2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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The problem is that data is not normalised for race and income so those will be confounding factors before making any conclusions. It's very possible that among whites or among high earners, the trends show more educated support sticking with Obama. But since college grads are more expected to be white/rich, we can't say anything for sure.

I agree that the stats, such as they are, say little about the relationship between educational level and votes cast for Obama/Romney among white Americans. The influential variable of race has certainly to be factored out before attempting to draw conclusions. How far it's legitimate to discount for wealth, I don't know, since wealth and education are so entangled; and I'm not a statistician.

But the limited point I made about the liberal politics of academics (or future academics) is valid; after all, it's not likely that post graduates are less white than graduates, so their greater liberalism needs a different explanation; and suggests that graduates who pursue post graduate qualifications, and follow a path more likely to lead to an academic career, are more likely to be liberals than their compatriots who leave academic life.
Shows how meaningless narratives from half a century ago are in the present. African Americans clearly support Hillary by a country mile.

But then again, you have conservative America defining much of their belief system on a 2000 year old Mediterranean religion, and the Cruz people wanting to put it in politics. Hanging on to the vaunted 200 year old "constitution" and the godly second ammendment. You have a speaker of the house who thinks we should all be indoctrinated with the childish and laughable literature of Ayn Rand. Trump wants to "Make America Great Again" something along the lines of when it was a "great" whitish supremacist manufacturing hard working country - "wall street didn´t build this country"

You still have loads of Americans parroting 40 year old Reagan social and economic theories. Conservative America continues to wank to Saint Ronnie and Milton Friedman. You constantly hear Sanders is stuck in the 60s etc.

Old narratives are hardly meaningless
But then again, you have conservative America defining much of their belief system on a 2000 year old Mediterranean religion, and the Cruz people wanting to put it in politics. Hanging on to the vaunted 200 year old "constitution" and the godly second ammendment. You have a speaker of the house who thinks we should all be indoctrinated with the childish and laughable literature of Ayn Rand. Trump wants to "Make America Great Again" something along the lines of when it was a "great" whitish supremacist manufacturing hard working country - "wall street didn´t build this country"

You still have loads of Americans parroting 40 year old Reagan social and economic theories. Conservative America continues to wank to Saint Ronnie and Milton Friedman. You constantly hear Sanders is stuck in the 60s etc.

Old narratives are hardly meaningless

But they are when people change their views and have a record of serving the black people.
But then again, you have conservative America defining much of their belief system on a 2000 year old Mediterranean religion, and the Cruz people wanting to put it in politics. Hanging on to the vaunted 200 year old "constitution" and the godly second ammendment. You have a speaker of the house who thinks we should all be indoctrinated with the childish and laughable literature of Ayn Rand. Trump wants to "Make America Great Again" something along the lines of when it was a "great" whitish supremacist manufacturing hard working country - "wall street didn´t build this country"

You still have loads of Americans parroting 40 year old Reagan social and economic theories. Conservative America continues to wank to Saint Ronnie and Milton Friedman. You constantly hear Sanders is stuck in the 60s etc.

Old narratives are hardly meaningless

Apples and Oranges. In this case, it is completely meaningless and the voters have reinforced this overwhelmingly.
Apples and Oranges. In this case, it is completely meaningless and the voters have reinforced this overwhelmingly.

Yes, in this case, African Americans hanging on to 30 year old narratives of "Clinton, the first black president." And yes, the votes have reinforced "the make America great again" of old narratives, and even Bernie´s surprising appeal of a new deal social democrat.

If anything, it´s 30, 40 year old + narratives being a massive appeal and extremely meaningful.
Cruz just did a LIVE interview suggesting Trump hasn't released his taxes because they may reveal his mafia ties.
In Texas, Donald Trump gains a nice brisk 0% of the vote if Kasich and Carson were to drop out and their supporters asked to reallocate. (page 3)

Reasons not to take this seriously: Kasich+Carson=merely 11%, the 11% divide almost equally between Rubio and Cruz rather than consolidating, and obviously Texas is a very atypical race on the R side (Cruz home state).

But still, I'd like to believe that this suggests that the man has a ceiling. You can only fool some of the people, all of the time.
I think the biggest WTF moment from last night was post debate, when Trump said - he was being audited so often by the IRS because he is a strong christian

I nearly fell out of bed when he said it :lol:

look at the reaction of Chris Coumo :lol:

He probably said that because he may donate to his church too much and that will flag IRS.
Anyone know the extent to which, should Trump secure the nomination, the GOP has to support him throughout the Presidential campaign? Could they, for instance, support instead a third party "normal" republican so as to minimise the harm done to the party down the ballot? I know there's risks involved in turning off Trump support in Senate and House races, but they might see it as a worthwhile one at this stage.
He doesn't own casinos anymore

He couldn´t even properly run a casino, ffs. Bankruptcy anyone?

As he couldn´t manage an airline either, as Trump Shuttle was a massive failure.

And do we want to really get into the details of his pathetic attempt at a for-profit college that is now embroiled in lawsuits. This one sounds more like scam than anything else.

How many times have we heard this blowhard pontificating that "America needs to be run more like a business."
Anyone know the extent to which, should Trump secure the nomination, the GOP has to support him throughout the Presidential campaign? Could they, for instance, support instead a third party "normal" republican so as to minimise the harm done to the party down the ballot? I know there's risks involved in turning off Trump support in Senate and House races, but they might see it as a worthwhile one at this stage.

They will have to support him otherwise Hillary will just run away with the Gen. The beauty of it all is only a fraction of the GOP would turn out to vote in November, which is good for the Dems.
They will have to support him otherwise Hillary will just run away with the Gen. The beauty of it all is only a fraction of the GOP would turn out to vote in November, which is good for the Dems.
That's the thing, I'm not sure they'd care as they won't want him winning anyway, they'll care more about the races down the ticket which he could well be toxic on. The question will be, which path has the most net benefit overall, currently and for the future? Whilst putting out another candidate is probably not going to happen, I can't imagine they'll be putting much in the way of effort and resources in.
Will this Ku Klux Klan thing hurt trump ?

He is clearly lying to the face given his statement just 2 days ago and articles before.
Will this Ku Klux Klan thing hurt trump ?

He is clearly lying to the face given his statement just 2 days ago and articles before.
When this question has to be asked, it finally hits home what a clusterfeck the whole thing is :lol:
Behold the frontrunner, endorsed by the KKK and le Pen.

Before the rally a couple of days ago where Chris Christie endorsed Trump, a reporter asked Donald how he felt being endorsed by the ex head of the KKK and he said he hadn't realised he had and that he renounced the endorsement immediately.
He's attacked Muslims, Mexicans, scientists, the pope, but he won't disavow the KKK without researching them first.
Before the rally a couple of days ago where Chris Christie endorsed Trump, a reporter asked Donald how he felt being endorsed by the ex head of the KKK and he said he hadn't realised he had and that he renounced the endorsement immediately.

Makes it even more curioser that he wanted to research them first though. Btw, even that disavowment was hardly the most convincing. He said he disavows, Ok ? As if doing a favor and quickly moved along.
Tulsi has been at war with Wasserman-Schulz since last summer, so I'm not suprised she is going with the Bern. She also has massive political ambitions, so wouldn't be surprised to see her become a Senator or run for Prez in the next few cycles.
Yeah, Gawker got him.

Tulsi has been at war with Wasserman-Schulz since last summer, so I'm not suprised she is going with the Bern. She also has massive political ambitions, so wouldn't be surprised to see her become a Senator or run for Prez in the next few cycles.

Wonder what's the deal with Warren now ?
Yeah, Gawker got him.

Wonder what's the deal with Warren now ?

Warren is getting on in years and I don't think she will run for Pres. If Hillary or a Republican won this time (which of course one of them will) Liz will be about 70 before the next cycle.
Warren is getting on in years and I don't think she will run for Pres. If Hillary or a Republican won this time (which of course one of them will) Liz will be about 70 before the next cycle.

No, i meant Re her endorsing Sanders.

Anyway, won't either Trump or Clinton be more older next cycle ? But yeah, if she didn't run this cycle tough to see her doing in the future.
I notice Trump now exclusively refers to Rubio as "Little Marco Rubio" :lol:
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