2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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coldest day of the week. had to ask where to write in for our area. I'd rather have a primary. But yeah..it was fun.

Our GE are so easy. Very nearby.

But glad to get back home. will be watching the results come. Really tired especially after last night watching the Boss give a monster show...3 and half hours. The best one I have seen from Spingsteen of the 4 here in St. Paul. Man can he rock at 66 :)

Oh nice. Glad you enjoyed it, congrats for turning out to caucus and very nice seeing Bruce again. He's a legend for sure, and he certainly does well for 66!
Just noticed that in Massachusetts, Norfolk county is south of Suffolk. What utter bellends.
Just tuning in. What's the story? From what I gathered so far I'm thinking better than expected for Cruz and worse for Rubio. Sanders doing better than expected but not dramatically so. That about right?
Just tuning in. What's the story? From what I gathered so far I'm thinking better than expected for Cruz and worse for Rubio. Sanders doing better than expected but not dramatically so. That about right?
In delegate terms, Sanders doing a fair bit worse than expected (as badly, at best).

Agreed on the GOP front.

Carson not ready to withdraw, what the feck is he up to?

Tonight has to be seen as a really bad night for I-Rubio.
People fund him! It's unbelievable.
Just tuning in. What's the story? From what I gathered so far I'm thinking better than expected for Cruz and worse for Rubio. Sanders doing better than expected but not dramatically so. That about right?

Much worse than expected for Marcobot. He's failing to clear the 20% threshold for delegates share in 4 states.

Slightly worse than expected for Bernie. He denied Hillary any delegates in Vermont but is on course to lose Massachusetts. Won Oklahoma comfortably though, so that's something.

Cruz is about par. He won Oklahoms but did worse than he could hope for in his home state.
Carson not ready to withdraw, what the feck is he up to?

Tonight has to be seen as a really bad night for I-Rubio.
Hillary up by 60 in Alabama :eek: Texas could be bigger than expected, too. Not sure Sanders will have much cause to stay in after today, to be honest.
I have to disagree with you here. Ivy League students are hardly the kind who will be swayed by 'political revolution'.

Ivy League or not, university students are his constituency - even at Wellesley, Hillary's old college (all-girls, wealthy), there were a majority of Bernie supporters (said a report in the Guardian). I'm on a liberal campus in a liberal city in NC. Within the campus I have seen only Bernie (and Obama 08 and 12) stickers. Outside it's mixed, with a few Hillary '08 stickers and one Romney.
Also, those 2 univs also have a history of liberal activism.

Anyway, it's still 3% - no new numbers from there. He won't win MA but I'll be shocked if he loses Cambridge.
Maybe Harvard students are writing in Lawrence Lessing/Warren?
Interesting night. Didn't expect Cruz to take OK, but thought he would take AK, which wound up with Trump. Rubio seems to be the big loser of the night, although I doubt he will drop out until after Trump smashes him in Florida. Can't wait for his concession and suspension of campaign speeches.
If the margin stays the same, the (delegate) killer for Bernie tonight is Texas. Austin hasn't been counted yet though AFAIK.
Seems Rubio is leading Minnesota with 10% counted.

About perfect night or close to it for Trump. Hard to see either Cruz or Rubio drop out now.

And even Kasich will probably wait For Ohio. He's getting close in Vermont as well.
Rubio finally breaking his cherry with Minnesota.


Trump I wasn't equivocating. I don't want to waste time. Paul Ryan, I don't know him well, but we'll have to get along great or he'll have to pay a big price. We have a country in big trouble. Our infrastructure is going to hell.

Watch out Mr. P90x.
Can't make head nor tail of the Minnesota results so far.
Can't make head nor tail of the Minnesota results so far.

Was just about to ask.
Bernie seems to be winning every constituency but the overall count has remained 61-45 Hillary for an hour
61-45 what? Apples?
Seems Bernie doing better in the Caucus states.

What's up with Republicans in Colorado, btw ?
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