2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Interesting post @Eriku appreciate you taking the time to write it all, and nice to hear a different perspective.

Virginia is considered "less angry" so Rubio is bound to do well. Not sure if he would beat Trump.

You have such a lovely way of phrasing things. "less angry state" :lol:
Interesting post @Eriku appreciate you taking the time to write it all, and nice to hear a different perspective.

You have such a lovely way of phrasing things. "less angry state" :lol:

:lol: It does sound a bit odd...but generally Trump does well in areas where there is more anger and disillusionment, whereas MarcoBot and Kasich tend to do a bit better in less angry, more establishment friendly places.
Why is there nothing from the Texas/Oklahoma/MN/Colarado exit polls?

AAAH. Time zones
Think the narrative may pull back from a "Trump's won already" narrative after tonight.
There is a good possibility that Kasich, Trump and Rubio win one state each tonight. If Kasich can somehow win Ohio it could be game on.

Also would increase the chances of a contested convention and a Trump independent run :drool:
:lol: It does sound a bit odd...but generally Trump does well in areas where there is more anger and disillusionment, whereas MarcoBot and Kasich tend to do a bit better in less angry, more establishment friendly places.

Yeah, that makes complete sense. Thanks. You do know that I am now forever going to know Virginia as the less angry state? :lol:
There is a good possibility that Kasich, Trump and Rubio win one state each tonight. If Kasich can somehow win Ohio it could be game on.

Also would increase the chances of a contested convention and a Trump independent run :drool:
Yup, looks like Trumpmentum may have stalled a little.

J.K knows everything there is to know about fantasy and making up stories, she also knows a storyteller when she sees one.
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Clinton destroying Bernie in VA so far.
Trump leading by almost 10 in VA with 10% in. Starting to look safe for him.
More diverse neighbourhoods to come later still I think, may get some catching up.
It's already been called for her, which means a blowout is what happened. Currently he's on 32 and after SC that looks tolerable.
I know, more interesting in the margin.
More diverse neighbourhoods to come later still I think, may get some catching up.

I know, more interesting in the margin.

It makes no sense that Va (32-68) and Ga (30-70) have similar margins. I'm waiting for one of them to change (probably Ga to go down).
Should be a good night for Trump. The only calamitous scenario for him would be if Cruz somehow wins Texas with over 50% of the vote and gets all the 155 delegates. Short of that, Trump should murder them in at least 9 out of 11 states.
Cruz and Rubio are morons. If one of them were to get out, the other would stand a very good chance against Trump.
It makes no sense that Va (32-68) and Ga (30-70) have similar margins. I'm waiting for one of them to change (probably Ga to go down).
Guess it just depends on which areas are reporting so far, not sure whether the whether areas of GA with high concentration of black voters are in yet, sheer number of counties in GA confuses me!

MA should be the interesting one of the night.
Cruz and Rubio are morons. If one of them were to get out, the other would stand a very good chance against Trump.

Kasich is going to cost Rubio VA I think. He has no viable path to the nomination. He's the moron.
Guess it just depends on which areas are reporting so far, not sure whether the whether areas of GA with high concentration of black voters are in yet, sheer number of counties in GA confuses me!

MA should be the interesting one of the night.

He needs to get close in MA, OK, CO, and MN, and win at least one of them.
Symbolically keeping her under 15% in Vermont would be good (no delegates under 15)

*I feel like a native using the acronyms.
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