2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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I think its that she is saying look at me Im different - most other women just want to bake cookies at home - I dont take it that way but it could be spun that way if you wanted to

Yeap. Seems pretty clear that she's proud of breaking away from the norms and make something of herself. It doesn't mean she doesn't respect and understand those who follow them.
Republican Primaries/Caucuses for the rest of the month -

March 5th -

Kansas Caucus - 40 delegates
Kentucky Caucus - 46
Louisiana - 46
Maine Caucus - 23

Total: 155

March 6th -

Puerto Rico - 23

Total: 23

March 8th -

Hawaii Caucus - 19
Idaho - 32
Michigan - 59
Mississippi - 40

Total: 150

March 12th -

DC - 19

Total: 19

March 15th -

Virgin Islands Caucus - 9
Northern Mariana Islands Caucus - 9
Florida - 99 (winner takes all)
Illinois - 69
Missouri - 52
North Carolina - 72
Ohio - 66 (winner takes all)

Total: 376

March 22nd -

Arizona - 58 (winner takes all)
Utah - 40

Total: 98

So 19 states and territories along with 821 delegates up for grabs.


If Trump gets 50% of the delegates from now till the convention, he'll still fall short by approx 140 delegates. Getting 50% is not a simple task, even though some of the winner takes all states could boost his numbers. This is why Rubio keeps talking about stopping Trump and not winning, he knows his path to an outright win is just about impossible...but, they're hoping to stop Trump from wrapping this up and then Lord knows what'll happen at the convention.
If Trump gets 50% of the delegates from now till the convention, he'll still fall short by approx 140 delegates. Getting 50% is not a simple task, even though some of the winner takes all states could boost his numbers. This is why Rubio keeps talking about stopping Trump and not winning, he knows his path to an outright win is just about impossible...but, they're hoping to stop Trump from wrapping this up and then Lord knows what'll happen at the convention.
Yup. Florida and Ohio are yugely important now. Rubio's stronger states come over the second half of the primaries too so he could get into a stronger position by the convention. Possible bloodbath.
Trump was right. He said even if he stood in the middle of 5th avenue and shot someone, he still wouldnt lose supporters. No matter how wrong or how controversial or how pathetic he is, he still keeps winning. If he wins, my bet is he will do such a shit job that he will be impeached half way through his first term.
Why do you think he'll do a shit job?
I'm well acquainted with the fallacy, just interested in why that could be used to say Hillary isn't a true feminist. Personally, I see nothing wrong with the aforementioned quote.

Well, as I said, it's just a stupid joke. SteveJ said she's not a true feminist, I made a silly allusion. That's all.
In fairness, Hitler probably also said "It's nice and sunny today", which is a sentiment many of us have shared at some point. Taking things out of context isn't really necessary, when the bloke's already advocating Muslim ID cards etc.
Oi, we did some democracy 6 months back too!
Sadiq Khan's people keep calling me to volunteer for him. I never want to do it, but want to want to do it at some point in the future (if that sentence makes any sense) so keep asking them to call back later, when I'm "a little more free". Hopefully I eventually guilt trip myself into doing something productive!
Even if the GOP somehow figure a way to stop Trump their no.2 guy right now is Cruz.

Cruz would be an even more unpopular candidate than Trump and he's hated by his party establishment.
Can anyone explain why Ted Cruz is hated by his party? He just strikes me as yet another ignorant, slimy GOP drone. Though they'd have time for the likes of him.
Can anyone explain why Ted Cruz is hated by his party? He just strikes me as yet another ignorant, slimy GOP drone. Though they'd have time for the likes of him.

He's very very conservative and is an obstructionist. He's hardly main stream and is likely going to be very unpopular with general election voters. The obstructionist movement within the party since 2010 has definitely hurt the moderates within the party. For example Romney had to go hard right to win the primary but this hurt him badly in the election as he was deemed a flipflopper.

Infact in a normal year even someone like Rubio would be considered too far to the right to be a main stream candidate.
Can anyone explain why Ted Cruz is hated by his party? He just strikes me as yet another ignorant, slimy GOP drone. Though they'd have time for the likes of him.

He's personally very belligerent too, they say. There's an overall cordiality the Senate where even senators from opposite parties are polite to one another, and stay away from certain low-ball tactics in day-to-day business. People say Cruz doesn't much care about that.
Can anyone explain why Ted Cruz is hated by his party? He just strikes me as yet another ignorant, slimy GOP drone. Though they'd have time for the likes of him.

Absolutely nothing is beneath him. He's one of those guys who will throw the baby out with the bath water types.

Recently he was asked, you constantly talk about RR - yet Reagan compromised when it came to Amnesty and when his tax cuts were no longer fiscally viable, he raised taxes...would you do that? Would you compromise or when wrong, correct course?

He flat out said - I disagree with RR on his tax hike and amnesty. It's all about his 'principles'.

I find Dick Cheney to be a more likable person.
I think closing down the government probably accounts for a lot of it as well. And yeah he wouldn't even try to pivot to the centre in a general, he's a purist. Funny thing is if he actually was more moderate he could be a formidable opponent in a GE - extremely clever, good speaker and arguer, hispanic. But he's just such a monstrous bellend.

Sadiq Khan's people keep calling me to volunteer for him. I never want to do it, but want to want to do it at some point in the future (if that sentence makes any sense) so keep asking them to call back later, when I'm "a little more free". Hopefully I eventually guilt trip myself into doing something productive!
I get what you mean, election's not for another few months so feels a bit early. Should be nice to be involved in something Labour's got a good chance of winning for once though!
Why do you think he'll do a shit job?

Brighter men than Donald Trump have been poor Presidents. The Presidency to me is an unending sequence of decisions under uncertainty/incomplete information, executed in collaboration. So the first task is building a good team, and you can't offer them bigger salaries to compensate shortfalls in other intangibles, they have to want to work with you. The second is the understanding of the nature of decisions under uncertainty, which is an entire topic of study. The third is managing your team throughout the 4 years, and finally there are the decisions per se, where intelligence, intellectual honesty and humility are key, because you will be wrong and you will be wrong often, even if you're right most of the time.

Don't see much of that in Mr. Trump.
I think closing down the government probably accounts for a lot of it as well. And yeah he wouldn't even try to pivot to the centre in a general, he's a purist. Funny thing is if he actually was more moderate he could be a formidable opponent in a GE - extremely clever, good speaker and arguer, hispanic. But he's just such a monstrous bellend.

Great CV too... if he just toned down ass-holery and ideology from 110% to 60% he'd be electable.
We didn't learn anything last night we didn't already know.

Still, I hang my head in shame. Hillary will tear him apart so I'm not actually worried that there will be a President Trump but the lasting damage his nomination to a major political party will have done will stay with us for a very long time.
We didn't learn anything last night we didn't already know.

Still, I hang my head in shame. Hillary will tear him apart so I'm not actually worried that there will be a President Trump but the lasting damage his nomination to a major political party will have done will stay with us for a very long time.

Yet they have no one to blame but themselves. This is what they wanted, they're just upset the demagogue they got isn't the one they wished for. The Republican party has gone out of the way to actively covet the fringe element and encourage them.
No need to be politically correct folks...just saying it like it is...

MERRILLVILLE, Ind. (AP) — The Catholic bishop in northern Indiana on Monday denounced students who waved a picture of GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump and shouted "build a wall" at opponents during a basketball game.

Diocese of Gary Bishop Donald J. Hying said in a statement that students from Andrean High Schoolin Merrillville shouted at students from Bishop Noll Institute, a heavily Hispanic school in nearby Hammond, on Friday evening. Both are Catholic high schools.

Bishop Noll students shouted back, "You're a racist," The (Munster) Times reported (http://bit.ly/21E3oQ0 ).

Trump has drawn criticism for saying that illegal immigration from Mexico brings rapists and drug dealers into the U.S. and for vowing to build a wall along the Mexican border.

Andrean school administrators confiscated items students had during the game. Hying said the incident is under investigation.

"Any actions or words that can be perceived as racist or derogatory to others are antithetical to the Christian faith and will not be tolerated in any of our institutions," Hying said.

Officials from Bishop Noll, Andrean and the diocese met on Sunday to plan steps moving forward.

Andrean principal Rick Piwowarski said the school would "ensure that all of our students and staff understand their obligations of responsibility, acceptance and sportsmanship. We have, and continue to have, high expectations for all members of our school community."

Bishop Noll principal Craig Stafford and school president Paul Mullaney said the incident could be "an unfortunate byproduct of irresponsible speech in today's political arena." Stafford and Mullaney said Bishop Noll is proud of its diversity.

"This is a teachable moment for everyone about responsible speech, social media and sportsmanship," Stafford and Mullaney said in a message to the school community.

A similar event happened at a high school in the Des Moines, Iowa, area last week when students from a largely white school chanted Trump's name after their basketball team lost to a more diverse school.

We didn't learn anything last night we didn't already know.

Still, I hang my head in shame. Hillary will tear him apart so I'm not actually worried that there will be a President Trump but the lasting damage his nomination to a major political party will have done will stay with us for a very long time.
Thats exactly what people said would happen in the nomination process as well... no way he will be a candidate, no way he will be in the race at new year, he will drop out at the first primary, he will be gone by super tuesday...
Thats exactly what people said would happen in the nomination process as well... no way he will be a candidate, no way he will be in the race at new year, he will drop out at the first primary, he will be gone by super tuesday...
Yuge difference between winning a plurality of the GOP selectorate that has moved hard right and a majority of a nation that has a majority of moderates and liberals as well as significant numbers of minorities in swing states. Apples and oranges, much like the Labour membership and the country at large here.
Yuge difference between winning a plurality of the GOP selectorate that has moved hard right and a majority of a nation that has a majority of moderates and liberals as well as significant numbers of minorities in swing states. Apples and oranges, much like the Labour membership and the country at large here.
true... but still he has proved very good at controlling the news cycle so far and whilst I still like to think that even the yanks cant be that stuipd to vote him in I have to remind myself I thought the same about bush jnr so who knows... It will certainly be closer than some of the predictions of him being torn apart I think as although he may not even be that popular amongst the republican base I think either hillary or sanders would galvanise a lot of the republican support more as an anti hillary vote than a pro trump - but the outcome would be the same i.e. a close election
He's very very conservative and is an obstructionist. He's hardly main stream and is likely going to be very unpopular with general election voters. The obstructionist movement within the party since 2010 has definitely hurt the moderates within the party. For example Romney had to go hard right to win the primary but this hurt him badly in the election as he was deemed a flipflopper.

Infact in a normal year even someone like Rubio would be considered too far to the right to be a main stream candidate.

He's personally very belligerent too, they say. There's an overall cordiality the Senate where even senators from opposite parties are polite to one another, and stay away from certain low-ball tactics in day-to-day business. People say Cruz doesn't much care about that.

Absolutely nothing is beneath him. He's one of those guys who will throw the baby out with the bath water types.

Recently he was asked, you constantly talk about RR - yet Reagan compromised when it came to Amnesty and when his tax cuts were no longer fiscally viable, he raised taxes...would you do that? Would you compromise or when wrong, correct course?

He flat out said - I disagree with RR on his tax hike and amnesty. It's all about his 'principles'.

I find Dick Cheney to be a more likable person.

Thanks fellas.

Sounds like a piece of a work.
Absolutely nothing is beneath him. He's one of those guys who will throw the baby out with the bath water types.

Recently he was asked, you constantly talk about RR - yet Reagan compromised when it came to Amnesty and when his tax cuts were no longer fiscally viable, he raised taxes...would you do that? Would you compromise or when wrong, correct course?

He flat out said - I disagree with RR on his tax hike and amnesty. It's all about his 'principles'.

I find Dick Cheney to be a more likable person.
Scary, isn't it.
We didn't learn anything last night we didn't already know.

Still, I hang my head in shame. Hillary will tear him apart so I'm not actually worried that there will be a President Trump but the lasting damage his nomination to a major political party will have done will stay with us for a very long time.

I think Hillary winning against Trump is far from guaranteed. If Trump can rally voters in the Rust/Bible belts, Appalachia, San Joaquin Valley, Wall Street WASPs.... pockets of America that aren't as thrilled with liberal policies as the more mainstream coasts, and Hillary fails to bring in Bernie millenials, BLM voters, etc.. it could be close.

Trump would need to a lot more post nomination in order for that to happen. This also assumes he is as smart as Reagan was, mobilizing the majority in the South to come out and vote behind the banner of State Rights.
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