2016 US Presidential Elections | Trump Wins

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Rep. Tulsi Gabbard Resigns From DNC Post, Endorses Bernie Sanders

The Republican party is deffinetly split. But so is the Democratic party. Only the cracks are not so obvious. Bernie will endorse Hillary. But to get his voters to turn out, Hillary would need to go half way to meet them. Perhaps to push for a public option or say interest free student loans. (Saying it cannot be done with a Republican congress will not bring out voters)

The Progressives will next time round pick a younger and more electable candidate to carry the banner.

Sanders has also received the endorsement of economist and ex Clinton Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich. Together with support from those with the stature of Thomas Piketty and the aval of Nobel prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz will hopefully silence the critics who continuously bang on that Sanders is clueless on the economy.
Sanders has also received the endorsement of economist and ex Clinton Secretary of Labor, Robert Reich. Together with support from those with the stature of Thomas Piketty and the aval of Nobel prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz will hopefully silence the critics who continuously bang on that Sanders is clueless on the economy.
c'mon... you know it wont stop them saying that... you probably also know that most people wont know who those folks are and that with one day to super tuesday any damage done already wont be undone by the time people vote
That's amazing. :lol:

Why didn't the GOP establishment go after him like this when they had the chance.
game theory...
I can destroy him but will make myself look totally un-presidential in doing so... I know I will wait for somebody else to do it
And they all wait... in the meantime Trump is the only one who has enough contempt for the intelligence / interest in politics of your average voter and realises that acting un-presidential will probably get you enough votes to secure the nomination.
All hail emperor trump... get used to it... its a matter of time (picture a Nero / Caligula hybrid with a twitter account and Nukes)
game theory...
I can destroy him but will make myself look totally un-presidential in doing so... I know I will wait for somebody else to do it
And they all wait... in the meantime Trump is the only one who has enough contempt for the intelligence / interest in politics of your average voter and realises that acting un-presidential will probably get you enough votes to secure the nomination.
All hail emperor trump... get used to it... its a matter of time (picture a Nero / Caligula hybrid with a twitter account and Nukes)

Yep. Plus they expected him to fade away like Carson but didn't wanna anger his voters.
Rubio said Trump had a small knob today.

Wait, I have an incredibly stupid question cos the answer must be obvious, but I've just seen that Cruz was born in Canada. Don't you have to be born in the US to be elected president?
Amazingly, the comments on that youtube video are worse than usual. His supporters are living in a zone where facts are biased and irrelevant while trump's self-appraisal is objective and fantastic. Which is exactly where the GOP has been for 8 years so it makes sense.

Game over if this is true.

Deeper down into that poll - the number of GOP voters who probably wouldn't or definitely wouldn't support one of the contenders in November:

Probably not - 20%
Definitely not - 11%

Probably not - 17%
Definitely not - 12%

Probably not - 13%
Definitely not - 35% (!!)
Rubio said Trump had a small knob today.


I think I'm jumping aboard that landslide train :D

Seriously though, we must be careful. I've been bugging my friend in Virginia to get people around him to vote Dem. No one thought Hitler would happen.
I think I'm jumping aboard that landslide train :D

Seriously though, we must be careful. I've been bugging my friend in Virginia to get people around him to vote Dem. No one thought Hitler would happen.
No I understand what you mean, apathy can be the greatest ally of nationalists, I just find it very hard to find any evidence to suggest it would be close. Don't worry though, as soon as Trump gets the nomination (assuming he does), my panic reflex will kick in, I'll assume the worst and start constructing an elaborate network of survival caves.
Rubio said Trump had a small knob today.

I'm half expecting the don to flop it out and slap rubios chops with it in the next debate... whilst telling Megyn Kelly to get on her knees and get in line
And his popularity will still go up
All hail emperor trump... get used to it... its a matter of time (picture a Nero / Caligula hybrid with a twitter account and Nukes)
Even if Trump wins the nomination but doesnt win the election I wonder if it will change the political discourse.

Some other people are bound to look at his success and replicate in the future. His genius if you want to call it that is in speaking in memorizable soundbites like "build a wall " and "make Mexico pay" and bringing the whole reality TV element to the race.

His success may change the way political discourse is made and that can't be a good thing.
Even if Trump wins the nomination but doesnt win the election I wonder if it will change the political discourse.

Some other people are bound to look at his success and replicate in the future. His genius if you want to call it that is in speaking in memorizable soundbites like "build a wall " and "make Mexico pay" and bringing the whole reality TV element to the race.

His success may change the way political discourse is made and that can't be a good thing.
I think when people sit back and examine how he has used soundbites and social media to dominate the news cycle (and at very little cost compared to the super pacs that have thrown a fortune at adverts) it is certainly going to change how candidates and their teams seek to push themselves.

It will be interesting to see if in a national election the same tactics can be stopped - I mean you would hope people would look for more nuanced debate and policy detail but i do wonder if he isnt just going to go on stage and spout stuff like - yeah im not going to say bill was wrong over that whole monica/ dress thing because I would have banged the intern if you were my wife.
Its facile when you consider what is at stake but in this twitter age of soundbites and constructed reality where the vast majority of people dont care about politics I think its going to propell him a lot closer to (and possibly over) the winning line than people think
Even if Trump wins the nomination but doesnt win the election I wonder if it will change the political discourse.

Some other people are bound to look at his success and replicate in the future. His genius if you want to call it that is in speaking in memorizable soundbites like "build a wall " and "make Mexico pay" and bringing the whole reality TV element to the race.

His success may change the way political discourse is made and that can't be a good thing.

It will definitely change the GOP profoundly....The success of Trump's fake platform just illustrates the party's fragmentation. One used to be able to split the American Conservative movement into three pillars - Defense, Fiscal, and Social conservatism. That is now gone and has been replaced by Establishment (Romney, McCain, Rubio etc) Conservative (Beck, Limbaugh, Cruz et al), and Anti-Establishment (Trump, anti-government types, residual factions of the Tea Party, white nationalists, paleo-conservatives etc). Trump's success this cycle basically codifies this view and the idea that the very concept of a Republican party is so incredibly fractured that it calls into question whether the party will continue to exist in future election cycles.
Even if Trump wins the nomination but doesnt win the election I wonder if it will change the political discourse.

Some other people are bound to look at his success and replicate in the future. His genius if you want to call it that is in speaking in memorizable soundbites like "build a wall " and "make Mexico pay" and bringing the whole reality TV element to the race.

His success may change the way political discourse is made and that can't be a good thing.

His success is highlighting how absurd the entire system is. So conversely it might end being a positive. LOL, who am I kidding?
you know who needs to look in the mirror? The f-ing media. I know, we shouldn't shoot the media and they're simply giving the masses what they want...but, the wall to wall coverage of his every movement and utterance.

There is a reason, he hasn't had to spend $130 mil...the media has allowed him hours and hours of free advertising on a daily basis.

He and his supporters would of course say - what's stopping others from doing the same?
you know who needs to look in the mirror? The f-ing media. I know, we shouldn't shoot the media and they're simply giving the masses what they want...but, the wall to wall coverage of his every movement and utterance.

There is a reason, he hasn't had to spend $130 mil...the media has allowed him hours and hours of free advertising on a daily basis.

He and his supporters would of course say - what's stopping others from doing the same?
then its the masses who need to look in the f-ing mirror
As I say I feel America is blindly tumbling into an Era of Emperor trump (Ivana as the anointed successor) which is going to resemble Nero / Caligula with twitter and nukes
I honestly fear for the world and am so glad I don't live in the states

If I was mexico I would build my own wall to stop the millions of refugees who will try and flee his tyranny
you know who needs to look in the mirror? The f-ing media. I know, we shouldn't shoot the media and they're simply giving the masses what they want...but, the wall to wall coverage of his every movement and utterance.

There is a reason, he hasn't had to spend $130 mil...the media has allowed him hours and hours of free advertising on a daily basis.

He and his supporters would of course say - what's stopping others from doing the same?

The media are incentivized to cover the most controversial candidates because it draws viewers, which raises their ratings, and thus their advertising revenue. There needs to be a channel that acts as a media watch dog that itself isn't funded by advertising dollars.
you know who needs to look in the mirror? The f-ing media. I know, we shouldn't shoot the media and they're simply giving the masses what they want...but, the wall to wall coverage of his every movement and utterance.

There is a reason, he hasn't had to spend $130 mil...the media has allowed him hours and hours of free advertising on a daily basis.

He and his supporters would of course say - what's stopping others from doing the same?

Yes, the media is committing mass suicide while slapping each other in the back about it. They can't look beyond the ratings, but this won't stop the teabag type from saying that the media is left wing/liberal though.
The media are incentivized to cover the most controversial candidates because it draws viewers, which raises their ratings, and thus their advertising revenue. There needs to be a channel that acts as a media watch dog that itself isn't funded by advertising dollars.
am american BBC - nah you lot would revolt and say its a tax and unconstitutional
you know who needs to look in the mirror? The f-ing media. I know, we shouldn't shoot the media and they're simply giving the masses what they want...but, the wall to wall coverage of his every movement and utterance.

There is a reason, he hasn't had to spend $130 mil...the media has allowed him hours and hours of free advertising on a daily basis.

He and his supporters would of course say - what's stopping others from doing the same?

The media has definitely been an enabler to his campaign.

They have been too scared to go after him in the fear that he will boycott them and hence they will loose a crowd puller. They should've been challenging his outlandish claims since day 1. The problem is they are in the business of ratings. Making the electorate more informed is a secondary priority.
am american BBC - nah you lot would revolt and say its a tax and unconstitutional

Its called PBS in the states. What I proposed can't be government funded or be driven by the profit logic of ad revenue. It would need to be funded by an apolitical NGO or private consortium of some sort.
Its called PBS in the states. What I proposed can't be government funded or be driven by the profit logic of ad revenue. It would need to be funded by an apolitical NGO or private consortium of some sort.
or a tv licence fee and a charter setting out its running in the public interest - so yeah an american bbc
Its called PBS in the states. What I proposed can't be government funded or be driven by the profit logic of ad revenue. It would need to be funded by an apolitical NGO or private consortium of some sort.
There would still be some type of bias.
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