaos you are right he won't be bought. But that's because he does't need to be. He has (currently) Republican views on most domestic issues, including climate change. He is horrific in foreign relations: "I'm the most militaristic candidate, I like war, but we must win" is an actual Trump quote. His view of the world is like a 5-year old's, his way of intervening is based on a slightly older bully: "We will invade, get the oil, and leave" "We will get Mexico to pay, by making them use their trade deficits". I can't predict where he will on things like the SC appointments but it's fair to say he will be worse than any Dem, aand those things have decades-long consequences. He has talked about changing laws so that the 1st (free speech), 4th (illegal search and seizure) and 8th (cruel and unusual) amendments get even more neutered than they are now.

The only justification a progressive or especially a liberal can have in voting for Trump is if they are single-issue global warming voters and have become nihilists because of that.
I don't live in the US so I'm obviously limited in what I know, but I'm sure that while Sanders obviously heavily appeals to younger, white college types, he'll also have a number of supporters from all demographics since he's had a fair bit of support behind him.

It's almost condescending...as if it's only the idealistic and young who support Sanders but will soon realise they were mistaken once they're sensible adults, because all the adults, like the single mum, obviously support Clinton who's somehow the only remotely sensible choice.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about a section of Sanders supporters that would vote for Trump over Hillary. Of which there are two on this page alone.
What are you talking about? I'm talking about a section of Sanders supporters that would vote for Trump over Hillary. Of which there are two on this page alone.

InfinteBoredom's post further up talked about the younger, white college supporters of Sanders lacking any real-life experience, suggesting that they're only voting for him out of idealism and that alone. I thought he was suggesting this was something which could be applied to all Sanders supporters...might have got the wrong end of the stick on that one, though, if you were specifically talking about the small minority of more extreme ones.
I've not seen it alluded t much in here, but isn't it reasonable to assume that (at least some) disillusioned Bernie supporters will switch their vote to the Green Party?
I'd go for Hillary if she made it through the primary. Very reluctantly. In my opinion securing a sane majority in the Supreme Court is enough cause. Not convinced of her platform at all.

That said, there are a lot of people who won't bother voting if forced to choose between Hillary and Trump. And that plays into Trump's hands, not Hillary's.

Edit: Or like @Nick 0208 Ldn mentions, maybe some people will switch to the Green Party.
Let's bring some actual data in to it

I've not seen it alluded t much in here, but isn't it reasonable to assume that (at least some) disillusioned Bernie supporters will switch their vote to the Green Party?

That would be the better assumption to make. I think they'd either go Green or not bother voting at all. Incidentally if I were a Yank I'd do the same (vote Green), not vote Trump. Just because I prefer Trump to Hillary doesn't mean I'd vote for the former.
Voting for Trump will indeed tell the establishment - all of it - that they have failed. Irreversibly and horrifically. It will upend both parties, especially the GOP. It will mean the end of politics as usual.

On the other hand, as Bernie keeps reminding everyone, elections have consequences. Even nominating Trump elevates bigots and racists to the front of the news. Electing him president will make them dominant. There are racists in every society, the US has quite a few, and electing Trump will undo decades of progress wrt race.
@Kaos you are right he won't be bought. But that's because he does't need to be. He has (currently) Republican views on most domestic issues, including climate change. He is horrific in foreign relations: "I'm the most militaristic candidate, I like war, but we must win" is an actual Trump quote. His view of the world is like a 5-year old's, his way of intervening is based on a slightly older bully: "We will invade, get the oil, and leave" "We will get Mexico to pay, by making them use their trade deficits". I can't predict where he will on things like the SC appointments but it's fair to say he will be worse than any Dem, aand those things have decades-long consequences. He has talked about changing laws so that the 1st (free speech), 4th (illegal search and seizure) and 8th (cruel and unusual) amendments get even more neutered than they are now.

The only justification a progressive or especially a liberal can have in voting for Trump is if they are single-issue global warming voters and have become nihilists because of that.

Again, I genuinely don't believe he abides with any of that BS. He's spewing out what much of the GOP base wants to hear, and since its the GOP platform he's running on he's going to going to come out with his nonsense. Likewise if he was running on a Democrat ticket I'd expect him to echo different views.

Have a look at his previous political affiliations and positions, you may be surprised.
So...an incredibly small, daft section of supporters, then. In the same way that every single candidate will have some ridiculous supporters.

Well, based on the article RD shared, there are at least more than 50k of them and while it still holds true that they represents a tiny section of supporters, those people are still dumb cvnts and preferably shouldn't be allowed to breed.
Romney is obviously trying to endear himself to the establishment in the hopes of a brokered convention where the delegates nominate him as their leader.
Again, I genuinely don't believe he abides with any of that BS. He's spewing out what much of the GOP base wants to hear, and since its the GOP platform he's running on he's going to going to come out with his nonsense. Likewise if he was running on a Democrat ticket I'd expect him to echo different views.

Have a look at his previous political affiliations and positions, you may be surprised.

Absolutely correct. He's an opportunist at heart and is doing what is required to get elected. I do think his policies tend to skew liberal based on his previous comments when he wasn't running for any office, which sort of underscores the Kaiser Soze nature of the way he has conned the GOP into voting for him.
I have no problem voting for a complete corrupt scumbag, specially in a run-off. As long as I'm convinced he's not as as bad as the other option. Had to do it countless times in Brazil, but would never abstain from voting. You're going to have government anyways, might as well have a say in the matter.
Again, I genuinely don't believe he abides with any of that BS. He's spewing out what much of the GOP base wants to hear, and since its the GOP platform he's running on he's going to going to come out with his nonsense. Likewise if he was running on a Democrat ticket I'd expect him to echo different views.

Have a look at his previous political affiliations and positions, you may be surprised.

First of all one of the issues is with the racism, bigotry, etc coming out in the open. That can't be stopped.
Secondly who knows if his earlier views were also fiction? I read a Vanity Fair 1988 article on him, he was considering a presidential run then too. At that time the Dems were serial losers and were probably more open to an insurgent, so he could have been talking shit to get in there. What I know for sure is that he has taught his sons some weird type of social Darwinism where the fact that they are from a rich family means that they are smart. That goes every against liberal and progressive principle, and there's no need for him to be covering his views when he talks to his sons.

I have no illusions about Hillary. She has ruined one country, helped Bush ruin another, and will no doubt be responsible for tens of thousands of more deaths. That's who she is. But, as out Lord and Saviour Noam Chomsky said in 2012:
Romney is obviously trying to endear himself to the establishment in the hopes of a brokered convention where the delegates nominate him as their leader.

I think he really hates Trump.

Btw, he did a good job of laying into Trump. Though might be late but it's throwing the kitchen sink.
Are there any of those election quizzes doing the rounds yet, or is it too early ? Yo know, the type which match your views on policy with a particular candidate.

A quick one that i just took returned a result of Bernie.
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Are there any of those election quizzes doing the rounds yet, or is too early ? Yo know, the type that match your views on policy with a particular candidate.

A quick one that i just took returned a result of Bernie.

Looks like you're feeling the Bern, Nick.:drool:
I have no problem voting for a complete corrupt scumbag, specially in a run-off. As long as I'm convinced he's not as as bad as the other option. Had to do it countless times in Brazil, but would never abstain from voting. You're going to have government anyways, might as well have a say in the matter.

I agree, but many people are more idealistic than pragmatic.

God forbid I have a cold the day of the presidential elections, or my car breaks down...
Mittens is about to speak out against Trump. Don't these morons know this is actually playing into Trump's anti-establishment shtick?

He's winnning anyway if they don't do anything so might as well block him or push more negative spotlight on him.
I think he really hates Trump.

Btw, he did a good job of laying into Trump. Though might be late but it's throwing the kitchen sink.

Yep...all a part of the establishment's last gasp straw clutch to derail him. Little do they know it will only be perceived as an establishment attempt at usurping the will of actual GOP voters.
I agree, but many people are more idealistic than pragmatic.

God forbid I have a cold the day of the presidential elections, or my car breaks down...

I will say one good thing about Brazil, and this is rare: they hold elections on Sundays, which I think is smart for turnout purposes. Voting is mandatory though, which I don't really approve of.
Didn't hate him enough 4 years ago when he was honoured to receive Trumps endorsement.

People's opinion change. I actually haven't talked to my best friend 4 years ago for about 2 years now. :p

Anyway, he accepted Trump's support for whatever worth when he was leading. Completely different scenario to him actually being a good leader.
Once again, Duke University will host an early voting site for the upcoming primary election in North Carolina. The polling site will be located at the Freeman Center for Jewish Life, 1415 Faber Street, and will run daily from Thursday, March 3, to Saturday, March 12.

It's a pro-Sanders conspiracy :D
Here is the Romney speech.

I actually think Romney's speech is pretty good. He really destroys Trump on foreign policy especially. It's too bad that Mitt has zero credibility.
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