2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Soem early Romney snippets:

Significant parts of the GOP are not going to be voting for Trump if he's nominated.
Soem early Romney snippets:

Significant parts of the GOP are not going to be voting for Trump if he's nominated.

trumps just going to say he is a private equity fund manager who tried politcs and lost the nomination to mcain, lost the vp slot to palin then finally got a shot at obama and still lost
looser, yada yada, make america great, build a wall and exterminate muslims
trumps just going to say he is a private equity fund manager who tried politcs and lost the nomination to mcain, lost the vp slot to palin then finally got a shot at obama and still lost
looser, yada yada, make america great, build a wall and exterminate muslims
I know the modern day GOP gets a (deserved) bad rap but some of its voters aren't complete bastards. Every bit of information we have from them - vox pops, polling results, exit polling results, members of the House, members of the Senate, GOP governors, former Presidential candidates, probably soon enough former Presidents, GOP staffers - large numbers say the same thing: they won't go for Trump. Whether that's in the form of failing to vote or campaign for him,voting for a third party/writing in a candidate, or voting for Hillary, it's not going to end well for a Trump candidacy.

But yeah, Trump will say all that, and all of the above will take an extra step away from him.
trumps just going to say he is a private equity fund manager who tried politcs and lost the nomination to mcain, lost the vp slot to palin then finally got a shot at obama and still lost
looser, yada yada,
make america great, build a wall and exterminate muslims

and he would be right. the guy on the street also knows this cretin Romney is an asset stripper who gutted entire communities. He is not going to move one voter away from Trump.
Well its true. He's a liberal opportunist who is using the GOP as a vehicle to rise to power. He may not be a consistent wing nut leftist that impresses our resident Sanders connoisseurs, but the fact that the establishment and conservative wings of the GOP power structure have rejected him speaks volumes about the true nature of of his politics.

You can´t possibly look at Trump´s persona on political correctness, the military, the police, the BLM movement, immigration, minorities and civil rights in general, his views on traditional marriage and LGBT rights, how he deals with protesters and wants to punch them . . . listen to his interview with Stern years ago, his infatuation with models and Miss America pageants, running casinos, bombastically putting his names on buildings, building the wall, his total rejection of climate change etc etc etc, and come out saying he is a liberal. What a load of bollocks.

Either you have no idea what a real liberal is or you´re just taking the piss. You bang on so much about the "liberal" schtick that it´s becoming impossible to know. This is why the rabid, anti liberal right wing love him and endorse him. Surely you get that. That´s the real Trump. He´s publicly been that way since the 80s.

As for his economics, you guys have been for so long into your far right wing orthodoxies of Norquist taxing and unregulated free markets and outsourcing and Walmart economics and Citizens United money and billionaire job creator hero worship and "free stuff" outrage, that anyone who strays and maybe thinks there might be fairer taxes, or too much outsourcing or that extreme wealth inequality might not be such a great thing for the country, or maybe we should´t have wall street´s cocks so far down the country´s throat, or that Bush was a disaster . . . as Trump is suggesting . . . if anyone wants to moderate that hardline, you guys typically start whining "liberal" "Marxist" "communist" at the drop of a hat. It´s impossible to be moderate anymore with the right wing so far up their ass on economic policy. I´m sure the Coulters and her ilk see the establishment as a moderate or liberal as well.

And as you say, it speaks volumes that the republican "establishment" rejects him . . . well, why doesn´t it speak volumes as well that the Coulters and Sessions and Palins and Savages and Nugents and white supremacists and the hardcore, anti liberal far right wing are loving Trump. I guess that doesn´t fit your ridiculous "liberal" narrative.

In the bigger picture, it´s part of your continuing wrongness on Trump. You´ve been banging on for over a year that Trump will implode, Trump will implode, that´s there´s no way he´ll get the nomination (wasn´t Bush and Walker your boys, Lol!), and you´ve been totally off the mark, and now your on this "liberal" Trump thing. It´s almost getting "conspiratorial with you.

You´re right, he´s an opportunist, but absolutely not a liberal one. As someone else correctly pointed out, an "unprincipled" opportunist huckster, but certainly not a "liberal" one. That´s just whacky.
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Most of them will come around due to Tina factor simply. Plus Bernie will probably endorse Clinton when he loses depending on few position changes.
I'm not American, but if I were I'd rather vote Trump than Hillary. And I'm a pro-LGBT Muslim socialist.
And I'm sure your fellow muslims in the US who have to deal with an increase in racially charged attacks against them will be grateful for that.
And I'm sure your fellow muslims in the US who have to deal with an increase in racially charged attacks against them will be grateful for that.

Let's be honest, Trump is going to soften his stance if/when he secures the nomination. I don't think even if he wanted to he'd be able to legally implement some of these anti-Islam notions.
Let's be honest, Trump is going to soften his stance if/when he secures the nomination. I don't think even if he wanted to he'd be able to legally implement some of these anti-Islam notions.
I'm not even talking about the muslim ban, I'm talking about the anti-Islamic sentiment he actively feeds on and stokes up. And he's organising it into a single political grouping of angry white people, mainly men. You want to give him a nationwide democratic mandate and executive power, and you don't think there's going to be actual violence against muslims as a direct result? I'm sure Hillary Clinton has plenty of white supremacist supporters who beat homeless black people to death. These are the people you're empowering. Good luck with that.
They would be complete muppets to do that, effectively helping the GOP get to the White House will do little to advance the Sanders cause.

Don’t Assume Bernie Sanders Supporters Will Back Hillary Clinton If She’s The Nominee
Some of the Vermont senator's fans would rather not vote -- or even vote for Donald Trump -- than vote for Hillary.

Not American. But I sure as hell wouldn't change my vote from Sanders, who I feel would be the only one to consider voting, to Hilary. Trump obviously neither but I'd rather not vote at all
They would be complete muppets to do that, effectively helping the GOP get to the White House will do little to advance the Sanders cause.

Totally agree with you on this one. The most important things is to keep these lunatic Republicans out of the White House and tip the Supreme Court away from the right wing. I will certainly support Hillary, although disappointedly having to choose the lesser of two evils.
They would be complete muppets to do that, effectively helping the GOP get to the White House will do little to advance the Sanders cause.
Muppets is being kind. I'd prefer deluded idiots.

When one of the Republican nominees is running the country, these will be the same people bitching on FB - wondering how it happened and what they could do!

Hillary and Sanders have some fundamental differences, but even on her worst day she is much better than any of the Republicans.

Sometimes I almost want a cnut like Cruz to win, so the fb/twitter/snapchat/instagram generation got a chance to see how bad things can really get....
I do find it funny that Romney was more than happy to accept Trump's endorsement (even called it a great honor) four years ago and now he's lecturing people on Trump being a phony.
What is Romney's end game? Hoping to take the nomination in a brokered convention?
Don't think so, it seems that his preferred candidate is Rubio but doesn't want to nail his flag to a mast that might not make it to the convention, so is choosing to just do what he can to make Trump falter and then see what they can come out of it with in July. If the anti-Trump candidates and factions actually coordinated state by state with the express goal of minimising his delegates, I'm certain they could make him fall a fair way short of the majority mark. Practically though, very difficult.
I think Hillary winning against Trump is far from guaranteed. If Trump can rally voters in the Rust/Bible belts, Appalachia, San Joaquin Valley, Wall Street WASPs.... pockets of America that aren't as thrilled with liberal policies as the more mainstream coasts, and Hillary fails to bring in Bernie millenials, BLM voters, etc.. it could be close.

Trump would need to a lot more post nomination in order for that to happen. This also assumes he is as smart as Reagan was, mobilizing the majority in the South to come out and vote behind the banner of State Rights.

It's true that nothing is guaranteed in life, but there really aren't enough white racists in the US to elect one of their own as potus. Ultraliberals will rally around Hillary to stop Trump.

But what could make a Trump Presidency possible is a late indictment against Hillary. If there's going to be an indictment it's going to happen early enough for Biden to slot right in.

Maybe I'm just denial. Either way, we'll all find out in November how many Americans are willing elect an ignorant bigot as leader of the free world.
Its something they have in common with Cruz.

Yes, quite ironic how they are ever ready to denounce someone like Cruz as a crazy ideologue.

I wonder how many of those young, white college supporters of Bernie have had to make end meets on their own, or actually took part in meaningful political activism with inherent risks to their future prospects. Real life is just a series of cruel, hard choices. There's no happy ending.
I'm not even talking about the muslim ban, I'm talking about the anti-Islamic sentiment he actively feeds on and stokes up. And he's organising it into a single political grouping of angry white people, mainly men. You want to give him a nationwide democratic mandate and executive power, and you don't think there's going to be actual violence against muslims as a direct result? I'm sure Hillary Clinton has plenty of white supremacist supporters who beat homeless black people to death. These are the people you're empowering. Good luck with that.

There's rampant anti-Islamic sentiment now even with Obama as president, who ever's living in the White House at the time makes little difference. If anything I'd expect it to continue with Hillary too considering her neocon foreign policy which will likely radicalise extremists, leading to further backlash towards moderate Muslims.

The fact is at least with Trump he's not some establishment shill likely to be bought out. Hillary on the other hand might as well have a for-sale sign around her collar as she cozies up to Wall Street, the military-industrial-complex and the various neocon lobbies. Trump is an ass but at least its obvious. Hillary is a deceitful, entitled and lying establishment drone that pretends to masquerade as a progressive.

If the alternative was Ted Cruz then yeah the progressive voters have their hands tied, otherwise a Bernie supporter shouldn't feel obligated to vote for Shillary, they're almost nothing alike principle wise.
Let's be honest, Trump is going to soften his stance if/when he secures the nomination. I don't think even if he wanted to he'd be able to legally implement some of these anti-Islam notions.

I'm sure Trump knows the Muslim ban is unimplementable. There are a lot of Muslims in Western Europe. Unless they obligingly declare themselves, I don't see how even the most rigorous investigation by US authorities can uncover their religious beliefs with any certainty.

I don't think a terrorist-in-waiting is likely to hold his hand up and say: "Muslim extremist here!"
I'm sure Trump knows the Muslim ban is unimplementable. There are a lot of Muslims in Western Europe. Unless they obligingly declare themselves, I don't see how even the most rigorous investigation by US authorities can uncover their religious beliefs with any certainty.

I don't think a terrorist-in-waiting is likely to hold his hand up and say: "Muslim extremist here!"

Precisely, its Trump garnering the support of the bigots within the GOP base.
Yes, quite ironic how they are ever ready to denounce someone like Cruz as a crazy ideologue.

I wonder how many of those young, white college supporters of Bernie have had to make end meets on their own, or actually took part in meaningful political activism with inherent risks to their future prospects. Real life is just a series of cruel, hard choices. There's no happy ending.
The worst bit is when they say "I don't like what Trump says, but the US needs to fall apart just so people can see how corrupt Washington is now, and he'll do that". Yep, I'm sure the single mum working two jobs is really keen for the economy to implode just so some mid-twenties guys who went to an Occupy rally a few years back and have read some Chomsky can feel good about themselves. Cretins.
One of the most sinister aspects of Trump is that he's turned the heads of otherwise reasonable people. I had it out last night with a Republican friend of mine who knows Trump is a clown but he's going to vote for him anyway. This Rep hates "RINO's", Reps In Name Only.

Fine, I say.

Wouldn't someone who is the very epitome of "the establishment", who has been a principal benefactor of the Clintons for the last 25 years, a registered Democrat for most of his life and a pro-choice, pro-gun control, pro-single payer health care supporter until last year be a "RINO"?

Reply: "Well, any Republican is better than Hillary Clinton."

Follow up question: "What if Hitler registered as a Republican...would you still for the Republican over Hillary?"

Reply: "Absolutely. Hillary must be stopped."

Once he realized what he had just said, he recanted, conceding that only a Hitler would stop him from voting Rep, although he did go on to say that if Hillary were indicted and Biden stepped in that he would vote for Biden over Trump.

There's only two ways to look at where we are: a large number of voters has lost their mind or the same voters have been mindless for years and we're only now seeing its full flower.
The worst bit is when they say "I don't like what Trump says, but the US needs to fall apart just so people can see how corrupt Washington is now, and he'll do that". Yep, I'm sure the single mum working two jobs is really keen for the economy to implode just so some mid-twenties guys who went to an Occupy rally a few years back and have read some Chomsky can feel good about themselves. Cretins.

Isn't it a bit of a jump to suggest that idealistic Sanders supporters want Trump to take over just so the US falls apart?
Isn't it a bit of a jump to suggest that idealistic Sanders supporters want Trump to take over just so the US falls apart?

it is untrue. But hey...it is convenient to demonize Bernie supporters. And the bit about the single mum working two jobs...yeah. she loves working the two jobs that keeps her in poverty. Do you think Hillary is going to improve her lot. Answer: NO.
Isn't it a bit of a jump to suggest that idealistic Sanders supporters want Trump to take over just so the US falls apart?
Not the vast majority, but I've seen actual people say that, and those people are the worst.
Not the vast majority, but I've seen actual people say that, and those people are the worst.

So...an incredibly small, daft section of supporters, then. In the same way that every single candidate will have some ridiculous supporters.
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