2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Was just about to ask.
Bernie seems to be winning every constituency but the overall count has remained 61-45 Hillary for an hour
61-45 what? Apples?
Updated now so looks more fitting.
So Colorado GOP is caucusing but won't declare results ?

And all are superdelegates ? Why are they caucusing then ?

Seems a Anti Trump state as well and not a small one.
Wow, two republicans from Florida being interviewed on Sky asked who they are voting for, they both said Rubio. When asked who they would vote for if Trump wins the nomination and they said Hillary :eek:
Superficially, getting destroyed delegate wise though.
Superficially is what matters in terms of the narrative, though, presumably? 'I've won lots of delegates' doesn't sound as good as 'I won this state and that state etc'.
Superficially is what matters in terms of the narrative, though, presumably? 'I've won lots of delegates' doesn't sound as good as 'I won this state and that state etc'.
Maybe temporarily (inasmuch as "lost slightly less than we thought" can be a good narrative), but he has zero chance of the nomination after tonight. Black voters are regularly going against him 85-15 and he can't come back from that.
Momentum wise kinda strange how which states are set in what order matters so much in this race.
The likeliest outcome of the GOP race is Trump winning. The 2nd likeliest is a contested convention IMO.

I can't see any other guy winning outright.
The likeliest outcome of the GOP race is Trump winning. The 2nd likeliest is a contested convention IMO.

I can't see any other guy winning outright.
Yup. Whatever happens, it's not going to be amicable :lol:
Marcobot finally wins something, which pretty much guarantees he will stay in and thwart Cruz's chances.
Lindsey Graham now saying they may have to unite behind Cruz :lol: :lol:
Fair to say that Warren's non-endorsement stopped it from being a decent day for Sanders.
A narrow MA win or a better showing in Texas and he might yet have stolen the narrative (and not been murdered in delegates)

Still, it shows his utter hopelessness in the south (and she has done shockingly in MN and CO too, -20 in both so far)
Fair to say that Warren's non-endorsement stopped it from being a decent day for Sanders.
A narrow MA win or a better showing in Texas and he might yet have stolen the narrative (and not been murdered in delegates)

Still, it shows his utter hopelessness in the south (and she has done shockingly in MN and CO too, -20 in both so far)

He won 4 states, that's decent enough. He picked up delegates on the states he lost but likewise for Clinton as well. HRC has nearly 500 super delegates, so it's not a fair fight. Sanders can be extremely proud of what he has achieved so far and what he will still accomplish in this race.

Why did Warren hold out? For a good post in HRC's cabinet?
He won 4 states, that's decent enough. He picked up delegates on the states he lost but likewise for Clinton as well. HRC has nearly 500 super delegates, so it's not a fair fight. Sanders can be extremely proud of what he has achieved so far and what he will still accomplish in this race.

Why did Warren hold out? For a good post in HRC's cabinet?

I'd read on one of the political gossip sites that Clinton had told her (before the race had started, and long before Sanders) not to run, and Warren reluctantly agreed. Maybe they had some deal since then. Position-wise Sanders and Warren are close but she will never use the S word.

EDIT: Many of the volunteers for Sanders were those who were part of the draft Warren thing, trying to force her to join. When she refused, some moved on to him directly, the others mostly did when he announced.
Fair to say that Warren's non-endorsement stopped it from being a decent day for Sanders.
A narrow MA win or a better showing in Texas and he might yet have stolen the narrative (and not been murdered in delegates)

Still, it shows his utter hopelessness in the south (and she has done shockingly in MN and CO too, -20 in both so far)

I don't understand why Warren did not intervene earlier.

I think the Fat Lady sung tonight. It looks like Clinton for the Democrats and barring some miracle Trump for the Republicans.
fecking Hell. Was hoping Bernie would do better. Guess the rest of the country isnt feeling the Bern. :(
In order of who had the most successful night from my perspective, of the main contenders:

Clinton - wrapped up the nomination
Cruz - Won Texas big, won Oklahoma, way in front of Rubio now for delegates
Trump - Still on track to win the nomination but not as dominant tonight as it was thought he'd be, came close to losing Vermont and Virginia, lost Oklahoma
Sanders - Got crushed in delegates and now has no conceivable path to the nomination, but won a few states and will have a fair few delegates come the convention
Rubio - Poor Little Marco Rubio. Finally won a battle, may have lost the war.
In order of who had the most successful night from my perspective, of the main contenders:

Clinton - wrapped up the nomination
Cruz - Won Texas big, won Oklahoma, way in front of Rubio now for delegates
Trump - Still on track to win the nomination but not as dominant tonight as it was thought he'd be, came close to losing Vermont and Virginia, lost Oklahoma
Sanders - Got crushed in delegates and now has no conceivable path to the nomination, but won a few states and will have a fair few delegates come the convention
Rubio - Poor Little Marco Rubio. Finally won a battle, may have lost the war.
Think I'd go Trump, Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, Rubio.

I think you can pay too much attention to polls and forget that actually getting votes is what matters, not whether you got slightly less than many thought possible.
Think I'd go Trump, Clinton, Cruz, Sanders, Rubio.

I think you can pay too much attention to polls and forget that actually getting votes is what matters, not whether you got slightly less than many thought possible.
It's important because on previous polling, Trump was getting enough support for a majority of delegates. But if he's not doing as well as they say, the chances of a contested convention increase accordingly. If they're overstating him in Florida for instance, and Rubio manages to snare some more support from other anti-Trumpers, he'd only need to score 1 vote more than Trump to get all 99 delegates there, which would change perspectives a little. Point being, I can still see ways for Trump to not get the nomination, and Cruz is now looking the stronger alternative.
It's important because on previous polling, Trump was getting enough support for a majority of delegates. But if he's not doing as well as they say, the chances of a contested convention increase accordingly. If they're overstating him in Florida for instance, and Rubio manages to snare some more support from other anti-Trumpers, he'd only need to score 1 vote more than Trump to get all 99 delegates there, which would change perspectives a little. Point being, I can still see ways for Trump to not get the nomination, and Cruz is now looking the stronger alternative.
Which is good for Trump, isn't it? Mainstream support for Cruz would be severely half-hearted, at best.
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