2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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What is that exactly? She comes across as one of the most artificial people I've seen.

I'm not saying she's not a good person behind it all, she could be, just saying it's incredibly difficult to know what she's like.

Sorry, I phrased that poorly - as in, 'just being a woman'.

I reckon we have a soft spot in our collective mindsets for the grandmotherly thing - there's a reason LGBT activists used older lesbian couples when they were trying to gain acceptance. They have a 'softer' image, less jarring perhaps.
Looking at the margins tonight, if the establishment can offer Cruz a sweet enough deal, they should have enough to stump the Drumpf.
"This country belongs to all of us, not just those at the top. Not just the people who look one way, worship one way or even think one way. ... America is strong when we’re all strong."

Hilary 'feel the bern' Sanders
I've got to say that the coverage on Sky News is actually very good, especially considering it's getting extremely right wing and biased lately. It just shows how much further right America's right wing is compared to ours. Sky would be considered Liberal almost socialist in the US, yet here it's definitely very right wing in most of its coverage. :wenger:

TYT has been ok but they are all devastated that Bernie is losing so badly. They are not taking it well at all, and bashing the shit out of Hillary. It's making it difficult to watch because they are so gutted. :(
Looking at the margins tonight, if the establishment can offer Cruz a sweet enough deal, they should have enough to stump the Drumpf.

Why would he drop out? Firstly the establishment hates him. Secondly after tonight he's going to have won more states and have more delegates than Rubiobot.
I've got to say that the coverage on Sky News is actually very good, especially considering it's getting extremely right wing and biased lately. It just shows how much further right America's right wing is compared to ours. Sky would be considered Liberal almost socialist in the US, yet here it's definitely very right wing in most of its coverage. :wenger:

TYT has been ok but they are all devastated that Bernie is losing so badly. They are not taking it well at all, and bashing the shit out of Hillary. It's making it difficult to watch because they are so gutted. :(

Just watch the CNN coverage, it's hilarious.
Genuinely not sure how OK and MA will go here for the Dems.
I've got to say that the coverage on Sky News is actually very good, especially considering it's getting extremely right wing and biased lately. It just shows how much further right America's right wing is compared to ours. Sky would be considered Liberal almost socialist in the US, yet here it's definitely very right wing in most of its coverage. :wenger:

TYT has been ok but they are all devastated that Bernie is losing so badly. They are not taking it well at all, and bashing the shit out of Hillary. It's making it difficult to watch because they are so gutted. :(

You are missing out, tune in to an American network and join the show.
Why would he drop out? Firstly the establishment hates him. Secondly after tonight he's going to have won more states and have more delegates than Rubiobot.

That's why it's on them to sweeten him up.

I'm not saying he will, just saying that despite the despair the media likes to portray lately, the GOP still have the tools to bring Drumpf down.
I would so laugh if Kasich stopped Rubio getting to the 20% threshold in Texas.
I would so laugh if Kasich stopped Rubio getting to the 20% threshold in Texas.

It's fantastic. I'm pretty sure Kasich cost Rubio Virginia. Now with his strong showing in VT he has 0 motivation to dropout till Ohio.

EDIT: Think he could cost him Arkansas also.
I missed it, what was Trumps big announcement he was supposed to deliver about an hour ago? Has he made it yet?

EDIT. No matter, they have just said he's not made it yet. Perfect timing.
NBC call OK for Sanders. MA still looks like it could get very close.
Sorry, I phrased that poorly - as in, 'just being a woman'.

I reckon we have a soft spot in our collective mindsets for the grandmotherly thing - there's a reason LGBT activists used older lesbian couples when they were trying to gain acceptance. They have a 'softer' image, less jarring perhaps.
Ah yeah. I'd agree with you on all that.

Having said that, America does Love a rich young man in a suit too!

Also, Hillary reminds me of the android/cyborg thing in Aliens when she smiles
I think Bernie is losing MA. He's done well in rural areas but (I'm guessing) Boston is where the bulk of the votes are. He's losing there.
AND, much more alarmingly (though based on only 3% precincts), he might lose Cambridge (Harvard & MIT), which he should have on lockdown.
Nice work RD. Did you have fun?

coldest day of the week. had to ask where to write in for our area. I'd rather have a primary. But yeah..it was fun.

Our GE are so easy. Very nearby.

But glad to get back home. will be watching the results come. Really tired especially after last night watching the Boss give a monster show...3 and half hours. The best one I have seen from Spingsteen of the 4 here in St. Paul. Man can he rock at 66 :)
AND, much more alarmingly (though based on only 3% precincts), he might lose Cambridge (Harvard & MIT), which he should have on lockdown.

I have to disagree with you here. Ivy League students are hardly the kind who will be swayed by 'political revolution'.
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